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Scientific program (Scroll down for detailed programme)
Detailed scientific programme: (may be subject to change) A more printer friendly version in PDF can be downloaded by clicking HERE
Title |
Tuesday am |
Opening plenary |
Welcome – moderated by: Sandrine Dixson-Declève Hans Sanderson, ECCA2015 chair Brian Bech Nielsen, President of Aarhus University Lykke Leonardsen, City of Copenhagen
Speakers Presentation of the three hosting European projects: BASE, RAMSES and ToPDad Hans Bruyninckx, Director, European Environment Agency (EEA) Kirsten Brosbøl, Minister of Environment, Denmark
Moderated by Sandrine Dixson-Declève between the four strands of the conference:
Business: Bente Pretlove DNV GL; Christina Busk (DI); Rasmus Valanko (WBCSD) Research: Frans Berkhout (Kings College) & Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen (DMI) Practitioners: Lykke Leonhardsen (Copenhagen) & Henk Ovink (Netherlands) Policy: Kurt Vandenberghe (DG CA&RE); Hans Bruyninckx (EEA); Kirsten Brosbøl (Danish Environment Minister) |
Auditorium 10, 11 & 12 |
Posters and Expo |
Tuesday pm |
Midday Plenary |
Jiang Tong, China Meteorological Administration Chaired by María Máñez Costa, Climate Service Center 2.0 |
Auditorium 10 |
Midday Plenary |
Frans Berkhout, Kings College, London Chaired by Michael Goodsite, Syddansk University |
Auditorium 11 |
Midday Plenary |
Claus Kondrup, DG Climate Action, Adaptation Unit Sarah Hendel-Blackford, Ecofys UK Linda Romanovska, Fresh Thoughts Consulting Chaired by Tiago Capela Lourenço, University of Lisbon |
Auditorium 12 |
Posters and Expo |
Tuesday pm |
European Commission - Plenary Session
14:00 – 14:30
0.1 - European Research and Innovation Roadmap for Climate Services Chair: Marco Gemmer, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation Panel: Jacob, D., Parry, M., Street, R. |
Auditorium 10 |
14:35 – 16:00 |
0.2 - Adaptation Futures 2016 outreach to scientific community Chair: Marco Gemmer, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
Panel: Palutikof, J., Parry, M., Klein, R., Gemmer, M., Ovink, H. |
Auditorium 10 |
Adaptation in different sectors
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00 |
4.3 Adapting to Climate Change in Tourism: The role of Weather and Climate Services Chair: Franz Prettenthaler
Köberl, J.: WEDDA® (Weather Driven Demand Analysis) – A toolbox for managing weather and climate risks in tourism and recreation Cavan, G.: The importance of tourist type in understanding weather and climate driven demand sensitives Dunn, M.: IMPRESSIONS: Using visualisations of future climate analogues and contingent ranking to explore potential impacts on the Scottish economy of changed tourist preferences due to climate change related landscape change Preuschmann, S.: How Climate Services help to adapt to a changing climate Prettenthaler, F.: WEDDA-4CPI: The use of climate demand models for planning climate proof investments Podium discussion |
Auditorium 11 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00 |
6.5 Multi-level government and climate change adaptation: reconciling bottom-up and top-down perspectives? Chair: Duncan Russel
Oberlack, C.: Alleviating barriers to urban climate change adaptation through international cooperation Den Uyl, R.: Understanding decision making capacity (or the lack of it) to address climate change in settings with unreconciled bottom-up and top-down perspectives Hildén, M.: What happens locally and why - The relationship between central policy and local action in adaptation in Finland Pütz, M.: Dealing with problems of fit by rescaling: Multilevel governance of climate change adaptation in Switzerland Washington-Ottombre, C.: Polycentric Governance and Irrigation Reform in Kenya Lawrence, J.: The relationship between institutional frameworks and adaptation practice: a country study from New Zealand |
Auditorium 12 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
6.7 Tracking adaptation to climate change Chair: Robbert Biesbroek, James Ford, Lea Berrang-Ford
Lesnikowski, A.: Applications in adaptation tracking: A longitudinal assessment of adaptation progress among high-income countries Massey, E.: The emergence of climate change adaptation as a new field of public policy in Europe Trabacchi, M. C.: The Landscape of Adaptation Finance Araos, M.: Adaptation in large cities: a global assessment Beckmann, K.: Tracking Adaptation in Scotland: ‘The How and the Why’ Zoller, M.: Evaluation of climate change adaptation in Switzerland |
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop 3.1 Case Copenhagen - Part 1: The way we achieved everyday benefits from integrated blue-green climate adaptation Part 1: The efficient process Chair: Lykke Leonardsen
Speakers: Leonardsen, L., Bernt Hasling, A., Clauson-Kaas, J., Rafn Thomsen, F. |
Meeting room 5 |
Adaptation in different sectors
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00 |
4.10 Safeguarding our Shores: Social and Cultural Dimensions of Coastal Climate Change Adaptation in Europe and the U.S Chair: Grit Martinez
Martinez, G: Why do social-cultural aspects matter when it comes to safeguarding our shores? Van Dongeren, A.: Coastal risk reduction. Converging approaches in the U.S. and the Netherlands? Bergsma, E.: Adapting to increased flood losses in flood damage compensation: A comparative analysis of the U.S. and The Netherlands Waldmann, C.: Bottom-up approaches in adapting to a changing climate: Perspectives from the West Coast of the U.S. and why they could matter for Europe Davies, M.: Coastal Climate Change Adaptation for Scotland’s Historic Environment Stelljes, N.: A comparison of local adaptation strategies - Results from a qualitative data analysis of nine coastal adaptation strategies |
Meeting room 18 |
Regional challenges and opportunities
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
10. 4 Adaptation policies and measures in the Mediterranean region Chairs: Sergio Castellari, Dr. Silvano Pecora, Jaroslav Mysiak
Castellari, S.: Adaptation Strategic Planning toward a NAS in Italy De Salvo, M.: Climate change impact on wheat in the Mediterranean Region Pérez Blanco, C. D.: Costs and benefits of incremental water pricing in agriculture. Lessons from the Regione Emilia Romagna in Italy Colaço, M.: How the multi-sector partnerships can contribute to enhance territory resilience to wildfires in Portugal Pecora, S.: Climate variability and change in the Emilia Romagna Region – Regional Climate atlas Sandor, S.: Adaptation in the water sector in Hungary
Meeting room 19 |
Social Science and participation
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
7.3 Unpacking the co-production of knowledge in adaptation to climate change Chair: David Porter
Jones, R., Young C: Integrating theory and practice in adaptation research and implementation Bergsma, E.: The relationship between experts and democratic actors in the co-production of knowledge on flood damage compensation: The case of flood insurance reform after hurricane Katrina Bremer, S.: The TRACKS approach to place-based climate knowledge co-production Von Storch, H.: Developing the concept of regional climate service – 15 years of coastal applications Lee, H-C: Community Influence in Adaptation to Climate Change: The Role of Local Knowledge and Co-Production of Knowledge in a Coastal City –Tainan, Taiwan Van Nieuwaal, K.: Co-production of knowledge in adaptation to climate change: empirical results and lessons learnt from The Netherlands |
Meeting room 20 |
Adaptation in different sectors
Workshop 4.2: Visualising Sea-Level Rise: Bridging the Gap between Science and Adaptation Chair: Diogo De Gusmão-Sørensen
Speakers and Moderators: Grinsted, A., Svenstrup Petersen O., de Gusmão-Sørensen, D., Rasmussen, J.
Meeting room 16 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop 3.1. Addressing urban climate challenges: Climate Services, Living Labs and Learning Alliances Chair: Rob Swart
Speakers: Robrecht, H., Coninx, I., Swart, R.
Meeting room 17 |
Social Science and participation |
Workshop 7.3 Youth workshop Chair: Olav Hesseldahl
With Students from Copenhagen International School and Faxehus Efterskole (Boarding School) |
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Tuesday pm |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
16:30 – 16:50 16:50 – 17:10 17:10 – 17:30 17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30 |
6.4 Adaptation Frameworks – can one size fit all? Chair: Sarah Boulter
Webb, B.: Designing adaptation support: addressing common and differentiated needs Young, C.: The problem solution process framework for adaptation practitioners Boulter, S.: The Natural Resource Management Checklist: A national framework for adaptation Dias, L.: Practical application of the UKCIP Adaptation Wizard support framework to 29 Portuguese municipalities: transferability, contexts, barriers and levers Beck, C.: Climate Change Adaptation and Transformation through an Ecoregion Placemaking Approach Hamden, R.: Adaptation Planning in the Torres Strait and South Australia– A case study comparison of two different cultures and communities
Auditorium 10 |
Adaptation in different sectors
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30 |
4.1 Reducing Coastal Vulnerability in Europe: science, policy and application Chair: Ap Van Dongeren
Martinez, G.: Social-cultural aspects in coastal vulnerability and risk reduction: perspectives for end-users and policymakers Viavattene, C.: Socio-economic aspects for regional scale vulnerability and risk assessment – vulnerability library Vojinovic, Z.: Risk Assessment aspects: development of the Risk Assessment Framework and onTology (RAFT) Manojlovic, N.: Hamburg: Holistic approach to flood risk management in the Elbe Estuary Armaroli, C.: Emilia-Romagna Coast: Coastal threats and measures Bramati, M. C.: Environmental conflicts in coastal areas: a quantitative approach
Auditorium 11 |
Regional challenges and opportunities
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:30
10.3 Adaptation without Borders? How policy and practice can address the indirect impacts of climate change Chairs: Magnus Benzie, Henrik Carlsen
Carlsen, H.: Introducing a pathway-based conceptual framework to identify the indirect impacts of climate change Canevari, L.: Adaptation beyond the firm: the role of networks in business environments Hedlund, J.: A global index of exposure to the indirect impacts of climate change and examples from Sweden Carter, T.: Addressing implications of the indirect impacts of climate change for Europe exemplified with the case of Finland Panel with: Andersson, L., Carlsen, H., Canevari,L., Carstens, C., Hildén, M.
Auditorium 12 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
6.7 Tracking adaptation to climate change Chair: Robbert Biesbroek, James Ford, Lea Berrang-Ford
Leiter, T.: Tracking adaptation to climate chance across scales: avenues and practical approaches Capela Lourenço, T.: The dynamics of local climate change adaptation in Portugal: tracking down action in front-runner municipalities Kingsborough, A.: Linking monitoring and evaluation with risk assessment and decision making for climate change adaptation: demonstration of an integrated approach Driscoll, P.: Bridging the QUAN/QUAL divide in comparative climate change planning Vinke-de Kruijf, J.: Evaluation and comparison of adaptation actions: a diagnostic and process-oriented approach Panel chaired by Biesbroek, R., James, J., Berrang-Ford, L.
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop 3.2 Case Copenhagen - Part 2: The way we achieved everyday benefits from integrated blue-green climate adaptation - Part 2: The tools, documentation, financing and implementation Chair: Lykke Leonardsen
Speakers: Leonardsen, L., Hasling, A. B., Clauson-Kaas, J., Thomsen, F. R., Weiss Garne, T., Bach, O.
Meeting room 5 |
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30 |
5.2 The role of critical infrastructures in disaster risk mitigation Chair: Elco Koks and Lorenzo Carrera
Pant, R.: Understanding national scale systemic risks due to critical infrastructure network failures Nicolai, R.: Flood risk assessment for the port of Rotterdam infrastructure Mysiak, J.: Disruption of a drainage infrastructure system: economic outcomes and risk mitigation policies Kellermann, P.: Frequency analysis on critical meteorological conditions in a changing climate - Assessing future implications for railway transportation in Austria Harjanne, A.: Potential of intramodal and cross-modal substitution in enhancing the resilience of air transport – Evidence from European airports Master, E.: Ventura, A strategy for public infrastructure resilience: Case study of El Salvador in Central America |
Meeting room 18 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance |
Workshop 6.1 Monitoring, reporting and evaluation of climate change adaptation at national level Chair: Stéphane Isoard
Speakers: Nieto-Silleras, S., Isoard, S., Thompson, D., Schönthaler, K., McCallum, S., Mullan, M. |
Meeting room 19 |
Regional challenges and opportunities
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
10.1 Climate Change & Societies’ Adaptive Capacity in the Arctic - In a Multi-Level and Interdisciplinary Perspective Chair: Michael Goodsite
Davidsdottir, B.: Potential Impact of Adapting Energy Supply System to Climate Change in Iceland Pacheco, V.: Impact Benefit Agreements as Mechanisms for Climate Change Adaptation Muir, M.: Indigenous Participatory Engagement in Circum-Arctic Adaptation Through the Arctic Council and National Structures and Processes Cassotta, S.: Climate Change and Human Security in a Multi-Level Dimension: The Case of the Arctic Ocean with the Role of China as an Unpredictable Variable for Arctic Security Goodsite, M.: Adaptation to Climate Change for Military and Research Camps in the Arctic: New Bases – Old Challenges Wrapping up the Session & Reflections on Future Directions
Meeting room 20 |
Climate services and communication |
Workshop 8.2 What’s needed to turn climate information into climate services for Europe? Chairs: Bernd Hezel, Richard Klein, Christian Bjørnæs |
Meeting room 16 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop 3.1 Addressing urban climate challenges: Climate Services, Living Labs and Learning Alliances Chair: Jonas Bylund
Speakers: Robrecht, H., Swart, R., Coninx, I. |
Meeting room 17 |
Infrastructures |
Workshop 5.2 Sustainable Dredging Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation: Solutions from the European Dredging Community Chair: Polite Laboyrie
Speakers: Kropp, J., De Boissezon, B., de Boer, P., Malfère, V., Malherbe, B., Sansoglou, P. |
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Wednesday am |
Climate services and communication
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50 09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
8.3 Curating climate impact information and adaptation know-how for local adaptation planning — suitable instruments, formats and media Chair: Bernd Hezel
Dittrich, R.: The role of flood action groups in the uptake of flood mitigation measures in Scotland Groot, A.: Closing the gap: How boundary workers can bridge the gap between climate impact information provided and its application by users Hackenbruch, J.: Identifying practical climate parameters for regional adaption planning Van de Ven, F.: Adaptation Support Toolbox Meinke, I.: Providing information – enabling knowledge Terenzi, A., Mendizabal, M.: Co-creating climate and adaptation knowledge: Experiences from the RAMSES project
Auditorium 10 |
Dealing with risks
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50 09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
9.4 High-end climate change: Can we adapt to extreme futures? Chairs: Paula Harrison, Richard Betts and Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla
Betts, R.: Scenarios of climate change impacts and adaptation above 2oC global warming Alfieri, L.: Ensemble evaluation of the future flood risk in Europe under high-end climate scenarios Rounsevell, M.: Evaluating the performance of models of impacts and adaptation under high-end climate change Sanchez-Arcilla, A.: Adaptive coastal zones: A concept to improve natural resilience in the face of climate change Frantzeskaki, N.: Linking transformative visions, pathways and solutions to high-end climate change: A systems approach Science-policy panel with: Gemmer, M., Manoli, E., Betts, R., Sanchez-Arcilla, A.
Auditorium 11 |
Adaptation in different sectors
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
4.8 Drivers for decision making amongst forest owners Chair: Bill Slee
Yousefpour, R.: Forestry professional´s perceptions of climate change, impacts and adaptation strategies for forests in South-West Germany Petr, M.: Understanding of quantified and perceived uncertainty affecting forest planners decision-making André, K.: The role of social networks in communicating knowledge on climate change adaptation among forestry stakeholders in Sweden Lawrence, A.: From nursery to saw mill: stakeholder perspectives driving conifer diversification in public and privately owned forests Vulturius, G.: Assessing and explaining individual engagement with climate change adaptation and preferences for adaptation measures Panel discussion with introduction from Eriksson, H. and presenters.
Auditorium 12 |
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
2.3 Economics of Adaptation – European Case Studies on the Costs and Benefits of Climate Change and Adaptation Chair: Sven Schulze
Jahn, M.: Regional costs and benefits of adaptation to extreme weather events: A SCGE framework Koks, E.: The economic-wide consequences of large-scale floods. How resilient is the European economy? Drosdowski, T.: Germany and extreme weather events: Do investments in adaptation measures pay off? Bednar-Friedl, B.: Direct and indirect effects of climate change on public budgets: A CGE analysis for Austria Perrels, A.: The economic impacts of climate change on critical infrastructure in Europe Standardi, G.: Assessing the economic equilibrium effects of sea level rise in the Italian regions
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation in cities
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
3.2 Integrating adaptation and mitigation strategies in urban areas: The UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities Chair: Stelios Grafakos
Pacteau, C.: Exploring the interrelationships between adaptation and mitigation strategies in urban areas: The UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities Schwarze, R.: Economics, finance and the role the private sector in climate change action of cities - a survey and assessment Jean-Baptiste, N.: Integrating adaptation and mitigation in the housing sector Pelizzaro, P: SEAP and LAP (Local Adaptation Plan) development Participatory Process: Critical points and Opportunities D'Acci, L.: Integrating low carbon and climate adaptation benefits in an integrated Sustainability Benefits assessment methodology Panel discussion: Lessons learned from selected cities integrating adaptation and mitigation strategies
Meeting room 5 |
Adaptation in different sectors
08:30 – 08:35 08:35 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:25
10:25 – 10:30 |
4.11 ToPDAd-tools for adaptation in energy, transport and tourism
Rosqvist, T.: ToPDAd’s objectives vs. ToPDAd output Perrels, A.: Review of sector level effects in Europe: scenarios, adaptation options, costs Aaheim, A.: The dependency on economic development for adaptation to climate change Crawford-Brown, D.: Sectors’ vulnerability assessment – Case energy, transport, tourism Lokers, R.: An integrated view on regional and sector assessments Prettenthaler, F.: Toolbox for managing wheather related risk in the tourism sector Rosqvist, T.: Closing remarks
Meeting room 18 |
Adaptation in cities
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
3.3 Developing and implementing local adaptation strategies – approaches and support for local governments Chair: Steffen Bender
Hutt, L.: Support for local government in England Masselink, L.: Method for mainstreaming climate change into municipal spatial planning Bosch, P.: Linking adaptation to asset management: a planning tool Glavan, J.: Utilizing Blue Carbon bundeled with ecosystem services as part of National Climate Change Adaptation Strategies Chiang, Y. C.: Community-based empowerment mechanism for climate adaptation – A case study of flood-prone urban area of Taiwan Groth, M.: How to adapt to climate change – challenges for cities
Meeting room 19 |
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30 09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
1.3 A systems perspective for smarter cities: Resilience requires integrated, co-designed, adaptation and mitigation strategies Chair: Asuncion Lera St. Clair
Mangalagiu, D.: Systems thinking and complex systems approaches to better understand urban resilience Christiansen, A.: A systems perspective for resilient cities Baron, G.: The Transformation to Resilient Cities Ramanarayanan, V.: Understanding and developing a tiered structure for defining Smart Sustainable Cities Ikert, A.: Examples of Creative Solutions and Resilience from C40 megacities and innovator cities Panel discussion, moderated by Asuncion Lera St. Clair
Meeting room 20 |
Climate services and communication |
Workshop Chair: André Jol
Speakers: Jol, A., Street, R., Mattern, K., Grøndahl, L., Picatoste Ruggeroni, J. R.
Meeting room 16 |
Adaptation in different sectors |
Workshop Chair: Peter Driessen
Speakers: Raadgever, T., van Rijswick, M., van Veelen, P., Green, C. or Alexander, M., Nickson, A., Ek, K. / Pettersson, M., Moback, U., Liefferink, D.
Adaptation in different sectors |
Workshop Chair: Mikkel Thomassen
Speakers: Rungø, M., Bundsgaard, J., Gjeraa, A. M., Hedensted, D., Thomassen, M., Hinsby, P.
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Wednesday am/pm |
Climate services and communication
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
8.3 Curating climate impact information and adaptation know-how for local adaptation planning — suitable instruments, formats and media Chair: Bernd Hezel
Grothmann, T.: Reducing the gap between climate services and their potential users: Psychological surveys as a means for developing effective communication instruments Seebauer, S.: How to approach citizens about prevention? The potential of volunteer workers in disaster emergency and relief services as risk communicators O’Dwyer, B.: Ireland's Climate Information Platform - Enabling Local-level Adaptation Planning in Ireland Hoogvliet, M.: The Dutch Web Portal for Spatial Adaptation
Avelar, D.: Using a game approach to support decision-makers’ appraisal of climate adaptation measures: an example from the water utility sector
Fish bowl panel, moderator: Bernd Hezel
Auditorium 10 |
Adaptation in cities
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20 12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
3.10 Urban green as part of an effective local adaptation strategy Chair: Frans van de Ven
Splittgerber, V.: Green City Solutions - The CityTree Martinussen, P.: Excess green areas in social housing neighborhoods present cities with a storm water solution. – And could it potentially be a win - win? Rémy, E.: Creating Green, Water Sensitive Streets the Danish Way – Developing and Designing with and for the Citizens Groot, H. : Building with Nature in urban areas: Climate adaptation in the Rotterdam harbour region, the Netherlands Zardo, L.: Nature-based urban planning: enhancing green areas design for local climate regulation Snep, R.: Implementing local adaptation strategies that incorporate urban green – lessons from green city practice
Auditorium 11 |
Adaptation in different sectors
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
4.8 Drivers for decision making amongst forest owners Chair: Bill Slee
Vedel, S. E.: Forest owner´s social preferences for the provision of forest ecosystem services Blennow, K.: Adapting to indirect effects of climate change – motivations and attitudes among European forest owners towards supplying biomass as feedstock for energy Mäkinen, K.: Biodiversity conservation in a changing climate – limits and opportunities for adaptation in Finland´s privately owned forests Dunningham, A.: Decision making in forestry enterprises Jönsson, A. M.: Tool development for analyzing forest owners´ strategies to manage risks and adapt to climate change Panel discussion with introduction from Normark, E. and presenters.
Auditorium 12 |
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
2.2 Comparing costs and benefits of adaptation implemented by different actors Chair: Jana Koerth, Daniel Osberghaus
Harmáčková, Z.: Economic assessment of grey and green climate change adaptation options: contrasting urban and natural environment. Kreibich, H.: Efficiency of private precautionary measures for fluvial flood risk reduction in a changing environment Mees, H.: Flood risk management at property level: a matter of costs and benefits? Da Silva, L.: Coastal management in a changing climate: A cost-benefit perspective for 5 coastal communities in Quebec, Canada Alves, F.: Cost-benefit analysis in climate change: the use of participatory methodologies Kutluay, M.: Valuing malaria morbidity: Results from a global meta-analysis
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation in cities
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
3.1 Understanding and supporting adaptation decision-making in Nordic built environments: results from NORD-STAR Chair: Richard Klein
Landauer, M.: The influence of socio-cognitive and cultural factors on adaptation and mitigation decision-making and planning in Copenhagen Baron, N.: Understanding controversies in urban climate change adaptation: a case study of the role of homeowners in the process of climate change adaptation in Copenhagen Fazeli, R.: Short-run and long-run climate change impacts on residential electricity consumption Opach, T.: Participatory mapping of resilience indicators Glaas, E.: VisAdaptTM: Interactive visualization of climate change risks and adaptation options for Nordic homeowners Klein, J.: Steering with soft policy instruments: is adaptation a private good?
Meeting room 5 |
Social Science and participation
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
7.2 Decision support in climate change adaptation – Supply and demand side perspectives Chair: Sabine Weiland, Volker Meyer, Oliver Gebhardt
Mattern, K.: Decision support for adaptation at European level - The European Climate Adaptation Platform Goossen, W. J.: Making decision support tools with stakeholders: practice from The Netherlands Kind, C.: Evaluating a decision support tool with users from municipalities Lawrence, J.: A decision tool in practice: experiencing deep uncertainty that changed the game Capela Lourenço, T.: Understanding adaptation related decision-making under uncertainty: will ‘high-end’ scenarios require ‘high-end’ decision-making frameworks Harley, M.: Supporting adaptation decision-making in the Netherlands: learning through effective monitoring
Meeting room 18 |
Adaptation in cities
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
3.6 Reconciling adaptation and mitigation in cities: Part I - The science basis: Recent methodological advances Chair: Efren Feliu
Ford, A.: Reconciling Adaptation and Mitigation in Cities: The RAMSES Integrated Assessment modelling approach Viguie, V.: Urban containment and vulnerability to heat waves Roose, A.: Imagining urban futures in climate change strategy-making – agility and novelty of small nation Sjödin, A.: Integration of adaptation and mitigation in risk management – a local perspective Caparros-Midwood, D.: Optimised spatial planning to reconcile adaptation and mitigation objectives Grafakos, S.: Barriers and opportunities of integrated climate change and adaptation: Exploring interrelationships between adaptation and mitigation actions in urban areas
Meeting room 19 |
Adaptation in different sectors
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
4.4 Governance of Drought Adaptation in Europe: Different Regions, same Challenges? Chair: Rodrigo Vidaurre, María Mañez, Jenny Tröltzsch
Cremades, R.: Extreme events and the value of climate services for agricultural stakeholders in India Giordano, R.: System Dynamic Modelling to assess the effectiveness of drought risk management policies at local level: some hints from the Apulia region (Southern Italy) Lizjenga, S.: The DROP-project, benefit of governance in drought adaptation Iglesias, A.: Adaptation to less water in the future: Acceptance of solutions by local communities in the Tagus basin, Spain Bressers, H.: Multilevel governance affecting regional drought adaptation measures Pedersen, A. B.: Barriers and opportunities in European agricultural climate adaptation – four case studies on farmer climate adaptation to droughts and flooding
Meeting room 20 |
Business |
Workshop Meet the buyer – Event Chair: Douglas Crawford-Brown
Meeting room 16 |
Adaptation in different sectors |
Workshop Chair: Peter Driessen
Meeting room 17 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop Chair: Diego Rybski
Speakers and moderator: Hargreaves, A., Farmani, R., Butler, D., De Ridder, K., Lauwaet, D., Hooyberghs, H., Maiheu, B., Lefebvre, W., Alistair, F.
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Wednesday pm |
Midday Plenary |
Connie Hedegaard (KR Foundation) Chaired by André Jol, EEA |
Auditorium 10 |
Midday Plenary |
Rasmus Valanko (WBCSD) Chaired by Paula Harrison, University of Oxford |
Auditorium 11 |
Midday Plenary |
Bente Pretlove (DNV GL) Chaired by Rob Swart, Wageningen University |
Auditorium 12 |
Posters and Expo |
Wednesday pm |
European Commission - Plenary Session
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:00 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
0.3 Nature-based solutions for Climate Change Adaptation: Research and Innovation Opportunities for Europe Chair: Eleni Manoli, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
de Boissezon, B.: A new EU Research and Innovation policy perspective on Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation Berry, P.: Research & Innovation perspectives towards the development of Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation Ruijs, A.: Experiences and lessons learnt from nature based solutions for safeguarding water safety Perini, L.: Coastal threats in the Emilia-Romagna region and potential measures Robrecht, H.: Resilient cities: Opportunities for nature-based solutions Discussion |
Auditorium 10 |
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
2.6 Economic Costs and Benefits of Climate Adaptation in Cities Chair: Helia Costa, Graham Floater
Costa, H.: Climate change, heat stress and labour productivity: a framework for assessing adaptation costs in the city economy Kropp, J.: Coastal floods threatening European cities – a large scale damage function assessment Grafakos, S.: Estimating cost/effectiveness curves of urban adaptation measures in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Foudi, S.: Urban ecosystem services from green roofs: costs, benefits and uncertainties at the city scale Rendon, O.: How best to adapt? CBA of three adaptation approaches to flood risk management for the city of Leeds, UK Mendoza, D.: Multi-City Flood Footprint Assessment |
Auditorium 11 |
Climate services and communication
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
8.5 A framework for regional modeling- supporting adaptation to climate change Chair: Daniela Jacob
Madsen, M. S.: On procedures for providing climate scenario data for impact and adaptation studies Schanze, J.: From coupled impact modelling to indicator-based risk evaluation- An integrated regional climate change risk assessment approach Van den Hurk, B.: Analysis of a compounding surge and precipitation event in the Netherlands Kolstad, E.: Regional climate Service in western Norway Brown, S.: From impacts to adaptation: Changing perspectives in managing sustainable coastline Calmanti, S.: Modeling chains supporting adaptation studies in Africa
Auditorium 12 |
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
2.4 Adapting to a changing climate: the role for economic analysis in policy Chair: Michael Mullan
Mullan, M.: Economics of adaptation: experiences within OECD countries Watkiss, P.: Updated Review of the Cost and Benefits of Adaptation: Evidence, Lessons and Policy Insights Fankhauser, S.: The Use of Economics in UK Adaptation Policy Kind, J.: Cost-Benefit Analysis for Political Decisions on Flood Risk Management in The Netherlands Atkinson, E.: Economic analysis and Canada’s “Adaptation Platform”: multi-sector and cross- jurisdictional collaboration to generate economic knowledge and tools to support adaptation decision-making Panel discussion
Auditorium 15 |
Climate services and communication
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
8.1 Ingredients for effective communication of climate change knowledge Chair: Jean Palutikof
Giupponi, C.: Options for climate change adaptation measures in Europe: the Climate-ADAPT Platform for informing policy/decision makers Charron, I.: A tool to communicate to the adaptation community: a guidebook on climate scenarios Olofsson, J.: Educating the next generation decision makers - the multi-disciplinary classroom as a platform for developing communication skills needed for future progress of adaptation measures Flood, S.: How to communicate climate change for decision-making? Learning-by-asking. Voeller, S.: New Paths for Climate Change Communication to the Young Nielsen, O. M.: Using social media in climate adaptation projects – the Laasby case
Meeting room 5 |
Adaptation in different sectors 14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
4.2 Adaptation to changing flood risk Chair: Heidi Kreibich, Sergiy Vorogushyn
Coelli, F.: The impact of floods on firms' performance Löwe, R.: Accounting for Urban Development and Flood Risk in an Integrated Modelling Framework Thieken, A.: Assessing future flood risks and adaptation options in an Alpine watershed Garrett, P.: Flood Risk and Vulnerability mapping in Climate Change scenarios – A tool for the insurance industry Haasnoot, M.: (Economic) tipping points for adapting flood risk management to climate change in the EU Dittes, B.: Making adaptable decisions on flood protection infrastructure in the face of climate change uncertainty: A Bayesian framework
Meeting room 18 |
Dealing with risks
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
9.3 What do have climate change action and disaster risk management in common? Explore it! Chair: Leitner Markus
Pulquerio, M.: Exploiting synergies: a vision for CCA and DRR cooperation by 2020 Pringle, P.: Linking CCA and DRR: Creating a space for dialogue and knowledge exchange Sfetsos, A..: A pan-European framework for strengthening Critical Infrastructure resilience to climate change - EU-CIRCLE Bosch, P.: Resilient Cities and Infrastructure - RESIN project Hama, A. M.: Downscaling IPCC’s Global Reasons for Concern to Build Resilience at the Local Level via Climate Sensitive Risk Management – Insights from the ARISE Project Jebens, M.: Coastal flooding in Denmark. How can DRM and CCA be improved and coordinated?
Meeting room 19 |
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
1.2 Climate change and power infrastructure: Adaptation needs of electric power systems Chair: Elizabeth Durney
Quan Luna, B.: Risk based adaptation of electrical substations, Integration of Bayesian Networks in a GIS environment Staid, A.: Sensitivity of the U.S. power system to climate-induced changes in tropical cyclone impacts Jones, F.: From reactive to proactive: getting adaptation on the agenda in a high renewables future Groth, M.: Climate change adaptation strategies within the framework of the German Energiewende – Is there a need for government interventions and legal obligations? Eisenack, K.: Adapting long-lived infrastructure to uncertain climate change Bolle, A. C.: Multi-purpose hydropower projects. A sustainable approach to climate change adaptation
Meeting room 20 |
Adaptation in different sectors |
Workshop Chair: David Rissik
Moderators: Boulter, S. Speakers: Rissik, D., Hamden, R.
Meeting room 16 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop Chair: Alberto Terenzi
Moderators: Peleikis, J., Terenzi, A., Dawson, R.
Meeting room 17 |
Workshop Chair: Susanne Pedersen
Speakers and moderators: Pedersen, S., Hezel, B., Steen, J., Swart, R., Singh, S., Pranov, H., Payen, S., Coninx, I.
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Wednesday pm |
Adaptation in cities
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
3.8 Urban adaptation action – a multi-level governance issue Chair: Julia Peleikis
Nieto Silleras, S. : EU and Urban Climate Adaptation Bender, S.: Adaptation strategies: Looking for best practices only can lead to deadlock Vetter, A.: Challenges of adaptation to climate change in municipalities – experiences from a workshop series in Germany Duarte Santos, F.: Large scale municipal adaptation to climate change: Portuguese case study - ClimAdaPT.Local project Hudekova, Z.: Local climate adaptation in Bratislava De Paula Domingos, N.: Gaps and opportunities in Rio de Janeiro’s adaptation strategy
Auditorium 10 |
Regional challenges and opportunities 16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30 |
10.2 Adaptation to Climate Change in European Mountain Regions
Chair: Wolfgang Lexer
Leroy, E.: New tools to explore sustainable water management adaptation strategies in mountain areas and to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and its uptake by the public Keuschnig, M.: High-Alpine infrastructures – towards a climate-sensitive risk management: an example from the Kitzsteinhorn, Hohe Tauern, Austria Chomat, G.: The contribution of the Alpine Convention to climate change adaptation in the Alpine region Lexer, W.: The Climate Adaptation Platform for the Alps: usable knowledge provision for decision makers in a transnational cooperation approach Werners, S.: Carpathian integrated assessment of vulnerability to climate change and adaptation measures Szalai, S.: Adaptation to climate change in the Carpathian Convention
Auditorium 11 |
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
2.1 Economic Instruments of Adaptation Chair: Alessio Capriolo
Gebhardt, O.: Economic assessments for climate change adaptation in urban planning: The case of Jena, Germany Schasfoort, F.: Efficient adaptation pathways for the Rotterdam area, Making decisions based on uncertain costs and benefits of adaptation strategies to cope with increasing flood risk Lokers, R.: A tool to communicate economic assessments of regional adaptation strategies Bachner, G.: Land Transport Systems under Climate Change: A Macroeconomic Assessment of Adaptation Measures for the Case of Austria Erangu Purath Mohankumar, S.: An integrated decision support framework to evaluate farm-level adaptations to climate change Parrado, R.: Climate change impacts and market driven adaptation: The costs of inaction including market rigidities
Auditorium 12 |
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
2.5 An integrated perspective on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Insights from global economic models Chair: Enrica De Cian
Held, H.: Climate Policy Under Uncertain and Heterogeneous Climate Damages Emmerling, J.: Sharing of Climate Risks across World Regions Bosello, F.: Catastrophic risk, precautionary abatement, and adaptation transfers Ahlert, G: Integrated impact assessment of climate change and alternative adaptation measures Hof, A.: Effort sharing taking into account adaptation costs and climate change damage De Cian, E.: Building Uncertainty into the Adaptation Cost Estimation in IAMs
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
6.3 Institutional Economics of Climate Change Adaptation Chair: Christoph Oberlack, Klaus Eisenack, Matteo Roggero
Jones, R.: The institutional economics of rapid and unpredictable climate change Bergsma, E.: Institutional economics of flood damage compensation: a comparative analysis between the Netherlands and the United States Root, L.: Mainstreaming local climate adaptation investments using municipal income: Analyzing actors, adaptation, and context using simulation gaming Bisaro, A.: Nature-related transactions analysis of finance for coastal adaptation Villamayor-Tomàs, S.: Disturbance characteristics and transaction costs: an institutional economics approach to adaptation strategies in five Spanish irrigation systems Oberlack, C.: Diagnosing Institutional Traps, Trade-offs and Opportunities for Climate Adaptation: A Meta-Analysis of Case-Study Evidence from Europe
Meeting room 5 |
Adaptation in different sectors
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
4.2 Adaptation to changing flood risk Chair: Heidi Kreibich, Sergiy Vorogushyn
Srisawalak, O.: Thailand’s 2011 Flood: Household Damages, Compensation and Natural Catastrophe Insurance Bubeck, P.: Potential of flood-damage reducing measures implemented by households to address current and future flood risk Yang, L.: Assessment of Flood Losses with Household Responses: Agent-based Simulation in an Urban Catchment Area Matczak, P.: Comparing apples to oranges. Flood Risk Governance Arrangements in six European countries Kaufmann, M.: The two tales of one concept - Comparing the implementation of a flood risk concept in the Netherlands and Flanders Corbishley, C.: Adaptation pathways - an approach for managing flood risk
Meeting room 18 |
Climate services and communication
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10 17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
8.4 Communicating for a resilient future Chair: Christian Bjørnæs
Howarth, C.: Co-producing climate communication: incorporating practitioner knowledge in the IPCC Process Young, C.: Building resilience through narratives Jakobsen, A. S.: Information? Dialogue? Involvement? How strategic and planned stakeholder communication creates added value in climate adaptation projects Pedoth, L.: Co-creation and communication of knowledge as common requirement for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction: experiences Vulturius, G.: Can Climate Change Communication effectively promote adaptation? Kunttu, S.: Uncertainty communication between researchers and decision makers by visualizations
Meeting room 19 |
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
1.1 Adapting to Extreme Events: risk transfer and insurance provision in the EU and its member states Chairs: Swenja Surminski, Franz Prettenthaler, C. Dionisio Pérez-Blanco Mysiak, J.: Partnerships for affordable and equitable insurance provision Hudson, P.: Implications of risk based insurance premiums for flood preparedness and affordability of coverage Lorant, A.: The European Solidarity Fund, its past performance and recent reforms Hanger, S.: Designing national flood insurance systems: the equity-efficiency trade-off Köberl, J.: Financial risk transfer mechanisms – Comparison of alternative national systems for managing flood risks and quantifying capital requirements Panel discussion
Meeting room 20 |
16:30 – 16:45 16.45 – 17:15
17.15 – 17:45
17.45 – 18:20 18.20 – 18:30 |
Workshop Chair: Susanne Pedersen
Introduction from Chair Presentation: Vejle project, Southern Jutland, Denmark by Stjernholm, H. and Frederiksen, L.) Presentation: Frihamnen project, Gothenburg, Sweden by Moback, U. and Morrison, G. Roundtable discussion, moderated by Templar, R. Closing remarks
Meeting room 16 |
Social Science and participation |
Workshop 7.2 The role and use of Participatory Methodologies in Climate Change Adaptation Chair: Filipe Moreira Alves
Moderator and Facilitator: Alves, M., Hastrup, A., Holscher, K.
Meeting room 17 |
Adaptation in different sectors
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30 |
4.6 Cross-scale linkages between Nordic and global mitigation and adaptation in the land use sector: results from NORD-STAR Chair: Martin Persson
Wiréhn, L.: AgroExplore – Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability in the Nordic Countries to Support Strategic Climate Adaptation Woods, B.: Farmer Perceptions of Climate Change and Likely Responses in Danish Agriculture Nainggolan, D.: Modelling Autonomous Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector and the Environmental-Economic Implications in the Nordic Region Olsson, O.: Understanding the linkages between land-based adaptation and mitigation – a systematic literature review and a conceptual framework Neset, T.: A typology of maladaptation: assessing risks for maladaptive action within Nordic agriculture Godar, J.: Adaptation in a telecoupled world: linkages between mitigation and adaptation at Nordic and global scales in the land use sector
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Thursday am |
Adaptation in different sectors
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
4.9 Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation and disaster risk reduction Chair: David Vackar
Harmáčková, Z.: Ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation in vulnerable natural areas Zölch, T.: Integrating the ecosystem-based approach in municipal adaptation strategies: the case of Germany Zandersen, M.: Payment for ecosystem services – paying farmers for using farmland for flood control Riise, J.: creating new values using intelligent stormwater management Pártl, A.: Integrated assessment of the environmental risk for ecosystem services provision in the Czech Republic Kloos, J.: The role of ecosystem-based Adaptation and Eco-DRR – Some insights from Dassari watershed in North-West Benin
Auditorium 10 |
Adaptation in different sectors
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
4.7 Climate change adaptation and public health Chair: Hans Sanderson and Michael Goodsite
Allex, B.: Elderly and migrants under urban heat pressure - Results of two climate change adaptation studies. Spadaro, J.: Health and Economic Impact of Threshold Temperature on the Effectiveness of a Heat Warning System: A Case Study for the City of Madrid, Spain Aaheim, A.: Impacts of climate change on health and their economic consequences in Europe. Chiabai, A.: Evaluating health watch warning systems in a changing climate: A cost-benefit analysis for the city of Madrid. Higgins, S.: Mental health and climate change: Costing impacts and assessing adaptation options in England. Eggen, B.: Adaptation for the UK's Health and Care System
Auditorium 11 |
Regional challenges and opportunities
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
10.5 Adapting the Baltic Sea region to a changing climate Chair: Maxi Nachtigall
Reckermann, M.: Hot-spot Baltic Sea – expected climate change and its impacts on Europe’s first macro-region Nachtigall, M.: A climate adaptation strategy for the Baltic Sea region Andersson, L.: A road-map for mainstreaming climate adaptation in Sweden – reflections from the work on a governmental missions Uustal, T.: Developing Estonia’s National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change Menshova, Y.: Local climate adaptation in the Baltic Sea region – the St Petersburg case Gudzuks, G.: At the nexus between adaptation and mitigation – low carbon development policy implementation in the Baltic Sea region
Auditorium 12 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
6.6 Supporting Adaptation by cross-sectoral climate risk and vulnerability assessments Chair: Inke Schauser
Füssel, H. M.: The fourth generation of European-wide climate change impact assessments – lessons and outlook Köchy, M.: Modelling European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security (FACCE MACSUR) König, M.: Economic Evaluation of Climate Impacts - Blueprint and Application for Austria Koellner, P.: Climate-related risk assessment in Switzerland: Experiences and lessons learned Lückenkötter, J.: Methodological approach for assessing climate impacts and identifying spatial patterns of climate change for the German Adaptation Strategy Kahlenborn, W.: Sectoral and cross-sectoral vulnerabilities in Germany
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation in cities
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
3.4 Operationalizing local adaptation: transition towards urban climate resilience Chair: Maddalen Mendizabal, Efren Feliu
Lu, P.: The transitional pathway of urban resilience in coping with flood risk – case studies in Tainan and Kaohsiung, Taiwan Madsen, H. M.: Change in the Urban Water Management Regime – Successful Technology and Institutional Pathways TBA
Bosch, P.: Climate Proof Cities – How Dutch cities can prepare themselves for climate change impacts Klostermann, J.: Monitoring of adaptation in municipalities Structured discussion about the conceptual-methodological framework.
Meeting room 5 |
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
5.3 Assessing the impact of adaptation strategies on reduced vulnerability of economies to energy-related climate impacts Chair: Douglas Crawford-Brown
Azevedo, M.: Adapting power generation to climate change impacts Crawford-Brown, D.: Climate change and robust decision-making in the wind energy sector Eleftheriadou, A.: The application of high resolution seasonal models for the energy performance of buildings Lu, P. J.: Electricity generation system in Taiwan: Risks under climate change Votsis, A.: Synthesising climate change scenarios, impacts and adaptation information in an EU-wide GIS framework Leonardsen, L.: Closing summary: Implications of the findings for Copenhagen’s climate adaptation programme
Meeting room 18 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
6.1 The innovation of adaptation policies across scales Chairs: Eric Massey, Dave Huitema, Robbert Biesbroek
Huitema, D.: Innovations in Climate Governance - A conceptual framework and an introduction of COST Action INOGOV Austin, S.: Public Health Adaptation to Climate Change in Canadian Jurisdictions Juhola, S.: Institutionalisation of climate policy: The role of national boundary organisations Joerin, J.: Are there adaptation barriers? Experiences from Switzerland Lasage, R.: Assessment of European regional adaptation strategies Jensen, A.: Climate Policy integration across Europe: Assessing adaptation policy through national adaptation strategies
Meeting room 19 |
Dealing with risks
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
9.5 Climate change adaptation in the context of extremes: Exploring drought and flooding governance Chairs: Alison L Browne, Catherine Butler
Soomro, A. A.: Identification and effectiveness of autonomous adaptation strategies in Thar Desert Pakistan. Browne, A.: Governing for drought and water scarcity adaptation in the context of flooding recovery: The curious case of Somerset, UK. Haanpää, S.: Privatizing the risk of floods – discussing the multiple implications of changes in flood insurance policies in Finland Walker-Springett, K.: Flooding on the Somerset Levels: An opportunity for greater public participation in governance? Alexander, M.: In the pursuit of resilience – just how future-proof is England to flooding. Panel discussion on Climate change adaptation in the context of extremes – exploring drought and flooding governance. Chaired by Butler, C.
Meeting room 20 |
Adaptation in cities
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
3.5 Smart and Resilient cities: ideas and practices from the South of Europe Chair: Adriana Galderisi
Zucaro, F.: Between smart and resilient city: the integrated Urban Saving Energy Model (UrbanSEM) Saretta. E.: Smart and Resilient Initiatives in Italian cities: methods and tools for promoting cross-sectoral strategies for climate mitigation and adaptation Atun, F.: Enhancing urban resilience through a knowledge management framework on disaster risk reduction action in Italy and Spain Olazabal, M.: Grassroots of local climate action in Italy and Spain Balaban, O.: Lessons for a Resilient Future: Roadblocks to Climate Change Adaptation in Turkish Cities Thoidou, E.: From sustainable cities to resilient cities and smart cities: discussing EU policies and some evidence from Greece
Meeting room 16 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop 3.5 Green over grey for storm water management? Exploring the potential of Green Infrastructure for enhancing urban adaptation to climate change Chair: Alice Reil
Speakers: van den Bosch, C. K., Bertule, M.
Meeting room 17 |
Social Science and participation |
Workshop 7.1 Local community and citizen knowledge – how can it steam up the adaptation process and move science-practice-interaction to a new quality? Chair: Birgit Kuna, Andreas Baumgärtner
Paulot, S.: Experiences from Madagascar Born, M.: Climate Change Adaptation within regions in Germany (KLIMZUG) Vogel, K., Schmidt, A.: The social dimensions of climate change: Inter- and transdisciplinary research on regional perceptions and actions Riaz, B. K.: Climate Change and local health issues Suthhof, A.: Toolbox for local knowledge integration in Europe and developing countries
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Thursday am/pm |
Climate services and communication
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00 12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
8.2 Implementing climate services in support of adaptation action – a European perspective Chairs: Tobias Fuchs, Mary Power, Katrine Krogh Andersen, Jacqueline Flückiger Knutti
Lúcio, F.: Status of implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) Street, R.: Implementing climate services to support adaptation action –understanding the role of providers and purveyors in a national context Salomon Hess, M. : DMI Climate Services Gregow, H.: Climate Service Centre of the Finnish Meteorological Institute develops the climate services to meet the various needs of users of climate information Flückiger Knutti, J.: The National Centre for Climate Services in Switzerland Fuchs. T.: Implementing climate services to support adaptation action – national GFCS implementation in Germany
Auditorium 10 |
Adaptation in different sectors
11:00 – 11:20 11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
4.5 Managing Flood risk in the EU Chair: Jeroen Aerts
Aerts, J. C. J. H.: Towards Multi Sectoral Partnerships for managing flood risk in the EU Van Rijswick, H.: Improving flood risk governance: opportunities and barriers stemming from a combined social science and legal analysis Hunt, A.: The economics of adaptation to climate change de Lannoy, T.: The EC and disaster risk reduction and flood risk management Quarmby, P.: Adapting to changing circumstances: the Thames Estuary 2120 plan Panel discussion |
Auditorium 11 |
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
5.1 Resilience of the transport sector as a condition for climate change adaptation Chair: Christophe Heyndrickx
Sanderson, M.G.: Analogues for the Railway Network of Great Britain Burbidge, R.: Adapting aviation to a changing climate Jaroszweski, D.: Projecting the potential impact of climate change on transport: modelling and data requirements Ciari, F.: Impact of extreme weather events on the transport system: a test case study for Zurich Stamos, I.: Improvement of transport networks resilience against extreme weather events Aparicio, A.: Emerging challenges for transport adaptation in Europe: a research agenda for a long term vision
Auditorium 12 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
6.6 Supporting Adaptation by cross-sectoral climate risk and vulnerability assessments Chair: Inke Schauser
Avelar, D.: Innovative approach to the development of a transdisciplinary adaptation strategy - an example from the Madeira islands Schneiderbauer, S.: Vulnerability assessment in practice: impact chains and their analysis for cross-sectorial evaluation Tapia, C.: Revisiting urban vulnerabilities and risks: an integrated climate change vulnerability and risk assessment for European cities Jenkins, K.: A probabilistic risk based approach to addressing impacts of climate change on cities: The Urban Integrated Assessment Facility (UIAF) TBA
Betschart, M.: Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment in Switzerland: Case Study Canton of Basel
Auditorium 15 |
Dealing with risks
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
9.1 Beyond risk - engaging for action Chair: Celeste Young
Jones, R.: Engaging in Systemic Risk – beyond risk or transcending it Rémy, E.: Urban Climate Adaptation and Stormwater Planning: Flexibility is Key to Robustness Schneider, T.: Business solutions for adaption to climate change Street, R. : Effective knowledge exchange to motivate adaptation action – learning from the built environment and infrastructure sectors Guedes, G.: Protective Actions under Flood Hazards: theoretical modelling and empirical evidence for Brazil Lynch, Y.: Accelerating adaptation in Melbourne: The role of transparency and citizen participation
Meeting room 5 |
Adaptation in cities
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
3.7 The impact of climate change on the planning and architectural design Chair: Vladan Djokić
Cisar, S.: Energy planning or how to plan a zero emission community Dubois, C.: The climate change adaptation roadmap; a novel tool to support architects and urban designers Chung, Y: How to deal with a rapid climate change in infrastructure and architecture? Kallaos, J.: Embodying resilience in urban development processes: suggestions for the future Visconti, C.: Innovative Water Concepts: Sustainable regeneration and climate change adaptation in East Napoli Hill, A.: A compass for urban scale sustainability
Meeting room 18 |
Dealing with risks
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
9.2 Quantifying impacts of 2° C global warming for Europe Chair: Daniela Jacob
Sobolowski, S.: Europe at the 2C threshold: cause for concern Donnelly, C.: How might European Water Resources Change as a Result of a Two Degree Global Warming? Damm, A.: Assessing the impacts of 2 °C global warming on winter tourism demand in Europe Tsanis, C.: Mapping the vulnerability of European summer tourism at a 2oC globally warmer climate Williges, K.: Assessing the adaptive capacity and vulnerability of the European agricultural sector to droughts under 2° C of global warming Brown, S.: Exploring the impacts and the benefits of climate mitigation and adaptation in European coastal zones
Meeting room 19 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
6.2 Drawing Lessons from National Experiences of Adaptation Planning and Strategy Making Chair: Duncan Russel
Massey, E.: Handling adaptation policy choices in Sweden, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands Jacob, J.: Mainstreaming adaptation to climate change (ACC) within government agencies: why are some civil servants more responsive and purposeful than others? Jeuken, A.: Adaptivity in the Dutch Delta Program Lexer, W.: The national adaptation policy process in Austria: Activities, status, performance, and lessons learned Porter, J.: Do we need more information? Exploring the Enablers and Barriers to Climate Adaptation in British Local Government Vinke-de Kruijf, J.: Drawing lessons about climate change adaptation: what European countries learn from each other and under what conditions are they likely to do so?
Meeting room 20 |
Adaptation in cities
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
3.9 Blue Ap LIFE+ project: Urban Adaptation Plan in Bologna (Italy) - talking to other parts in Europe Chair: Sergio Castellari
Gueze, R.: The BLUE AP project: An Adaptation Plan for the City of Bologna Bono, L.: Has Blue Ap delivered a realistic Action Plan for Bologna? Pelizzaro, P.: What experiences showcase real resilience?: The Blue Ap Bologna as resilient city project case study Filpa, A.: How a National Strategy for Climate Adaptation can stimulate a local plan? Howarth, C.: Adapting to weather and climate extremes in Europe: a toolkit for effective adaptation practices for heat waves and flooding Panel discussion |
Meeting room 16 |
Social Science and participation
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
7.1 Social Science Support to Adaptation Strategies Chair: Karl-Heinz Simon
Babcicky, P.: The two faces of social capital in private flood mitigation: opposing effects on risk perception and response capacity Chiang, Y. C.: Risk perception on cross-regional coastal pollution in the context of climate change. A case study of Hakka community of Taiwan Hoffmann, E.: Learning from extreme weather events in German utilities: how sense making influences private adaptation Tjørring, L.: We forgot half of the population! An anthropological investigation of the significance of gender in energy renovation projects Washington-Ottombre, C.: Regime shifts and land-use adaptations to climate and variability in semi-arid lands around Mt Kenya: a spatial and temporal cross-scale synthesis Blocher, J.: Charcoal production in Tanzania: exploring the role of migration in adaptation and maladaptation
Meeting room 17 |
Infrastructures |
Workshop Chair: Jyri Hanski Moderator and facilitator: Rosqvist, T., Hanski, J.
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Thursday pm |
Midday Plenary |
Jean Palutikof, Griffith University Chaired by Richard Klein, Stockholm Environment Institute |
Auditorium 10 |
Midday Plenary |
Hans von Storch, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht Chaired by Jürgen Kropp, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research |
Auditorium 11 |
Midday Plenary |
Panos Fetsis, EU LIFE Projects – Neemo EEIG Chaired by Tony Rosqvist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland |
Auditorium 12 |
Posters and Expo |
Thursday am |
Closing plenary |
Claus Kondrup, DG Climate Action, Adaptation Unit
Moderated by Martin Watson
Auditorium 15 |
Title |
Tuesday am |
Opening plenary |
Welcome – moderated by: Sandrine Dixson-Declève Hans Sanderson, ECCA2015 chair Brian Bech Nielsen, President of Aarhus University Lykke Leonardsen, City of Copenhagen
Speakers Presentation of the three hosting European projects: BASE, RAMSES and ToPDad Hans Bruyninckx, Director, European Environment Agency (EEA) Kirsten Brosbøl, Minister of Environment, Denmark
Moderated by Sandrine Dixson-Declève between the four strands of the conference:
Business: Bente Pretlove DNV GL; Christina Busk (DI); Rasmus Valanko (WBCSD) Research: Frans Berkhout (Kings College) & Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen (DMI) Practitioners: Lykke Leonhardsen (Copenhagen) & Henk Ovink (Netherlands) Policy: Kurt Vandenberghe (DG CA&RE); Hans Bruyninckx (EEA); Kirsten Brosbøl (Danish Environment Minister) |
Auditorium |
Posters and Expo |
Tuesday pm |
Midday Plenary |
Jiang Tong, China Meteorological Administration Chaired by María Máñez Costa, Climate Service Center 2.0 |
Auditorium 10 |
Midday Plenary |
Frans Berkhout, Kings College, London Chaired by Michael Goodsite, Syddansk University |
Auditorium 11 |
Midday Plenary |
Claus Kondrup, DG Climate Action, Adaptation Unit Sarah Hendel-Blackford, Ecofys UK Linda Romanovska, Fresh Thoughts Consulting Chaired by Tiago Capela Lourenço, University of Lisbon |
Auditorium 12 |
Posters and Expo |
Tuesday pm |
European Commission - Plenary Session
14:00 – 14:30
0.1 - European Research and Innovation Roadmap for Climate Services Chair: Marco Gemmer, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation Panel: Jacob, D., Parry, M., Street, R. |
Auditorium 10 |
14:35 – 16:00 |
0.2 - Adaptation Futures 2016 outreach to scientific community Chair: Marco Gemmer, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
Panel: Palutikof, J., Parry, M., Klein, R., Gemmer, M., Ovink, H. |
Auditorium 10 |
Adaptation in different sectors
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00 |
4.3 Adapting to Climate Change in Tourism: The role of Weather and Climate Services Chair: Franz Prettenthaler
Köberl, J.: WEDDA® (Weather Driven Demand Analysis) – A toolbox for managing weather and climate risks in tourism and recreation Cavan, G.: The importance of tourist type in understanding weather and climate driven demand sensitives Dunn, M.: IMPRESSIONS: Using visualisations of future climate analogues and contingent ranking to explore potential impacts on the Scottish economy of changed tourist preferences due to climate change related landscape change Preuschmann, S.: How Climate Services help to adapt to a changing climate Prettenthaler, F.: WEDDA-4CPI: The use of climate demand models for planning climate proof investments Podium discussion |
Auditorium 11 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00 |
6.5 Multi-level government and climate change adaptation: reconciling bottom-up and top-down perspectives? Chair: Duncan Russel
Oberlack, C.: Alleviating barriers to urban climate change adaptation through international cooperation Den Uyl, R.: Understanding decision making capacity (or the lack of it) to address climate change in settings with unreconciled bottom-up and top-down perspectives Hildén, M.: What happens locally and why - The relationship between central policy and local action in adaptation in Finland Pütz, M.: Dealing with problems of fit by rescaling: Multilevel governance of climate change adaptation in Switzerland Washington-Ottombre, C.: Polycentric Governance and Irrigation Reform in Kenya Lawrence, J.: The relationship between institutional frameworks and adaptation practice: a country study from New Zealand |
Auditorium 12 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00 15:20 – 15:20 15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
6.7 Tracking adaptation to climate change Chair: Robbert Biesbroek, James Ford, Lea Berrang-Ford
Lesnikowski, A.: Applications in adaptation tracking: A longitudinal assessment of adaptation progress among high-income countries Massey, E.: The emergence of climate change adaptation as a new field of public policy in Europe Trabacchi, M. C.: The Landscape of Adaptation Finance Araos, M.: Adaptation in large cities: a global assessment Beckmann, K.: Tracking Adaptation in Scotland: ‘The How and the Why’ Zoller, M.: Evaluation of climate change adaptation in Switzerland |
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop 3.1 Case Copenhagen - Part 1: The way we achieved everyday benefits from integrated blue-green climate adaptation Part 1: The efficient process Chair: Lykke Leonardsen
Speakers: Leonardsen, L., Bernt Hasling, A., Clauson-Kaas, J., Rafn Thomsen, F. |
Meeting room 5 |
Adaptation in different sectors
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00 |
4.10 Safeguarding our Shores: Social and Cultural Dimensions of Coastal Climate Change Adaptation in Europe and the U.S Chair: Grit Martinez
Martinez, G: Why do social-cultural aspects matter when it comes to safeguarding our shores? Van Dongeren, A.: Coastal risk reduction. Converging approaches in the U.S. and the Netherlands? Bergsma, E.: Adapting to increased flood losses in flood damage compensation: A comparative analysis of the U.S. and The Netherlands Waldmann, C.: Bottom-up approaches in adapting to a changing climate: Perspectives from the West Coast of the U.S. and why they could matter for Europe Davies, M.: Coastal Climate Change Adaptation for Scotland’s Historic Environment Stelljes, N.: A comparison of local adaptation strategies - Results from a qualitative data analysis of nine coastal adaptation strategies |
Meeting room 18 |
Regional challenges and opportunities
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
10. 4 Adaptation policies and measures in the Mediterranean region Chairs: Sergio Castellari, Dr. Silvano Pecora, Jaroslav Mysiak
Castellari, S.: Adaptation Strategic Planning toward a NAS in Italy De Salvo, M.: Climate change impact on wheat in the Mediterranean Region Pérez Blanco, C. D.: Costs and benefits of incremental water pricing in agriculture. Lessons from the Regione Emilia Romagna in Italy Colaço, M.: How the multi-sector partnerships can contribute to enhance territory resilience to wildfires in Portugal Pecora, S.: Climate variability and change in the Emilia Romagna Region – Regional Climate atlas Sandor, S.: Adaptation in the water sector in Hungary
Meeting room 19 |
Social Science and participation
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
7.3 Unpacking the co-production of knowledge in adaptation to climate change Chair: David Porter
Jones, R., Young C: Integrating theory and practice in adaptation research and implementation Bergsma, E.: The relationship between experts and democratic actors in the co-production of knowledge on flood damage compensation: The case of flood insurance reform after hurricane Katrina Bremer, S.: The TRACKS approach to place-based climate knowledge co-production Von Storch, H.: Developing the concept of regional climate service – 15 years of coastal applications Lee, H-C: Community Influence in Adaptation to Climate Change: The Role of Local Knowledge and Co-Production of Knowledge in a Coastal City –Tainan, Taiwan Van Nieuwaal, K.: Co-production of knowledge in adaptation to climate change: empirical results and lessons learnt from The Netherlands |
Meeting room 20 |
Adaptation in different sectors
Workshop 4.2: Visualising Sea-Level Rise: Bridging the Gap between Science and Adaptation Chair: Diogo De Gusmão-Sørensen
Speakers and Moderators: Grinsted, A., Svenstrup Petersen O., de Gusmão-Sørensen, D., Rasmussen, J.
Meeting room 16 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop 3.1. Addressing urban climate challenges: Climate Services, Living Labs and Learning Alliances Chair: Rob Swart
Speakers: Robrecht, H., Coninx, I., Swart, R.
Meeting room 17 |
Social Science and participation |
Workshop 7.3 Youth workshop Chair: Olav Hesseldahl
With Students from Copenhagen International School and Faxehus Efterskole (Boarding School) |
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Tuesday pm |
Adaptation Policy and Governance 16:30 – 16:50 16:50 – 17:10 17:10 – 17:30 17:30 – 17:50 17:50 – 18:10 18:10 – 18:30 |
6.4 Adaptation Frameworks – can one size fit all? Chair: Sarah Boulter
Webb, B.: Designing adaptation support: addressing common and differentiated needs Young, C.: The problem solution process framework for adaptation practitioners Boulter, S.: The Natural Resource Management Checklist: A national framework for adaptation Dias, L.: Practical application of the UKCIP Adaptation Wizard support framework to 29 Portuguese municipalities: transferability, contexts, barriers and levers Beck, C.: Climate Change Adaptation and Transformation through an Ecoregion Placemaking Approach Hamden, R.: Adaptation Planning in the Torres Strait and South Australia– A case study comparison of two different cultures and communities
Auditorium 10 |
Adaptation in different sectors
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30 |
4.1 Reducing Coastal Vulnerability in Europe: science, policy and application Chair: Ap Van Dongeren
Martinez, G.: Social-cultural aspects in coastal vulnerability and risk reduction: perspectives for end-users and policymakers Viavattene, C.: Socio-economic aspects for regional scale vulnerability and risk assessment – vulnerability library Vojinovic, Z.: Risk Assessment aspects: development of the Risk Assessment Framework and onTology (RAFT) Manojlovic, N.: Hamburg: Holistic approach to flood risk management in the Elbe Estuary Armaroli, C.: Emilia-Romagna Coast: Coastal threats and measures Bramati, M. C.: Environmental conflicts in coastal areas: a quantitative approach
Auditorium 11 |
Regional challenges and opportunities
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:30
10.3 Adaptation without Borders? How policy and practice can address the indirect impacts of climate change Chairs: Magnus Benzie, Henrik Carlsen
Carlsen, H.: Introducing a pathway-based conceptual framework to identify the indirect impacts of climate change Canevari, L.: Adaptation beyond the firm: the role of networks in business environments Hedlund, J.: A global index of exposure to the indirect impacts of climate change and examples from Sweden Carter, T.: Addressing implications of the indirect impacts of climate change for Europe exemplified with the case of Finland Panel with: Andersson, L., Carlsen, H., Canevari,L., Carstens, C., Hildén, M.
Auditorium 12 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
6.7 Tracking adaptation to climate change Chair: Robbert Biesbroek, James Ford, Lea Berrang-Ford
Leiter, T.: Tracking adaptation to climate chance across scales: avenues and practical approaches Capela Lourenço, T.: The dynamics of local climate change adaptation in Portugal: tracking down action in front-runner municipalities Kingsborough, A.: Linking monitoring and evaluation with risk assessment and decision making for climate change adaptation: demonstration of an integrated approach Driscoll, P.: Bridging the QUAN/QUAL divide in comparative climate change planning Vinke-de Kruijf, J.: Evaluation and comparison of adaptation actions: a diagnostic and process-oriented approach Panel chaired by Biesbroek, R., James, J., Berrang-Ford, L.
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop 3.2 Case Copenhagen - Part 2: The way we achieved everyday benefits from integrated blue-green climate adaptation - Part 2: The tools, documentation, financing and implementation Chair: Lykke Leonardsen
Speakers: Leonardsen, L., Hasling, A. B., Clauson-Kaas, J., Thomsen, F. R., Weiss Garne, T., Bach, O.
Meeting room 5 |
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30 |
5.2 The role of critical infrastructures in disaster risk mitigation Chair: Elco Koks and Lorenzo Carrera
Pant, R.: Understanding national scale systemic risks due to critical infrastructure network failures Nicolai, R.: Flood risk assessment for the port of Rotterdam infrastructure Mysiak, J.: Disruption of a drainage infrastructure system: economic outcomes and risk mitigation policies Kellermann, P.: Frequency analysis on critical meteorological conditions in a changing climate - Assessing future implications for railway transportation in Austria Harjanne, A.: Potential of intramodal and cross-modal substitution in enhancing the resilience of air transport – Evidence from European airports Master, E.: Ventura, A strategy for public infrastructure resilience: Case study of El Salvador in Central America |
Meeting room 18 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance |
Workshop 6.1 Monitoring, reporting and evaluation of climate change adaptation at national level Chair: Stéphane Isoard
Speakers: Nieto-Silleras, S., Isoard, S., Thompson, D., Schönthaler, K., McCallum, S., Mullan, M. |
Meeting room 19 |
Regional challenges and opportunities
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
10.1 Climate Change & Societies’ Adaptive Capacity in the Arctic - In a Multi-Level and Interdisciplinary Perspective Chair: Michael Goodsite
Davidsdottir, B.: Potential Impact of Adapting Energy Supply System to Climate Change in Iceland Pacheco, V.: Impact Benefit Agreements as Mechanisms for Climate Change Adaptation Muir, M.: Indigenous Participatory Engagement in Circum-Arctic Adaptation Through the Arctic Council and National Structures and Processes Cassotta, S.: Climate Change and Human Security in a Multi-Level Dimension: The Case of the Arctic Ocean with the Role of China as an Unpredictable Variable for Arctic Security Goodsite, M.: Adaptation to Climate Change for Military and Research Camps in the Arctic: New Bases – Old Challenges Wrapping up the Session & Reflections on Future Directions
Meeting room 20 |
Climate services and communication |
Workshop 8.2 What’s needed to turn climate information into climate services for Europe? Chairs: Bernd Hezel, Richard Klein, Christian Bjørnæs |
Meeting room 16 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop 3.1 Addressing urban climate challenges: Climate Services, Living Labs and Learning Alliances Chair: Jonas Bylund
Speakers: Robrecht, H., Swart, R., Coninx, I. |
Meeting room 17 |
Infrastructures |
Workshop 5.2 Sustainable Dredging Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation: Solutions from the European Dredging Community Chair: Polite Laboyrie
Speakers: Kropp, J., De Boissezon, B., de Boer, P., Malfère, V., Malherbe, B., Sansoglou, P. |
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Wednesday am |
Climate services and communication
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50 09:50 – 10:10 10:10 – 10:30 |
8.3 Curating climate impact information and adaptation know-how for local adaptation planning — suitable instruments, formats and media Chair: Bernd Hezel
Dittrich, R.: The role of flood action groups in the uptake of flood mitigation measures in Scotland Groot, A.: Closing the gap: How boundary workers can bridge the gap between climate impact information provided and its application by users Hackenbruch, J.: Identifying practical climate parameters for regional adaption planning Van de Ven, F.: Adaptation Support Toolbox Meinke, I.: Providing information – enabling knowledge Terenzi, A., Mendizabal, M.: Co-creating climate and adaptation knowledge: Experiences from the RAMSES project
Auditorium 10 |
Dealing with risks
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
9.4 High-end climate change: Can we adapt to extreme futures? Chairs: Paula Harrison, Richard Betts and Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla
Betts, R.: Scenarios of climate change impacts and adaptation above 2oC global warming Alfieri, L.: Ensemble evaluation of the future flood risk in Europe under high-end climate scenarios Rounsevell, M.: Evaluating the performance of models of impacts and adaptation under high-end climate change Sanchez-Arcilla, A.: Adaptive coastal zones: A concept to improve natural resilience in the face of climate change Frantzeskaki, N.: Linking transformative visions, pathways and solutions to high-end climate change: A systems approach Science-policy panel with: Gemmer, M., Manoli, E., Betts, R., Sanchez-Arcilla, A.
Auditorium 11 |
Adaptation in different sectors
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
4.8 Drivers for decision making amongst forest owners Chair: Bill Slee
Yousefpour, R.: Forestry professional´s perceptions of climate change, impacts and adaptation strategies for forests in South-West Germany Petr, M.: Understanding of quantified and perceived uncertainty affecting forest planners decision-making André, K.: The role of social networks in communicating knowledge on climate change adaptation among forestry stakeholders in Sweden Lawrence, A.: From nursery to saw mill: stakeholder perspectives driving conifer diversification in public and privately owned forests Vulturius, G.: Assessing and explaining individual engagement with climate change adaptation and preferences for adaptation measures Panel discussion with introduction from Eriksson, H. and presenters.
Auditorium 12 |
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
2.3 Economics of Adaptation – European Case Studies on the Costs and Benefits of Climate Change and Adaptation Chair: Sven Schulze
Jahn, M.: Regional costs and benefits of adaptation to extreme weather events: A SCGE framework Koks, E.: The economic-wide consequences of large-scale floods. How resilient is the European economy? Drosdowski, T.: Germany and extreme weather events: Do investments in adaptation measures pay off? Bednar-Friedl, B.: Direct and indirect effects of climate change on public budgets: A CGE analysis for Austria Perrels, A.: The economic impacts of climate change on critical infrastructure in Europe Standardi, G.: Assessing the economic equilibrium effects of sea level rise in the Italian regions
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation in cities
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
3.2 Integrating adaptation and mitigation strategies in urban areas: The UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities Chair: Stelios Grafakos
Pacteau, C.: Exploring the interrelationships between adaptation and mitigation strategies in urban areas: The UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities Schwarze, R.: Economics, finance and the role the private sector in climate change action of cities - a survey and assessment Jean-Baptiste, N.: Integrating adaptation and mitigation in the housing sector Pelizzaro, P: SEAP and LAP (Local Adaptation Plan) development Participatory Process: Critical points and Opportunities D'Acci, L.: Integrating low carbon and climate adaptation benefits in an integrated Sustainability Benefits assessment methodology Panel discussion: Lessons learned from selected cities integrating adaptation and mitigation strategies
Meeting room 5 |
Adaptation in different sectors
08:30 – 08:35 08:35 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:25
10:25 – 10:30 |
4.11 ToPDAd-tools for adaptation in energy, transport and tourism
Rosqvist, T.: ToPDAd’s objectives vs. ToPDAd output Perrels, A.: Review of sector level effects in Europe: scenarios, adaptation options, costs Aaheim, A.: The dependency on economic development for adaptation to climate change Crawford-Brown, D.: Sectors’ vulnerability assessment – Case energy, transport, tourism Lokers, R.: An integrated view on regional and sector assessments Prettenthaler, F.: Toolbox for managing wheather related risk in the tourism sector Rosqvist, T.: Closing remarks
Meeting room 18 |
Adaptation in cities
08:30 – 08:50 08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
3.3 Developing and implementing local adaptation strategies – approaches and support for local governments Chair: Steffen Bender
Hutt, L.: Support for local government in England Masselink, L.: Method for mainstreaming climate change into municipal spatial planning Bosch, P.: Linking adaptation to asset management: a planning tool Glavan, J.: Utilizing Blue Carbon bundeled with ecosystem services as part of National Climate Change Adaptation Strategies Chiang, Y. C.: Community-based empowerment mechanism for climate adaptation – A case study of flood-prone urban area of Taiwan Groth, M.: How to adapt to climate change – challenges for cities
Meeting room 19 |
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10 09:10 – 09:30 09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
1.3 A systems perspective for smarter cities: Resilience requires integrated, co-designed, adaptation and mitigation strategies Chair: Asuncion Lera St. Clair
Mangalagiu, D.: Systems thinking and complex systems approaches to better understand urban resilience Christiansen, A.: A systems perspective for resilient cities Baron, G.: The Transformation to Resilient Cities Ramanarayanan, V.: Understanding and developing a tiered structure for defining Smart Sustainable Cities Ikert, A.: Examples of Creative Solutions and Resilience from C40 megacities and innovator cities Panel discussion, moderated by Asuncion Lera St. Clair
Meeting room 20 |
Climate services and communication |
Workshop Chair: André Jol
Speakers: Jol, A., Street, R., Mattern, K., Grøndahl, L., Picatoste Ruggeroni, J. R.
Meeting room 16 |
Adaptation in different sectors |
Workshop Chair: Peter Driessen
Speakers: Raadgever, T., van Rijswick, M., van Veelen, P., Green, C. or Alexander, M., Nickson, A., Ek, K. / Pettersson, M., Moback, U., Liefferink, D.
Adaptation in different sectors |
Workshop Chair: Mikkel Thomassen
Speakers: Rungø, M., Bundsgaard, J., Gjeraa, A. M., Hedensted, D., Thomassen, M., Hinsby, P.
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Wednesday am/pm |
Climate services and communication
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
8.3 Curating climate impact information and adaptation know-how for local adaptation planning — suitable instruments, formats and media Chair: Bernd Hezel
Grothmann, T.: Reducing the gap between climate services and their potential users: Psychological surveys as a means for developing effective communication instruments Seebauer, S.: How to approach citizens about prevention? The potential of volunteer workers in disaster emergency and relief services as risk communicators O’Dwyer, B.: Ireland's Climate Information Platform - Enabling Local-level Adaptation Planning in Ireland Hoogvliet, M.: The Dutch Web Portal for Spatial Adaptation
Avelar, D.: Using a game approach to support decision-makers’ appraisal of climate adaptation measures: an example from the water utility sector
Fish bowl panel, moderator: Bernd Hezel
Auditorium 10 |
Adaptation in cities
11:00 – 11:20 11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
3.10 Urban green as part of an effective local adaptation strategy Chair: Frans van de Ven
Splittgerber, V.: Green City Solutions - The CityTree Martinussen, P.: Excess green areas in social housing neighborhoods present cities with a storm water solution. – And could it potentially be a win - win? Rémy, E.: Creating Green, Water Sensitive Streets the Danish Way – Developing and Designing with and for the Citizens Groot, H. : Building with Nature in urban areas: Climate adaptation in the Rotterdam harbour region, the Netherlands Zardo, L.: Nature-based urban planning: enhancing green areas design for local climate regulation Snep, R.: Implementing local adaptation strategies that incorporate urban green – lessons from green city practice
Auditorium 11 |
Adaptation in different sectors
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20 12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
4.8 Drivers for decision making amongst forest owners Chair: Bill Slee
Vedel, S. E.: Forest owner´s social preferences for the provision of forest ecosystem services Blennow, K.: Adapting to indirect effects of climate change – motivations and attitudes among European forest owners towards supplying biomass as feedstock for energy Mäkinen, K.: Biodiversity conservation in a changing climate – limits and opportunities for adaptation in Finland´s privately owned forests Dunningham, A.: Decision making in forestry enterprises Jönsson, A. M.: Tool development for analyzing forest owners´ strategies to manage risks and adapt to climate change Panel discussion with introduction from Normark, E. and presenters.
Auditorium 12 |
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
2.2 Comparing costs and benefits of adaptation implemented by different actors Chair: Jana Koerth, Daniel Osberghaus
Harmáčková, Z.: Economic assessment of grey and green climate change adaptation options: contrasting urban and natural environment. Kreibich, H.: Efficiency of private precautionary measures for fluvial flood risk reduction in a changing environment Mees, H.: Flood risk management at property level: a matter of costs and benefits? Da Silva, L.: Coastal management in a changing climate: A cost-benefit perspective for 5 coastal communities in Quebec, Canada Alves, F.: Cost-benefit analysis in climate change: the use of participatory methodologies Kutluay, M.: Valuing malaria morbidity: Results from a global meta-analysis
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation in cities
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20 12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
3.1 Understanding and supporting adaptation decision-making in Nordic built environments: results from NORD-STAR Chair: Richard Klein
Landauer, M.: The influence of socio-cognitive and cultural factors on adaptation and mitigation decision-making and planning in Copenhagen Baron, N.: Understanding controversies in urban climate change adaptation: a case study of the role of homeowners in the process of climate change adaptation in Copenhagen Fazeli, R.: Short-run and long-run climate change impacts on residential electricity consumption Opach, T.: Participatory mapping of resilience indicators Glaas, E.: VisAdaptTM: Interactive visualization of climate change risks and adaptation options for Nordic homeowners Klein, J.: Steering with soft policy instruments: is adaptation a private good?
Meeting room 5 |
Social Science and participation
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
7.2 Decision support in climate change adaptation – Supply and demand side perspectives Chair: Sabine Weiland, Volker Meyer, Oliver Gebhardt
Mattern, K.: Decision support for adaptation at European level - The European Climate Adaptation Platform Goossen, W. J.: Making decision support tools with stakeholders: practice from The Netherlands Kind, C.: Evaluating a decision support tool with users from municipalities Lawrence, J.: A decision tool in practice: experiencing deep uncertainty that changed the game Capela Lourenço, T.: Understanding adaptation related decision-making under uncertainty: will ‘high-end’ scenarios require ‘high-end’ decision-making frameworks Harley, M.: Supporting adaptation decision-making in the Netherlands: learning through effective monitoring
Meeting room 18 |
Adaptation in cities
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40 11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
3.6 Reconciling adaptation and mitigation in cities: Part I - The science basis: Recent methodological advances Chair: Efren Feliu
Ford, A.: Reconciling Adaptation and Mitigation in Cities: The RAMSES Integrated Assessment modelling approach Viguie, V.: Urban containment and vulnerability to heat waves Roose, A.: Imagining urban futures in climate change strategy-making – agility and novelty of small nation Sjödin, A.: Integration of adaptation and mitigation in risk management – a local perspective Caparros-Midwood, D.: Optimised spatial planning to reconcile adaptation and mitigation objectives Grafakos, S.: Barriers and opportunities of integrated climate change and adaptation: Exploring interrelationships between adaptation and mitigation actions in urban areas
Meeting room 19 |
Adaptation in different sectors
11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 11:40
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
12:20 – 12:40
12:40 – 13:00
4.4 Governance of Drought Adaptation in Europe: Different Regions, same Challenges? Chair: Rodrigo Vidaurre, María Mañez, Jenny Tröltzsch
Cremades, R.: Extreme events and the value of climate services for agricultural stakeholders in India Giordano, R.: System Dynamic Modelling to assess the effectiveness of drought risk management policies at local level: some hints from the Apulia region (Southern Italy) Lizjenga, S.: The DROP-project, benefit of governance in drought adaptation Iglesias, A.: Adaptation to less water in the future: Acceptance of solutions by local communities in the Tagus basin, Spain Bressers, H.: Multilevel governance affecting regional drought adaptation measures Pedersen, A. B.: Barriers and opportunities in European agricultural climate adaptation – four case studies on farmer climate adaptation to droughts and flooding
Meeting room 20 |
Business |
Workshop Meet the buyer – Event Chair: Douglas Crawford-Brown
Meeting room 16 |
Adaptation in different sectors |
Workshop Chair: Peter Driessen
Meeting room 17 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop Chair: Diego Rybski
Speakers and moderator: Hargreaves, A., Farmani, R., Butler, D., De Ridder, K., Lauwaet, D., Hooyberghs, H., Maiheu, B., Lefebvre, W., Alistair, F.
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Wednesday pm |
Midday Plenary |
Connie Hedegaard (KR Foundation) Chaired by André Jol, EEA |
Auditorium 10 |
Midday Plenary |
Rasmus Valanko (WBCSD) Chaired by Paula Harrison, University of Oxford |
Auditorium 11 |
Midday Plenary |
Bente Pretlove (DNV GL) Chaired by Rob Swart, Wageningen University |
Auditorium 12 |
Posters and Expo |
Wednesday pm |
European Commission - Plenary Session
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:00 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
0.3 Nature-based solutions for Climate Change Adaptation: Research and Innovation Opportunities for Europe Chair: Eleni Manoli, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
de Boissezon, B.: A new EU Research and Innovation policy perspective on Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation Berry, P.: Research & Innovation perspectives towards the development of Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation Ruijs, A.: Experiences and lessons learnt from nature based solutions for safeguarding water safety Perini, L.: Coastal threats in the Emilia-Romagna region and potential measures Robrecht, H.: Resilient cities: Opportunities for nature-based solutions Discussion |
Auditorium 10 |
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
2.6 Economic Costs and Benefits of Climate Adaptation in Cities Chair: Helia Costa, Graham Floater
Costa, H.: Climate change, heat stress and labour productivity: a framework for assessing adaptation costs in the city economy Kropp, J.: Coastal floods threatening European cities – a large scale damage function assessment Grafakos, S.: Estimating cost/effectiveness curves of urban adaptation measures in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Foudi, S.: Urban ecosystem services from green roofs: costs, benefits and uncertainties at the city scale Rendon, O.: How best to adapt? CBA of three adaptation approaches to flood risk management for the city of Leeds, UK Mendoza, D.: Multi-City Flood Footprint Assessment |
Auditorium 11 |
Climate services and communication
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20 15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
8.5 A framework for regional modeling- supporting adaptation to climate change Chair: Daniela Jacob
Madsen, M. S.: On procedures for providing climate scenario data for impact and adaptation studies Schanze, J.: From coupled impact modelling to indicator-based risk evaluation- An integrated regional climate change risk assessment approach Van den Hurk, B.: Analysis of a compounding surge and precipitation event in the Netherlands Kolstad, E.: Regional climate Service in western Norway Brown, S.: From impacts to adaptation: Changing perspectives in managing sustainable coastline Calmanti, S.: Modeling chains supporting adaptation studies in Africa
Auditorium 12 |
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00 15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
2.4 Adapting to a changing climate: the role for economic analysis in policy Chair: Michael Mullan
Mullan, M.: Economics of adaptation: experiences within OECD countries Watkiss, P.: Updated Review of the Cost and Benefits of Adaptation: Evidence, Lessons and Policy Insights Fankhauser, S.: The Use of Economics in UK Adaptation Policy Kind, J.: Cost-Benefit Analysis for Political Decisions on Flood Risk Management in The Netherlands Atkinson, E.: Economic analysis and Canada’s “Adaptation Platform”: multi-sector and cross- jurisdictional collaboration to generate economic knowledge and tools to support adaptation decision-making Panel discussion
Auditorium 15 |
Climate services and communication
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
8.1 Ingredients for effective communication of climate change knowledge Chair: Jean Palutikof
Giupponi, C.: Options for climate change adaptation measures in Europe: the Climate-ADAPT Platform for informing policy/decision makers Charron, I.: A tool to communicate to the adaptation community: a guidebook on climate scenarios Olofsson, J.: Educating the next generation decision makers - the multi-disciplinary classroom as a platform for developing communication skills needed for future progress of adaptation measures Flood, S.: How to communicate climate change for decision-making? Learning-by-asking. Voeller, S.: New Paths for Climate Change Communication to the Young Nielsen, O. M.: Using social media in climate adaptation projects – the Laasby case
Meeting room 5 |
Adaptation in different sectors
14:00 – 14:20 14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
4.2 Adaptation to changing flood risk Chair: Heidi Kreibich, Sergiy Vorogushyn
Coelli, F.: The impact of floods on firms' performance Löwe, R.: Accounting for Urban Development and Flood Risk in an Integrated Modelling Framework Thieken, A.: Assessing future flood risks and adaptation options in an Alpine watershed Garrett, P.: Flood Risk and Vulnerability mapping in Climate Change scenarios – A tool for the insurance industry Haasnoot, M.: (Economic) tipping points for adapting flood risk management to climate change in the EU Dittes, B.: Making adaptable decisions on flood protection infrastructure in the face of climate change uncertainty: A Bayesian framework
Meeting room 18 |
Dealing with risks
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20 15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
9.3 What do have climate change action and disaster risk management in common? Explore it! Chair: Leitner Markus
Pulquerio, M.: Exploiting synergies: a vision for CCA and DRR cooperation by 2020 Pringle, P.: Linking CCA and DRR: Creating a space for dialogue and knowledge exchange Sfetsos, A..: A pan-European framework for strengthening Critical Infrastructure resilience to climate change - EU-CIRCLE Bosch, P.: Resilient Cities and Infrastructure - RESIN project Hama, A. M.: Downscaling IPCC’s Global Reasons for Concern to Build Resilience at the Local Level via Climate Sensitive Risk Management – Insights from the ARISE Project Jebens, M.: Coastal flooding in Denmark. How can DRM and CCA be improved and coordinated?
Meeting room 19 |
14:00 – 14:20
14:20 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:00
15:20 – 15:20
15:20 – 15:40
15:40 – 16:00
1.2 Climate change and power infrastructure: Adaptation needs of electric power systems Chair: Elizabeth Durney
Quan Luna, B.: Risk based adaptation of electrical substations, Integration of Bayesian Networks in a GIS environment Staid, A.: Sensitivity of the U.S. power system to climate-induced changes in tropical cyclone impacts Jones, F.: From reactive to proactive: getting adaptation on the agenda in a high renewables future Groth, M.: Climate change adaptation strategies within the framework of the German Energiewende – Is there a need for government interventions and legal obligations? Eisenack, K.: Adapting long-lived infrastructure to uncertain climate change Bolle, A. C.: Multi-purpose hydropower projects. A sustainable approach to climate change adaptation
Meeting room 20 |
Adaptation in different sectors |
Workshop Chair: David Rissik
Moderators: Boulter, S. Speakers: Rissik, D., Hamden, R.
Meeting room 16 |
Adaptation in cities |
Workshop Chair: Alberto Terenzi
Moderators: Peleikis, J., Terenzi, A., Dawson, R.
Meeting room 17 |
Workshop Chair: Susanne Pedersen
Speakers and moderators: Pedersen, S., Hezel, B., Steen, J., Swart, R., Singh, S., Pranov, H., Payen, S., Coninx, I.
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Wednesday pm |
Adaptation in cities
16:30 – 16:50 16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10 18:10 – 18:30
3.8 Urban adaptation action – a multi-level governance issue Chair: Julia Peleikis
Nieto Silleras, S. : EU and Urban Climate Adaptation Bender, S.: Adaptation strategies: Looking for best practices only can lead to deadlock Vetter, A.: Challenges of adaptation to climate change in municipalities – experiences from a workshop series in Germany Duarte Santos, F.: Large scale municipal adaptation to climate change: Portuguese case study - ClimAdaPT.Local project Hudekova, Z.: Local climate adaptation in Bratislava De Paula Domingos, N.: Gaps and opportunities in Rio de Janeiro’s adaptation strategy
Auditorium 10 |
Regional challenges and opportunities 16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30 |
10.2 Adaptation to Climate Change in European Mountain Regions
Chair: Wolfgang Lexer
Leroy, E.: New tools to explore sustainable water management adaptation strategies in mountain areas and to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and its uptake by the public Keuschnig, M.: High-Alpine infrastructures – towards a climate-sensitive risk management: an example from the Kitzsteinhorn, Hohe Tauern, Austria Chomat, G.: The contribution of the Alpine Convention to climate change adaptation in the Alpine region Lexer, W.: The Climate Adaptation Platform for the Alps: usable knowledge provision for decision makers in a transnational cooperation approach Werners, S.: Carpathian integrated assessment of vulnerability to climate change and adaptation measures Szalai, S.: Adaptation to climate change in the Carpathian Convention
Auditorium 11 |
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
2.1 Economic Instruments of Adaptation Chair: Alessio Capriolo
Gebhardt, O.: Economic assessments for climate change adaptation in urban planning: The case of Jena, Germany Schasfoort, F.: Efficient adaptation pathways for the Rotterdam area, Making decisions based on uncertain costs and benefits of adaptation strategies to cope with increasing flood risk Lokers, R.: A tool to communicate economic assessments of regional adaptation strategies Bachner, G.: Land Transport Systems under Climate Change: A Macroeconomic Assessment of Adaptation Measures for the Case of Austria Erangu Purath Mohankumar, S.: An integrated decision support framework to evaluate farm-level adaptations to climate change Parrado, R.: Climate change impacts and market driven adaptation: The costs of inaction including market rigidities
Auditorium 12 |
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10 17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
2.5 An integrated perspective on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Insights from global economic models Chair: Enrica De Cian
Held, H.: Climate Policy Under Uncertain and Heterogeneous Climate Damages Emmerling, J.: Sharing of Climate Risks across World Regions Bosello, F.: Catastrophic risk, precautionary abatement, and adaptation transfers Ahlert, G: Integrated impact assessment of climate change and alternative adaptation measures Hof, A.: Effort sharing taking into account adaptation costs and climate change damage De Cian, E.: Building Uncertainty into the Adaptation Cost Estimation in IAMs
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
6.3 Institutional Economics of Climate Change Adaptation Chair: Christoph Oberlack, Klaus Eisenack, Matteo Roggero
Jones, R.: The institutional economics of rapid and unpredictable climate change Bergsma, E.: Institutional economics of flood damage compensation: a comparative analysis between the Netherlands and the United States Root, L.: Mainstreaming local climate adaptation investments using municipal income: Analyzing actors, adaptation, and context using simulation gaming Bisaro, A.: Nature-related transactions analysis of finance for coastal adaptation Villamayor-Tomàs, S.: Disturbance characteristics and transaction costs: an institutional economics approach to adaptation strategies in five Spanish irrigation systems Oberlack, C.: Diagnosing Institutional Traps, Trade-offs and Opportunities for Climate Adaptation: A Meta-Analysis of Case-Study Evidence from Europe
Meeting room 5 |
Adaptation in different sectors
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
4.2 Adaptation to changing flood risk Chair: Heidi Kreibich, Sergiy Vorogushyn
Srisawalak, O.: Thailand’s 2011 Flood: Household Damages, Compensation and Natural Catastrophe Insurance Bubeck, P.: Potential of flood-damage reducing measures implemented by households to address current and future flood risk Yang, L.: Assessment of Flood Losses with Household Responses: Agent-based Simulation in an Urban Catchment Area Matczak, P.: Comparing apples to oranges. Flood Risk Governance Arrangements in six European countries Kaufmann, M.: The two tales of one concept - Comparing the implementation of a flood risk concept in the Netherlands and Flanders Corbishley, C.: Adaptation pathways - an approach for managing flood risk
Meeting room 18 |
Climate services and communication
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10 17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
8.4 Communicating for a resilient future Chair: Christian Bjørnæs
Howarth, C.: Co-producing climate communication: incorporating practitioner knowledge in the IPCC Process Young, C.: Building resilience through narratives Jakobsen, A. S.: Information? Dialogue? Involvement? How strategic and planned stakeholder communication creates added value in climate adaptation projects Pedoth, L.: Co-creation and communication of knowledge as common requirement for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction: experiences Vulturius, G.: Can Climate Change Communication effectively promote adaptation? Kunttu, S.: Uncertainty communication between researchers and decision makers by visualizations
Meeting room 19 |
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30
1.1 Adapting to Extreme Events: risk transfer and insurance provision in the EU and its member states Chairs: Swenja Surminski, Franz Prettenthaler, C. Dionisio Pérez-Blanco Mysiak, J.: Partnerships for affordable and equitable insurance provision Hudson, P.: Implications of risk based insurance premiums for flood preparedness and affordability of coverage Lorant, A.: The European Solidarity Fund, its past performance and recent reforms Hanger, S.: Designing national flood insurance systems: the equity-efficiency trade-off Köberl, J.: Financial risk transfer mechanisms – Comparison of alternative national systems for managing flood risks and quantifying capital requirements Panel discussion
Meeting room 20 |
16:30 – 16:45 16.45 – 17:15
17.15 – 17:45
17.45 – 18:20 18.20 – 18:30 |
Workshop Chair: Susanne Pedersen
Introduction from Chair Presentation: Vejle project, Southern Jutland, Denmark by Stjernholm, H. and Frederiksen, L.) Presentation: Frihamnen project, Gothenburg, Sweden by Moback, U. and Morrison, G. Roundtable discussion, moderated by Templar, R. Closing remarks
Meeting room 16 |
Social Science and participation |
Workshop 7.2 The role and use of Participatory Methodologies in Climate Change Adaptation Chair: Filipe Moreira Alves
Moderator and Facilitator: Alves, M., Hastrup, A., Holscher, K.
Meeting room 17 |
Adaptation in different sectors
16:30 – 16:50
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
17:50 – 18:10
18:10 – 18:30 |
4.6 Cross-scale linkages between Nordic and global mitigation and adaptation in the land use sector: results from NORD-STAR Chair: Martin Persson
Wiréhn, L.: AgroExplore – Assessing Agricultural Vulnerability in the Nordic Countries to Support Strategic Climate Adaptation Woods, B.: Farmer Perceptions of Climate Change and Likely Responses in Danish Agriculture Nainggolan, D.: Modelling Autonomous Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector and the Environmental-Economic Implications in the Nordic Region Olsson, O.: Understanding the linkages between land-based adaptation and mitigation – a systematic literature review and a conceptual framework Neset, T.: A typology of maladaptation: assessing risks for maladaptive action within Nordic agriculture Godar, J.: Adaptation in a telecoupled world: linkages between mitigation and adaptation at Nordic and global scales in the land use sector
Meeting room 7 |
Posters and Expo |
Thursday am |
Adaptation in different sectors
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
4.9 Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation and disaster risk reduction Chair: David Vackar
Harmáčková, Z.: Ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation in vulnerable natural areas Zölch, T.: Integrating the ecosystem-based approach in municipal adaptation strategies: the case of Germany Zandersen, M.: Payment for ecosystem services – paying farmers for using farmland for flood control Riise, J.: creating new values using intelligent stormwater management Pártl, A.: Integrated assessment of the environmental risk for ecosystem services provision in the Czech Republic Kloos, J.: The role of ecosystem-based Adaptation and Eco-DRR – Some insights from Dassari watershed in North-West Benin
Auditorium 10 |
Adaptation in different sectors
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
4.7 Climate change adaptation and public health Chair: Hans Sanderson and Michael Goodsite
Allex, B.: Elderly and migrants under urban heat pressure - Results of two climate change adaptation studies. Spadaro, J.: Health and Economic Impact of Threshold Temperature on the Effectiveness of a Heat Warning System: A Case Study for the City of Madrid, Spain Aaheim, A.: Impacts of climate change on health and their economic consequences in Europe. Chiabai, A.: Evaluating health watch warning systems in a changing climate: A cost-benefit analysis for the city of Madrid. Higgins, S.: Mental health and climate change: Costing impacts and assessing adaptation options in England. Eggen, B.: Adaptation for the UK's Health and Care System
Auditorium 11 |
Regional challenges and opportunities
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
10.5 Adapting the Baltic Sea region to a changing climate Chair: Maxi Nachtigall
Reckermann, M.: Hot-spot Baltic Sea – expected climate change and its impacts on Europe’s first macro-region Nachtigall, M.: A climate adaptation strategy for the Baltic Sea region Andersson, L.: A road-map for mainstreaming climate adaptation in Sweden – reflections from the work on a governmental missions Uustal, T.: Developing Estonia’s National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change Menshova, Y.: Local climate adaptation in the Baltic Sea region – the St Petersburg case Gudzuks, G.: At the nexus between adaptation and mitigation – low carbon development policy implementation in the Baltic Sea region
Auditorium 12 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
6.6 Supporting Adaptation by cross-sectoral climate risk and vulnerability assessments Chair: Inke Schauser
Füssel, H. M.: The fourth generation of European-wide climate change impact assessments – lessons and outlook Köchy, M.: Modelling European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security (FACCE MACSUR) König, M.: Economic Evaluation of Climate Impacts - Blueprint and Application for Austria Koellner, P.: Climate-related risk assessment in Switzerland: Experiences and lessons learned Greiving, S.: Methodological approach for assessing climate impacts and identifying spatial patterns of climate change for the German Adaptation Strategy Kahlenborn, W.: Sectoral and cross-sectoral vulnerabilities in Germany
Auditorium 15 |
Adaptation in cities
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10 10:10 – 10:30 |
3.4 Operationalizing local adaptation: transition towards urban climate resilience Chair: Maddalen Mendizabal, Efren Feliu
Lu, P.: The transitional pathway of urban resilience in coping with flood risk – case studies in Tainan and Kaohsiung, Taiwan Madsen, H. M.: Change in the Urban Water Management Regime – Successful Technology and Institutional Pathways TBA
Bosch, P.: Climate Proof Cities – How Dutch cities can prepare themselves for climate change impacts Klostermann, J.: Monitoring of adaptation in municipalities Structured discussion about the conceptual-methodological framework.
Meeting room 5 |
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
5.3 Assessing the impact of adaptation strategies on reduced vulnerability of economies to energy-related climate impacts Chair: Douglas Crawford-Brown
Azevedo, M.: Adapting power generation to climate change impacts Crawford-Brown, D.: Climate change and robust decision-making in the wind energy sector Eleftheriadou, A.: The application of high resolution seasonal models for the energy performance of buildings Lu, P. J.: Electricity generation system in Taiwan: Risks under climate change Votsis, A.: Synthesising climate change scenarios, impacts and adaptation information in an EU-wide GIS framework Leonardsen, L., et al.: Closing summary: Implications of the findings for Copenhagen’s climate adaptation programme
Meeting room 18 |
Adaptation Policy and Governance
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
6.1 The innovation of adaptation policies across scales Chairs: Eric Massey, Dave Huitema, Robbert Biesbroek
Huitema, D.: Innovations in Climate Governance - A conceptual framework and an introduction of COST Action INOGOV Austin, S.: Public Health Adaptation to Climate Change in Canadian Jurisdictions Juhola, S.: Institutionalisation of climate policy: The role of national boundary organisations Joerin, J.: Are there adaptation barriers? Experiences from Switzerland Lasage, R.: Assessment of European regional adaptation strategies Jensen, A.: Climate Policy integration across Europe: Assessing adaptation policy through national adaptation strategies
Meeting room 19 |
Dealing with risks
08:30 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:10
09:10 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:50
09:50 – 10:10
10:10 – 10:30 |
9.5 Climate change adaptation in the context of extremes: Exploring drought and flooding governance Chairs: Alison L Browne, Catherin |