12th to 14th

May 2015

Bella Center










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Scientific program  (Scroll down for detailed programme)

 Programme overview. 24.04.15


Detailed scientific programme: (may be subject to change) A more printer friendly version in PDF can be downloaded by clicking HERE






Tuesday am


Opening plenary

Welcome – moderated by: Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Hans Sanderson, ECCA2015 chair

Brian Bech Nielsen, President of Aarhus University

Lykke Leonardsen, City of Copenhagen



Kurt Vandenberghe, Director, Climate Action and Resource Efficiency

Presentation of the three hosting European projects: BASE, RAMSES and ToPDad

Hans Bruyninckx, Director, European Environment Agency (EEA)

Kirsten Brosbøl, Minister of Environment, Denmark

Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Danish Meteorological Institute
Henk Ovink,
Special Envoy on International Water Affairs for the Kingdom of The Netherlands

Mohammad Reza Mortazavi, percussions

Panel discussion: Adaptation challenges and opportunities.

Moderated by Sandrine Dixson-Declève between the four strands of the conference:


Business: Bente Pretlove DNV GL; Christina Busk (DI); Rasmus Valanko (WBCSD)

Research: Frans Berkhout (Kings College) & Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen (DMI)

Practitioners: Lykke Leonhardsen (Copenhagen) & Henk Ovink (Netherlands)

Policy: Kurt Vandenberghe (DG CA&RE); Hans Bruyninckx (EEA); Kirsten Brosbøl (Danish Environment Minister)


10, 11 & 12

Posters and Expo


Tuesday pm


Midday Plenary

Jiang Tong, China Meteorological Administration

Chaired by María Máñez Costa, Climate Service Center 2.0

Auditorium 10

Midday Plenary

Frans Berkhout, Kings College, London

Chaired by Michael Goodsite, Syddansk University

Auditorium 11

Midday Plenary

Claus Kondrup, DG Climate Action, Adaptation Unit

Sarah Hendel-Blackford, Ecofys UK

Linda Romanovska, Fresh Thoughts Consulting

Chaired by Tiago Capela Lourenço, University of Lisbon

Auditorium 12

Posters and Expo


Tuesday pm


European Commission - Plenary Session


14:00 – 14:30



0.1 - European Research and Innovation Roadmap for Climate Services

Chair: Marco Gemmer, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation

Panel: Jacob, D., Parry, M., Street, R.

Auditorium 10

14:35 – 16:00

0.2 - Adaptation Futures 2016 outreach to scientific community

Chair: Marco Gemmer, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation



Palutikof, J., Parry, M., Klein, R., Gemmer, M., Ovink, H.

Auditorium 10


Adaptation in different sectors



14:00 – 14:20


 14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00





15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40



15:40 – 16:00

4.3 Adapting to Climate Change in Tourism: The role of Weather and Climate Services

Chair: Franz Prettenthaler


Köberl, J.: WEDDA® (Weather Driven Demand Analysis) – A toolbox for managing weather and climate risks in tourism and recreation

Cavan, G.: The importance of tourist type in understanding weather and climate driven demand sensitives

Dunn, M.: IMPRESSIONS: Using visualisations of future climate analogues and contingent ranking to explore potential impacts on the Scottish economy of changed tourist preferences due to climate change related landscape change

Preuschmann, S.: How Climate Services help to adapt to a changing climate

Prettenthaler, F.: WEDDA-4CPI: The use of climate demand models for planning climate proof investments

Podium discussion

Auditorium 11

Adaptation Policy and Governance




14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40




14:40 – 15:00



15:20 – 15:20



15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00

6.5 Multi-level government and climate change adaptation: reconciling bottom-up and top-down perspectives?

Chair: Duncan Russel


Oberlack, C.: Alleviating barriers to urban climate change adaptation through international cooperation

Den Uyl, R.: Understanding decision making capacity (or the lack of it) to address climate change in settings with unreconciled bottom-up and top-down perspectives

Hildén, M.: What happens locally and why - The relationship between central policy and local action in adaptation in Finland

Pütz, M.: Dealing with problems of fit by rescaling: Multilevel governance of climate change adaptation in Switzerland

Washington-Ottombre, C.: Polycentric Governance and Irrigation Reform in Kenya

Lawrence, J.: The relationship between institutional frameworks and adaptation practice: a country study from New Zealand

Auditorium 12

Adaptation Policy and Governance



14:00 – 14:20



14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


6.7 Tracking adaptation to climate change

Chair: Robbert Biesbroek, James Ford, Lea Berrang-Ford



Lesnikowski, A.: Applications in adaptation tracking: A longitudinal assessment of adaptation progress among high-income countries

Massey, E.: The emergence of climate change adaptation as a new field of public policy in Europe

Trabacchi, M. C.: The Landscape of Adaptation Finance

Araos, M.: Adaptation in large cities: a global assessment

Beckmann, K.: Tracking Adaptation in Scotland: ‘The How and the Why’

Zoller, M.: Evaluation of climate change adaptation in Switzerland

Auditorium 15

Adaptation in cities


3.1 Case Copenhagen - Part 1: The way we achieved everyday benefits from integrated blue-green climate adaptation Part 1: The efficient process

Chair: Lykke Leonardsen


Speakers: Leonardsen, L., Bernt Hasling, A., Clauson-Kaas, J., Rafn Thomsen, F.

Meeting room 5

Adaptation in different sectors



14:00 – 14:20



14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00



15:20 – 15:20




15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00

4.10 Safeguarding our Shores: Social and Cultural Dimensions of Coastal Climate Change Adaptation in Europe and the U.S

Chair: Grit Martinez


Martinez, G: Why do social-cultural aspects matter when it comes to safeguarding our shores?

Van Dongeren, A.: Coastal risk reduction. Converging approaches in the U.S. and the Netherlands?

Bergsma, E.: Adapting to increased flood losses in flood damage compensation: A comparative analysis of the U.S. and The Netherlands

Waldmann, C.: Bottom-up approaches in adapting to a changing climate: Perspectives from the West Coast of the U.S. and why they could matter for Europe

Davies, M.: Coastal Climate Change Adaptation for Scotland’s Historic Environment

Stelljes, N.: A comparison of local adaptation strategies - Results from a qualitative data analysis of nine coastal adaptation strategies

Meeting room 18

Regional challenges and opportunities



14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00



15:20 – 15:20



15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


10. 4 Adaptation policies and measures in the Mediterranean region

Chairs: Sergio Castellari, Dr. Silvano Pecora, Jaroslav Mysiak


Castellari, S.: Adaptation Strategic Planning toward a NAS in Italy

De Salvo, M.: Climate change impact on wheat in the Mediterranean Region

Pérez Blanco, C. D.: Costs and benefits of incremental water pricing in agriculture. Lessons from the Regione Emilia Romagna in Italy

Colaço, M.: How the multi-sector partnerships can contribute to enhance territory resilience to wildfires in Portugal

Pecora, S.: Climate variability and change in the Emilia Romagna Region – Regional Climate atlas

Sandor, S.: Adaptation in the water sector in Hungary


Meeting room 19

Social Science and participation


14:00 – 14:20



14:20 – 14:40





14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20



15:20 – 15:40




15:40 – 16:00


7.3 Unpacking the co-production of knowledge in adaptation to climate change

Chair: David Porter


Jones, R., Young  C: Integrating theory and practice in adaptation research and implementation

Bergsma, E.: The relationship between experts and democratic actors in the co-production of knowledge on flood damage compensation: The case of flood insurance reform after hurricane Katrina

Bremer, S.: The TRACKS approach to place-based climate knowledge co-production

Von Storch, H.: Developing the concept of regional climate service – 15 years of coastal applications

Lee, H-C: Community Influence in Adaptation to Climate Change: The Role of Local Knowledge and Co-Production of Knowledge in a Coastal City –Tainan, Taiwan

Van Nieuwaal, K.: Co-production of knowledge in adaptation to climate change: empirical results and lessons learnt from The Netherlands

Meeting room 20

Adaptation in different sectors







4.2: Visualising Sea-Level Rise: Bridging the Gap between Science and Adaptation

Chair: Diogo De Gusmão-Sørensen


Speakers and Moderators: Grinsted, A., Svenstrup Petersen O., de Gusmão-Sørensen, D., Rasmussen, J.


Meeting room 16

Adaptation in cities


3.1. Addressing urban climate challenges: Climate Services, Living Labs and Learning Alliances Chair: Rob Swart


Speakers: Robrecht, H., Coninx, I., Swart, R.


Meeting room 17

Social Science and participation


7.3 Youth workshop

Chair: Olav Hesseldahl


With Students from Copenhagen International School and Faxehus  Efterskole (Boarding School)

Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Tuesday pm


Adaptation Policy and Governance



16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50




17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30

6.4 Adaptation Frameworks – can one size fit all?

Chair: Sarah Boulter



Webb, B.: Designing adaptation support: addressing common and differentiated needs

Young, C.: The problem solution process framework for adaptation practitioners

Boulter, S.: The Natural Resource Management Checklist: A national framework for adaptation

Dias, L.: Practical application of the UKCIP Adaptation Wizard support framework to 29 Portuguese municipalities: transferability, contexts, barriers and levers

Beck, C.: Climate Change Adaptation and Transformation through an Ecoregion Placemaking Approach

Hamden, R.: Adaptation Planning in the Torres Strait and South Australia– A case study comparison of two different cultures and communities


Auditorium 10

Adaptation in different sectors


 16:30 – 16:50



16:50 – 17:10



17:10 – 17:30



17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


4.1 Reducing Coastal Vulnerability in Europe: science, policy and application

Chair: Ap Van Dongeren


Martinez, G.: Social-cultural aspects in coastal vulnerability and risk reduction: perspectives for end-users and policymakers

Viavattene, C.: Socio-economic aspects for  regional scale vulnerability and risk assessment – vulnerability library

Vojinovic, Z.: Risk Assessment aspects: development of the Risk Assessment Framework and onTology (RAFT)

Manojlovic, N.: Hamburg: Holistic approach to flood risk management in the Elbe Estuary

Armaroli, C.: Emilia-Romagna Coast: Coastal threats and measures

Bramati, M. C.: Environmental conflicts in coastal areas: a quantitative approach


Auditorium 11

Regional challenges and opportunities



16:30 – 16:50



16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30



17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:30


10.3 Adaptation without Borders? How policy and practice can address the indirect impacts of climate change

Chairs: Magnus Benzie, Henrik Carlsen


Carlsen, H.: Introducing a pathway-based conceptual framework to identify the indirect impacts of climate change

Canevari, L.: Adaptation beyond the firm: the role of networks in business environments

Hedlund, J.:  A global index of exposure to the indirect impacts of climate change and examples from Sweden

Carter, T.: Addressing implications of the indirect impacts of climate change for Europe exemplified with the case of Finland

Panel with: Andersson, L., Carlsen, H., Canevari,L., Carstens, C., Hildén, M.


Auditorium 12

Adaptation Policy and Governance



16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10



17:10 – 17:30




17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30


6.7 Tracking adaptation to climate change

Chair: Robbert Biesbroek, James Ford, Lea Berrang-Ford



Leiter, T.: Tracking adaptation to climate chance across scales: avenues and practical approaches

Capela Lourenço, T.: The dynamics of local climate change adaptation in Portugal: tracking down action in front-runner municipalities

Kingsborough, A.: Linking monitoring and evaluation with risk assessment and decision making for climate change adaptation: demonstration of an integrated approach

Driscoll, P.: Bridging the QUAN/QUAL divide in comparative climate change planning

Vinke-de Kruijf, J.: Evaluation and comparison of adaptation actions: a diagnostic and process-oriented approach

Panel chaired by Biesbroek, R.,  James, J., Berrang-Ford, L.


Auditorium 15

Adaptation in cities


3.2 Case Copenhagen - Part 2: The way we achieved everyday benefits from integrated blue-green climate adaptation - Part 2: The tools, documentation, financing and implementation

Chair: Lykke Leonardsen


Speakers: Leonardsen, L., Hasling, A. B., Clauson-Kaas, J., Thomsen, F. R., Weiss Garne, T., Bach, O.


Meeting room 5





16:30 – 16:50



16:50 – 17:10



17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50




17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30

5.2 The role of critical infrastructures in disaster risk mitigation

Chair: Elco Koks and Lorenzo Carrera


Pant, R.: Understanding national scale systemic risks due to critical infrastructure network failures

Nicolai, R.: Flood risk assessment for the port of Rotterdam infrastructure

Mysiak, J.: Disruption of a drainage infrastructure system: economic outcomes and risk mitigation policies

Kellermann, P.: Frequency analysis on critical meteorological conditions in a changing climate - Assessing future implications for railway transportation in Austria

Harjanne, A.: Potential of intramodal and cross-modal substitution in enhancing the resilience of air transport – Evidence from European airports

Master, E.: Ventura, A strategy for public infrastructure resilience: Case study of El Salvador in Central America

Meeting room 18

Adaptation Policy and Governance


6.1 Monitoring, reporting and evaluation of climate change adaptation at national level

Chair: Stéphane Isoard


Speakers: Nieto-Silleras, S., Isoard, S., Thompson, D., Schönthaler, K., McCallum, S., Mullan, M.

Meeting room 19

Regional challenges and opportunities



16:30 – 16:50




16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30



17:30 – 17:50




17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


10.1 Climate Change & Societies’ Adaptive Capacity in the Arctic - In a Multi-Level and Interdisciplinary Perspective

Chair: Michael Goodsite


Davidsdottir, B.: Potential Impact of Adapting Energy Supply System to Climate Change in Iceland     

Pacheco, V.: Impact Benefit Agreements as Mechanisms for Climate Change Adaptation

Muir, M.: Indigenous Participatory Engagement in Circum-Arctic Adaptation Through the Arctic Council and National Structures and Processes

Cassotta, S.: Climate Change and Human Security in a Multi-Level Dimension: The Case of the Arctic Ocean with the Role of China as an Unpredictable Variable for Arctic Security

Goodsite, M.: Adaptation to Climate Change for Military and Research Camps in the Arctic: New Bases – Old Challenges

Wrapping up the Session & Reflections on Future Directions


Meeting room 20

Climate services and communication


8.2 What’s needed to turn climate information into climate services for Europe?

Chairs: Bernd Hezel, Richard Klein, Christian Bjørnæs

Meeting room 16

Adaptation in cities


3.1 Addressing urban climate challenges: Climate Services, Living Labs and Learning Alliances

Chair: Jonas Bylund


Speakers: Robrecht, H., Swart, R., Coninx, I.

Meeting room 17



5.2 Sustainable Dredging Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation: Solutions from the European Dredging Community

Chair: Polite Laboyrie


Speakers: Kropp, J., De Boissezon, B., de Boer, P., Malfère, V., Malherbe, B., Sansoglou, P.

Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Wednesday am


Climate services and communication




08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10




09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50

09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

8.3 Curating climate impact information and adaptation know-how for local adaptation planning — suitable instruments, formats and media

Chair: Bernd Hezel


Dittrich, R.: The role of flood action groups in the uptake of flood mitigation measures in Scotland

Groot, A.: Closing the gap: How boundary workers can bridge the gap between climate impact information provided and its application by users

Hackenbruch, J.: Identifying practical climate parameters for regional adaption planning

Van de Ven, F.: Adaptation Support Toolbox

Meinke, I.:  Providing information – enabling knowledge

Terenzi, A., Mendizabal, M.: Co-creating climate and adaptation knowledge: Experiences from the RAMSES project


Auditorium 10

Dealing with risks




08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50

09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

9.4 High-end climate change: Can we adapt to extreme futures?

Chairs: Paula Harrison, Richard Betts and Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla


Betts, R.: Scenarios of climate change impacts and adaptation above 2oC global warming

Alfieri, L.: Ensemble evaluation of the future flood risk in Europe under high-end climate scenarios

Rounsevell, M.: Evaluating the performance of models of impacts and adaptation under high-end climate change

Sanchez-Arcilla, A.: Adaptive coastal zones: A concept to improve natural resilience in the face of climate change

Frantzeskaki, N.: Linking transformative visions, pathways and solutions to high-end climate change: A systems approach

Science-policy panel with:  Gemmer, M., Manoli, E., Betts, R.,  Sanchez-Arcilla, A.  


Auditorium 11

Adaptation in different sectors


08:30 – 08:50




08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30




09:30 – 09:50




09:50 – 10:10




10:10 – 10:30

4.8 Drivers for decision making amongst forest owners

Chair: Bill Slee


Yousefpour, R.: Forestry professional´s perceptions of climate change, impacts and adaptation strategies for forests in South-West Germany

Petr, M.: Understanding of quantified and perceived uncertainty affecting forest planners decision-making

André, K.: The role of social networks in communicating knowledge on climate change adaptation among forestry stakeholders in Sweden

Lawrence, A.: From nursery to saw mill: stakeholder perspectives driving conifer diversification in public and privately owned forests

Vulturius, G.: Assessing and explaining individual engagement with climate change adaptation and preferences for adaptation measures

Panel discussion with introduction from Eriksson, H. and presenters.


Auditorium 12






08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30



09:30 – 09:50



09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

2.3 Economics of Adaptation – European Case Studies on the Costs and Benefits of Climate Change and Adaptation

Chair: Sven Schulze


Jahn, M.: Regional costs and benefits of adaptation to extreme weather events: A SCGE framework

Koks, E.: The economic-wide consequences of large-scale floods. How resilient is the European economy?

Drosdowski, T.: Germany and extreme weather events: Do investments in adaptation measures pay off?

Bednar-Friedl, B.: Direct and indirect effects of climate change on public budgets: A CGE analysis for Austria

Perrels, A.: The economic impacts of climate change on critical infrastructure in Europe

Standardi, G.: Assessing the economic equilibrium effects of sea level rise in the Italian regions


Auditorium 15

Adaptation in cities





08:30 – 08:50




08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50



09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

3.2 Integrating adaptation and mitigation strategies in urban areas: The UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities

Chair: Stelios Grafakos


Pacteau, C.: Exploring the interrelationships between adaptation and mitigation strategies in urban areas: The UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities

Schwarze, R.: Economics, finance and the role the private sector in climate change action of cities - a survey and assessment

Jean-Baptiste, N.: Integrating adaptation and mitigation in the housing sector

Pelizzaro, P: SEAP and LAP (Local Adaptation Plan) development Participatory Process:  Critical points and Opportunities

D'Acci, L.: Integrating low carbon and climate adaptation benefits in an integrated Sustainability Benefits assessment methodology

Panel discussion: Lessons learned from selected cities integrating adaptation and mitigation strategies


Meeting room 5

Adaptation in different sectors


08:30 – 08:35

08:35 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:25


10:25 – 10:30

4.11 ToPDAd-tools for adaptation in energy, transport and tourism
Chair: Tony Rosqvist


Rosqvist, T.: ToPDAd’s objectives vs. ToPDAd output

Perrels, A.: Review of sector level effects in Europe: scenarios, adaptation options, costs

Aaheim, A.: The dependency on economic development for adaptation to climate change

Crawford-Brown, D.: Sectors’ vulnerability assessment – Case energy, transport, tourism

Lokers, R.: An integrated view on regional and sector assessments

Prettenthaler, F.: Toolbox for managing wheather related risk in the tourism sector

Rosqvist, T.: Closing remarks


Meeting room 18

Adaptation in cities




08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50



09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

3.3 Developing and implementing local adaptation strategies – approaches and support for local governments

Chair: Steffen Bender


Hutt, L.: Support for local government in England

Masselink, L.: Method for mainstreaming climate change into municipal spatial planning

Bosch, P.: Linking adaptation to asset management: a planning tool

Glavan, J.: Utilizing Blue Carbon bundeled with ecosystem services as part of National Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

Chiang, Y. C.: Community-based empowerment mechanism for climate adaptation – A case study of flood-prone urban area of Taiwan

Groth, M.: How to adapt to climate change – challenges for cities


Meeting room 19







08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30

09:30 – 09:50



09:50 – 10:10




10:10 – 10:30

1.3 A systems perspective for smarter cities: Resilience requires integrated, co-designed, adaptation and mitigation strategies

Chair: Asuncion Lera St. Clair


Mangalagiu, D.: Systems thinking and complex systems approaches to better understand urban resilience

Christiansen, A.: A systems perspective for resilient cities

Baron, G.: The Transformation to Resilient Cities

Ramanarayanan, V.: Understanding and developing a tiered structure for defining Smart Sustainable Cities

Ikert, A.: Examples of Creative Solutions and Resilience from C40 megacities and innovator cities

Panel discussion, moderated by Asuncion Lera St. Clair


Meeting room 20

Climate services and communication

8.1 User’s feedback on climate change adaptation platforms

Chair: André Jol


Speakers: Jol, A., Street, R., Mattern, K., Grøndahl, L., Picatoste Ruggeroni, J. R.


Meeting room 16

Adaptation in different sectors

4.3 Governing climate adaptation: how to promote change towards more flood resilient cities in northern

Chair: Peter Driessen


Speakers: Raadgever, T., van Rijswick, M., van Veelen, P., Green, C. or Alexander, M., Nickson, A., Ek, K. / Pettersson, M., Moback, U., Liefferink, D.


Meeting room 17

Adaptation in different sectors

4.4 From Water to Growth in urban areas

Chair: Mikkel Thomassen


Speakers: Rungø, M., Bundsgaard, J., Gjeraa, A. M., Hedensted, D., Thomassen, M., Hinsby, P.


Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Wednesday am/pm


Climate services and communication




11:00 – 11:20




11:20 – 11:40




11:40 – 12:00




12:00 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:40





12:40 – 13:00


8.3 Curating climate impact information and adaptation know-how for local adaptation planning — suitable instruments, formats and media

Chair: Bernd Hezel


Grothmann, T.: Reducing the gap between climate services and their potential users: Psychological surveys as a means for developing effective communication instruments

Seebauer, S.: How to approach citizens about prevention? The potential of volunteer workers in disaster emergency and relief services as risk communicators

O’Dwyer, B.:  Ireland's Climate Information Platform - Enabling Local-level Adaptation Planning in


Hoogvliet, M.: The Dutch Web Portal for Spatial Adaptation


Avelar, D.: Using a game approach to support decision-makers’ appraisal of climate adaptation measures: an example from the water utility sector


Fish bowl panel, moderator: Bernd Hezel


Auditorium 10

Adaptation in cities



11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:40




11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20

12:20 – 12:40



12:40 – 13:00


3.10 Urban green as part of an effective local adaptation strategy

Chair: Frans van de Ven


Splittgerber, V.: Green City Solutions - The CityTree

Martinussen, P.: Excess green areas in social housing neighborhoods present cities with a storm water solution. – And could it potentially be a win - win?

Rémy, E.: Creating Green, Water Sensitive Streets the Danish Way – Developing and Designing with and for the Citizens

Groot, H. : Building with Nature in urban areas: Climate adaptation in the Rotterdam harbour region, the Netherlands

Zardo, L.: Nature-based urban planning: enhancing green areas design for local climate regulation

Snep, R.: Implementing local adaptation strategies that incorporate urban green – lessons from green city practice


Auditorium 11

Adaptation in different sectors


11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:40




11:40 – 12:00



12:00 – 12:20


12:20 – 12:40



12:40 – 13:00


4.8 Drivers for decision making amongst forest owners

Chair: Bill Slee


Vedel, S. E.: Forest owner´s social preferences for the provision of forest ecosystem services

Blennow, K.: Adapting to indirect effects of climate change – motivations and attitudes among European forest owners towards supplying biomass as feedstock for energy

Mäkinen, K.: Biodiversity conservation in a changing climate – limits and opportunities for adaptation in Finland´s privately owned forests

Dunningham, A.: Decision making in forestry enterprises

Jönsson, A. M.: Tool development for analyzing forest owners´ strategies to manage risks and adapt to climate change

Panel discussion with introduction from Normark, E. and presenters.


Auditorium 12





11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:40


12:40 – 13:00


2.2 Comparing costs and benefits of adaptation implemented by different actors

Chair: Jana Koerth, Daniel Osberghaus


Harmáčková, Z.: Economic assessment of grey and green climate change adaptation options: contrasting urban and natural environment.

Kreibich, H.: Efficiency of private precautionary measures for fluvial flood risk reduction in a changing environment

Mees, H.: Flood risk management at property level: a matter of costs and benefits?

Da Silva, L.: Coastal management in a changing climate: A cost-benefit perspective for 5 coastal communities in Quebec, Canada

Alves, F.: Cost-benefit analysis in climate change: the use of participatory methodologies

Kutluay, M.: Valuing malaria morbidity: Results from a global meta-analysis


Auditorium 15

Adaptation in cities




11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40




11:40 – 12:00



12:00 – 12:20


12:20 – 12:40



12:40 – 13:00


3.1 Understanding and supporting adaptation decision-making in Nordic built environments: results from NORD-STAR

Chair: Richard Klein


Landauer, M.: The influence of socio-cognitive and cultural factors on adaptation and mitigation decision-making and planning in Copenhagen

Baron, N.: Understanding controversies in urban climate change adaptation: a case study of the role of homeowners in the process of climate change adaptation in Copenhagen

Fazeli, R.: Short-run and long-run climate change impacts on residential electricity consumption

Opach, T.: Participatory mapping of resilience indicators

Glaas, E.: VisAdaptTM: Interactive visualization of climate change risks and adaptation options for Nordic homeowners

Klein, J.: Steering with soft policy instruments: is adaptation a private good?


Meeting room 5

Social Science and participation




11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40


11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:40




12:40 – 13:00


7.2 Decision support in climate change adaptation – Supply and demand side perspectives

Chair: Sabine Weiland, Volker Meyer, Oliver Gebhardt


Mattern, K.: Decision support for adaptation at European level - The European Climate Adaptation Platform

Goossen, W. J.: Making decision support tools with stakeholders: practice from The Netherlands

Kind, C.: Evaluating a decision support tool with users from municipalities

Lawrence, J.: A decision tool in practice: experiencing deep uncertainty that changed the game

Capela Lourenço, T.: Understanding adaptation related decision-making under uncertainty: will ‘high-end’ scenarios require ‘high-end’ decision-making frameworks

Harley, M.: Supporting adaptation decision-making in the Netherlands: learning through effective monitoring


Meeting room 18

Adaptation in cities




11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40


11:40 – 12:00



12:00 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:40



12:40 – 13:00


3.6 Reconciling adaptation and mitigation in cities: Part I - The science basis: Recent methodological advances

Chair: Efren Feliu


Ford, A.: Reconciling Adaptation and Mitigation in Cities: The RAMSES Integrated Assessment modelling approach

Viguie, V.: Urban containment and vulnerability to heat waves

Roose, A.: Imagining urban futures in climate change strategy-making – agility and novelty of small nation

Sjödin, A.: Integration of adaptation and mitigation in risk management – a local perspective

Caparros-Midwood, D.: Optimised spatial planning to reconcile adaptation and mitigation objectives

Grafakos, S.: Barriers and opportunities of integrated climate change and adaptation: Exploring interrelationships between adaptation and mitigation actions in urban areas


Meeting room 19

Adaptation in different sectors




11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40




11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:40


12:40 – 13:00


4.4 Governance of Drought Adaptation in Europe: Different Regions, same Challenges?

Chair: Rodrigo Vidaurre, María Mañez, Jenny Tröltzsch


Cremades, R.: Extreme events and the value of climate services for agricultural stakeholders in India

Giordano, R.: System Dynamic Modelling to assess the effectiveness of drought risk management policies at local level: some hints from the Apulia region (Southern Italy)

Lizjenga,  S.: The DROP-project, benefit of governance in drought adaptation

Iglesias, A.: Adaptation to less water in the future: Acceptance of solutions by local communities in the Tagus basin, Spain

Bressers, H.: Multilevel governance affecting regional drought adaptation measures

Pedersen, A. B.: Barriers and opportunities in European agricultural climate adaptation – four case studies on farmer climate adaptation to droughts and flooding


Meeting room 20



Meet the buyer – Event

Chair: Douglas Crawford-Brown


Meeting room 16

Adaptation in different sectors

4.3 Governing climate adaptation: how to promote change towards more flood resilient cities in northern Europe

Chair: Peter Driessen


Meeting room 17

Adaptation in cities

3.6 Cities and climate change impacts – Bridging the scales between case studies and large scale city analysis

Chair: Diego Rybski


Speakers and moderator: Hargreaves, A., Farmani, R., Butler, D., De Ridder, K., Lauwaet, D., Hooyberghs, H., Maiheu, B., Lefebvre, W., Alistair, F.


Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Wednesday pm


Midday Plenary

Connie Hedegaard (KR Foundation)

Chaired by André Jol, EEA

Auditorium 10

Midday Plenary

Rasmus Valanko (WBCSD)

Chaired by Paula Harrison, University of Oxford

Auditorium 11

Midday Plenary

Bente Pretlove (DNV GL)

Chaired by Rob Swart, Wageningen University

Auditorium 12

Posters and Expo


Wednesday pm


European Commission - Plenary Session



14:00 – 14:20



14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00



15:00 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


0.3 Nature-based solutions for Climate Change Adaptation: Research and Innovation Opportunities for Europe

Chair: Eleni Manoli, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation


de Boissezon, B.: A new EU Research and Innovation policy perspective on Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation

Berry, P.: Research & Innovation perspectives towards the development of Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation

Ruijs, A.: Experiences and lessons learnt from nature based solutions for safeguarding water safety

Perini, L.: Coastal threats in the Emilia-Romagna region and potential measures

Robrecht, H.: Resilient cities: Opportunities for nature-based solutions


Auditorium 10





14:00 – 14:20



14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00



15:20 – 15:20



15:20 – 15:40



15:40 – 16:00


2.6 Economic Costs and Benefits of Climate Adaptation in Cities

Chair: Helia Costa, Graham Floater


Costa, H.: Climate change, heat stress and labour productivity: a framework for assessing adaptation costs in the city economy

Kropp, J.: Coastal floods threatening European cities – a large scale damage function assessment

Grafakos, S.: Estimating cost/effectiveness curves of urban adaptation measures in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Foudi, S.: Urban ecosystem services from green roofs: costs, benefits and uncertainties at the city scale

Rendon, O.: How best to adapt? CBA of three adaptation approaches to flood risk management for the city of Leeds, UK

Mendoza, D.: Multi-City Flood Footprint Assessment

Auditorium 11

Climate services and communication


14:00 – 14:20



14:20 – 14:40




14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40



15:40 – 16:00


8.5 A framework for regional modeling- supporting adaptation to climate change

Chair: Daniela Jacob


Madsen, M. S.: On procedures for providing climate scenario data for impact and adaptation studies

Schanze, J.: From coupled impact modelling to indicator-based risk evaluation- An integrated regional climate change risk assessment approach

Van den Hurk, B.: Analysis of a compounding surge and precipitation event in the Netherlands

Kolstad, E.: Regional climate Service in western Norway

Brown, S.: From impacts to adaptation: Changing perspectives in managing sustainable coastline

Calmanti, S.: Modeling chains supporting adaptation studies in Africa


Auditorium 12





14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20



15:20 – 15:40





15:40 – 16:00


2.4 Adapting to a changing climate: the role for economic analysis in policy

Chair: Michael Mullan


Mullan, M.: Economics of adaptation: experiences within OECD countries

Watkiss, P.: Updated Review of the Cost and Benefits of Adaptation: Evidence, Lessons and Policy Insights

Fankhauser, S.: The Use of Economics in UK Adaptation Policy

Kind, J.: Cost-Benefit Analysis for Political Decisions on Flood Risk Management in The Netherlands

Atkinson, E.: Economic analysis and Canada’s “Adaptation Platform”: multi-sector and cross- jurisdictional collaboration to generate economic knowledge and tools to support adaptation decision-making

Panel discussion


Auditorium 15

Climate services and communication


14:00 – 14:20




14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00





15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


8.1 Ingredients for effective communication of climate change knowledge

Chair: Jean Palutikof


Giupponi, C.: Options for climate change adaptation measures in Europe: the Climate-ADAPT Platform for informing policy/decision makers

Charron, I.: A tool to communicate to the adaptation community: a guidebook on climate scenarios

Olofsson, J.: Educating the next generation decision makers - the multi-disciplinary classroom as a platform for developing communication skills needed for future progress of adaptation measures

Flood, S.: How to communicate climate change for decision-making? Learning-by-asking.

Voeller, S.: New Paths for Climate Change Communication to the Young

Nielsen, O. M.: Using social media in climate adaptation projects – the Laasby case


Meeting room 5

Adaptation in different sectors

14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20



15:20 – 15:40



15:40 – 16:00


4.2 Adaptation to changing flood risk

Chair: Heidi Kreibich, Sergiy Vorogushyn


Coelli, F.: The impact of floods on firms' performance

Löwe, R.: Accounting for Urban Development and Flood Risk in an Integrated Modelling Framework

Thieken, A.: Assessing future flood risks and adaptation options in an Alpine watershed

Garrett, P.: Flood Risk and Vulnerability mapping in Climate Change scenarios – A tool for the insurance industry

Haasnoot, M.:  (Economic) tipping points for adapting flood risk management to climate change in the EU

Dittes, B.: Making adaptable decisions on flood protection infrastructure in the face of climate change uncertainty: A Bayesian framework


Meeting room 18

Dealing with risks




14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00



15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40




15:40 – 16:00


9.3 What do have climate change action and disaster risk management in common? Explore it!

Chair: Leitner Markus


Pulquerio, M.: Exploiting synergies: a vision for CCA and DRR cooperation by 2020

Pringle, P.: Linking CCA and DRR: Creating a space for dialogue and knowledge exchange

Sfetsos, A..: A pan-European framework for strengthening Critical Infrastructure resilience to climate change - EU-CIRCLE

Bosch, P.: Resilient Cities and Infrastructure - RESIN project

Hama, A. M.: Downscaling IPCC’s Global Reasons for Concern to Build Resilience at the Local Level via Climate Sensitive Risk Management – Insights from the ARISE Project

Jebens, M.: Coastal flooding in Denmark. How can DRM and CCA be improved and coordinated?


Meeting room 19






14:00 – 14:20



14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00



15:20 – 15:20




15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


1.2 Climate change and power infrastructure: Adaptation needs of electric power systems

Chair: Elizabeth Durney


Quan Luna, B.: Risk based adaptation of electrical substations,  Integration of Bayesian Networks in a GIS environment

Staid, A.:  Sensitivity of the U.S. power system to climate-induced  changes in tropical cyclone impacts

Jones, F.: From reactive to proactive: getting adaptation on the agenda in a high renewables future

Groth, M.: Climate change adaptation strategies within the framework of the German Energiewende – Is there a need for government interventions and legal obligations?

Eisenack, K.: Adapting long-lived infrastructure to uncertain climate change

Bolle, A. C.: Multi-purpose hydropower projects. A sustainable approach to climate change adaptation


Meeting room 20

Adaptation in different sectors

4.1 Adapting to climate change in the coastal zone: How do we support decision makers to take up the challenge?

Chair: David Rissik


Moderators: Boulter, S.

Speakers: Rissik, D., Hamden, R.


Meeting room 16

Adaptation in cities

3.4 Reconciling adaptation and mitigation in cities: Part II - The application basis: Mainstreaming into the
planning process

Chair: Alberto Terenzi


Moderators: Peleikis, J., Terenzi, A., Dawson, R.


Meeting room 17





1.2 Entrepreneurs in adaptation – making it happen!

Chair: Susanne Pedersen


Speakers and moderators: Pedersen, S., Hezel, B., Steen, J., Swart, R., Singh, S., Pranov, H., Payen, S., Coninx, I.


Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Wednesday pm


Adaptation in cities



16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30



17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


3.8 Urban adaptation action – a multi-level governance issue

Chair: Julia Peleikis


Nieto Silleras, S. : EU and Urban Climate Adaptation

Bender, S.:  Adaptation strategies: Looking for best practices only can lead to deadlock

Vetter, A.: Challenges of adaptation to climate change in municipalities – experiences from a workshop series in Germany

Duarte Santos, F.: Large scale municipal adaptation to climate change: Portuguese case study - ClimAdaPT.Local project

Hudekova, Z.: Local climate adaptation in Bratislava

De Paula Domingos, N.: Gaps and opportunities in Rio de Janeiro’s adaptation strategy


Auditorium 10

Regional challenges and opportunities



16:30 – 16:50




16:50 – 17:10




17:10 – 17:30



17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30


10.2 Adaptation to Climate Change in European Mountain Regions


Chair: Wolfgang Lexer


Leroy, E.: New tools to explore sustainable water management adaptation strategies in mountain areas and to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and its uptake by the public

Keuschnig, M.: High-Alpine infrastructures – towards a climate-sensitive risk management: an example from the Kitzsteinhorn, Hohe Tauern, Austria

Chomat, G.: The contribution of the Alpine Convention to climate change adaptation in the Alpine region

Lexer, W.: The Climate Adaptation Platform for the Alps: usable knowledge provision for decision makers in a transnational cooperation approach

Werners, S.: Carpathian integrated assessment of vulnerability to climate change and adaptation measures

Szalai, S.: Adaptation to climate change in the Carpathian Convention


Auditorium 11




16:30 – 16:50



16:50 – 17:10




17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30


2.1 Economic Instruments of Adaptation

Chair: Alessio Capriolo


Gebhardt, O.: Economic assessments for climate change adaptation in urban planning: The case of Jena, Germany

Schasfoort, F.: Efficient adaptation pathways for the Rotterdam area, Making decisions based on uncertain costs and benefits of adaptation strategies to cope with increasing flood risk

Lokers, R.: A tool to communicate economic assessments of regional adaptation strategies

Bachner, G.: Land Transport Systems under Climate Change: A Macroeconomic Assessment of Adaptation Measures for the Case of Austria

Erangu Purath Mohankumar, S.: An integrated decision support framework to evaluate farm-level adaptations to climate change

Parrado, R.: Climate change impacts and market driven adaptation: The costs of inaction including market rigidities


Auditorium 12






16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


2.5 An integrated perspective on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Insights from global economic models

Chair: Enrica De Cian


Held, H.: Climate Policy Under Uncertain and Heterogeneous Climate Damages

Emmerling, J.: Sharing of Climate Risks across World Regions

Bosello, F.: Catastrophic risk, precautionary abatement, and adaptation transfers

Ahlert, G: Integrated impact assessment of climate change and alternative adaptation measures

Hof, A.: Effort sharing taking into account adaptation costs and climate change damage

De Cian, E.: Building Uncertainty into the Adaptation Cost Estimation in IAMs


Auditorium 15

Adaptation Policy and Governance




16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10



17:10 – 17:30





17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30


6.3 Institutional Economics of Climate Change Adaptation

Chair: Christoph Oberlack, Klaus Eisenack, Matteo Roggero



Jones, R.: The institutional economics of rapid and unpredictable climate change

Bergsma, E.: Institutional economics of flood damage compensation: a comparative analysis between the Netherlands and the United States

Root, L.: Mainstreaming local climate adaptation investments using municipal income: Analyzing actors, adaptation, and context using simulation gaming

Bisaro, A.: Nature-related transactions analysis of finance for coastal adaptation

Villamayor-Tomàs, S.: Disturbance characteristics and transaction costs: an institutional economics approach to adaptation strategies in five Spanish irrigation systems

Oberlack, C.: Diagnosing Institutional Traps, Trade-offs and Opportunities for Climate Adaptation: A Meta-Analysis of Case-Study Evidence from Europe


Meeting room 5

Adaptation in different sectors


16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10




17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30


4.2 Adaptation to changing flood risk

Chair: Heidi Kreibich, Sergiy Vorogushyn


Srisawalak, O.: Thailand’s 2011 Flood: Household Damages, Compensation and Natural Catastrophe Insurance

Bubeck, P.:  Potential of flood-damage reducing measures implemented by households to address current and future flood risk

Yang, L.: Assessment of Flood Losses with Household Responses: Agent-based Simulation in an Urban Catchment Area

Matczak, P.: Comparing apples to oranges. Flood Risk Governance Arrangements in six European countries

Kaufmann, M.: The two tales of one concept - Comparing the implementation of a flood risk concept in the Netherlands and Flanders

Corbishley, C.: Adaptation pathways - an approach for managing flood risk


Meeting room 18

Climate services and communication


16:30 – 16:50



16:50 – 17:10

17:10 – 17:30




17:30 – 17:50




17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


8.4 Communicating for a resilient future

Chair: Christian Bjørnæs



Howarth, C.: Co-producing climate communication: incorporating practitioner knowledge in the IPCC Process

Young, C.: Building resilience through narratives

Jakobsen, A. S.: Information? Dialogue? Involvement? How strategic and planned stakeholder communication creates added value in climate  adaptation projects

Pedoth, L.: Co-creation and communication of knowledge as common requirement for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction: experiences

Vulturius, G.: Can Climate Change Communication effectively promote adaptation?

Kunttu, S.: Uncertainty communication between researchers and decision makers by visualizations


Meeting room 19







16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10



17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:10




18:10 – 18:30


1.1 Adapting to Extreme Events: risk transfer and insurance provision in the EU and its member states

Chairs: Swenja Surminski, Franz Prettenthaler, C. Dionisio Pérez-Blanco


Mysiak, J.: Partnerships for affordable and equitable insurance provision

Hudson, P.: Implications of risk based insurance premiums for flood preparedness and affordability of coverage

Lorant, A.: The European Solidarity Fund, its past performance and recent reforms

Hanger, S.: Designing national flood insurance systems: the equity-efficiency trade-off

Köberl, J.: Financial risk transfer mechanisms – Comparison of alternative national systems for managing flood risks and quantifying capital requirements

Panel discussion


Meeting room 20






16:30 – 16:45

16.45 – 17:15


17.15 – 17:45


17.45 – 18:20

18.20 – 18:30

1.1 Collaborating to adapt – partnerships that deliver

Chair: Susanne Pedersen


Introduction from Chair

Presentation: Vejle project, Southern Jutland, Denmark by Stjernholm, H. and Frederiksen, L.)

Presentation: Frihamnen project, Gothenburg, Sweden by Moback, U. and Morrison, G.

Roundtable discussion, moderated by Templar, R.

Closing remarks


Meeting room 16

Social Science and participation

Workshop 7.2 The role and use of Participatory Methodologies in Climate Change Adaptation

Chair: Filipe Moreira Alves


Moderator and Facilitator: Alves, M., Hastrup, A., Holscher, K.


Meeting room 17

Adaptation in different sectors



16:30 – 16:50



16:50 – 17:10



17:10 – 17:30




17:30 – 17:50




17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30


4.6 Cross-scale linkages between Nordic and global mitigation and adaptation in the land use sector: results from NORD-STAR

Chair: Martin Persson


Wiréhn, L.: AgroExplore – Assessing Agricultural  Vulnerability in the Nordic Countries to Support Strategic Climate Adaptation

Woods, B.: Farmer Perceptions of Climate Change and Likely Responses in Danish Agriculture

Nainggolan, D.: Modelling Autonomous Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector and the Environmental-Economic Implications in the Nordic Region

Olsson, O.: Understanding the linkages between land-based adaptation and mitigation – a systematic literature review and a conceptual framework

Neset, T.: A typology of maladaptation: assessing risks for maladaptive action within Nordic agriculture

Godar, J.: Adaptation in a telecoupled world: linkages between mitigation and adaptation at Nordic and global scales in the land use sector


Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Thursday am


Adaptation in different sectors



08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30



09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

4.9 Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation and disaster risk reduction

Chair: David Vackar


Harmáčková, Z.: Ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation in vulnerable natural areas

Zölch, T.: Integrating the ecosystem-based approach in municipal adaptation strategies: the case of Germany

Zandersen, M.: Payment for ecosystem services – paying farmers for using farmland for flood control

Riise, J.: creating new values using intelligent stormwater management

Pártl, A.: Integrated assessment of the environmental risk for ecosystem services provision in the Czech Republic

Kloos, J.: The role of ecosystem-based Adaptation and Eco-DRR – Some insights from Dassari watershed in North-West Benin


Auditorium 10

Adaptation in different sectors



08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10




09:10 – 09:30



09:30 – 09:50



09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

4.7 Climate change adaptation and public health

Chair: Hans Sanderson  and Michael Goodsite


Allex, B.: Elderly and migrants under urban heat pressure - Results of two climate change adaptation studies.

Spadaro, J.: Health and Economic Impact of Threshold Temperature on the Effectiveness of a Heat Warning System: A Case Study for the City of Madrid, Spain

Aaheim, A.: Impacts of climate change on health and their economic consequences in Europe.

Chiabai, A.: Evaluating health watch warning systems in a changing climate: A cost-benefit analysis for the city of Madrid.

Higgins, S.: Mental health and climate change: Costing impacts and assessing adaptation options in England.

Eggen, B.: Adaptation for the UK's Health and Care System


Auditorium 11

Regional challenges and opportunities



08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30



09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

10.5 Adapting the Baltic Sea region to a changing climate

Chair: Maxi Nachtigall



Reckermann, M.: Hot-spot Baltic Sea – expected climate change and its impacts on Europe’s first macro-region

Nachtigall, M.: A climate adaptation strategy for the Baltic Sea region

Andersson, L.: A road-map for mainstreaming climate adaptation in Sweden – reflections from the work on a governmental missions

Uustal, T.: Developing Estonia’s National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change

Menshova, Y.: Local climate adaptation in the Baltic Sea region – the St Petersburg case

Gudzuks, G.: At the nexus between adaptation and mitigation – low carbon development policy implementation in the Baltic Sea region


Auditorium 12

Adaptation Policy and Governance


08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30



09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

6.6 Supporting Adaptation by cross-sectoral climate risk and vulnerability assessments

Chair: Inke Schauser


Füssel, H. M.: The fourth generation of European-wide climate change impact assessments – lessons and outlook

Köchy, M.: Modelling European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security (FACCE MACSUR)

König, M.: Economic Evaluation of Climate Impacts - Blueprint and Application for Austria

Koellner, P.: Climate-related risk assessment in Switzerland: Experiences and lessons learned

Lückenkötter, J.: Methodological approach for assessing climate impacts and identifying spatial patterns of climate change for the German Adaptation Strategy

Kahlenborn, W.: Sectoral and cross-sectoral vulnerabilities in Germany


Auditorium 15

Adaptation in cities



08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

3.4 Operationalizing local adaptation: transition towards urban climate resilience

Chair: Maddalen Mendizabal, Efren Feliu


Lu, P.: The transitional pathway of urban resilience in coping with flood risk – case studies in Tainan and Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Madsen, H. M.: Change in the Urban Water Management Regime – Successful Technology and Institutional Pathways



Bosch, P.: Climate Proof Cities – How Dutch cities can prepare themselves for climate change impacts

Klostermann, J.: Monitoring of adaptation in municipalities

Structured discussion about the conceptual-methodological framework.


Meeting room 5







08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30



09:30 – 09:50



09:50 – 10:10




10:10 – 10:30

5.3 Assessing the impact of adaptation strategies on reduced vulnerability of economies to energy-related climate impacts

Chair: Douglas Crawford-Brown


Azevedo, M.: Adapting power generation to climate change impacts

Crawford-Brown, D.: Climate change and robust decision-making in the wind energy sector

Eleftheriadou, A.: The application of high resolution seasonal models for the energy performance of buildings

Lu, P. J.: Electricity generation system in Taiwan: Risks under climate change

Votsis, A.: Synthesising climate change scenarios, impacts and adaptation information in an EU-wide GIS framework

Leonardsen, L.: Closing summary: Implications of the findings for Copenhagen’s climate adaptation programme


Meeting room 18

Adaptation Policy and Governance




08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

6.1 The innovation of adaptation policies across scales

Chairs: Eric Massey, Dave Huitema, Robbert Biesbroek



Huitema, D.: Innovations in Climate Governance - A conceptual framework and an introduction of COST Action INOGOV

Austin, S.: Public Health Adaptation to Climate Change in Canadian Jurisdictions

Juhola, S.: Institutionalisation of climate policy: The role of national boundary organisations

Joerin, J.: Are there adaptation barriers? Experiences from Switzerland

Lasage, R.: Assessment of European regional adaptation strategies

Jensen, A.: Climate Policy integration across Europe: Assessing adaptation policy through national adaptation strategies


Meeting room 19

Dealing with risks




08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30



09:30 – 09:50



09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

9.5 Climate change adaptation in the context of extremes: Exploring drought and flooding governance

Chairs: Alison L Browne, Catherine Butler


Soomro, A. A.: Identification and effectiveness of autonomous adaptation strategies in Thar Desert Pakistan.

Browne, A.: Governing for drought and water scarcity adaptation in the context of flooding recovery: The curious case of Somerset, UK.

Haanpää, S.: Privatizing the risk of floods – discussing the multiple implications of changes in flood insurance policies in Finland

Walker-Springett, K.: Flooding on the Somerset Levels: An opportunity for greater public participation in governance?

Alexander, M.: In the pursuit of resilience – just how future-proof is England to flooding.

Panel discussion on Climate change adaptation in the context of extremes – exploring drought and flooding governance. Chaired by Butler, C.


Meeting room 20

Adaptation in cities



08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10





09:10 – 09:30



09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

3.5 Smart and Resilient cities: ideas and practices from the South of Europe

Chair: Adriana Galderisi


Zucaro, F.: Between smart and resilient city: the integrated Urban Saving Energy Model (UrbanSEM)

Saretta. E.: Smart and Resilient Initiatives in Italian cities: methods and tools for promoting cross-sectoral strategies for climate mitigation and adaptation

Atun, F.: Enhancing urban resilience through a knowledge management framework on disaster risk reduction action in Italy and Spain

Olazabal, M.: Grassroots of local climate action in Italy and Spain

Balaban, O.: Lessons for a Resilient Future: Roadblocks to Climate Change Adaptation in Turkish Cities

Thoidou, E.: From sustainable cities to resilient cities and smart cities: discussing EU policies and some evidence from Greece


Meeting room 16

Adaptation in cities


3.5 Green over grey for storm water management? Exploring the potential of Green Infrastructure for enhancing urban adaptation to climate change

Chair: Alice Reil


Speakers: van den Bosch, C. K., Bertule, M.


Meeting room 17

Social Science and participation


7.1 Local community and citizen knowledge – how can it steam up the adaptation process and move science-practice-interaction to a new quality? 

Chair: Birgit Kuna, Andreas Baumgärtner


Paulot, S.: Experiences from Madagascar

Born, M.: Climate Change Adaptation within regions in Germany (KLIMZUG)

Vogel, K., Schmidt, A.: The social dimensions of climate change: Inter- and transdisciplinary research on regional perceptions and actions

Riaz, B. K.: Climate Change and local health issues

Suthhof, A.: Toolbox for local knowledge integration in Europe and developing countries


Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Thursday am/pm


Climate services and communication




11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00

12:00 – 12:20




12:20 – 12:40


12:40 – 13:00


8.2 Implementing climate services in support of adaptation action – a European perspective

Chairs: Tobias Fuchs, Mary Power, Katrine Krogh Andersen, Jacqueline Flückiger Knutti


Lúcio, F.: Status of implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)

Street, R.: Implementing climate services to support adaptation action –understanding the role of providers and purveyors in a national context

Salomon Hess, M. : DMI Climate Services

Gregow, H.: Climate Service Centre of the Finnish Meteorological Institute develops the climate services to meet the various needs of users of climate information

Flückiger Knutti, J.: The National Centre for Climate Services in Switzerland

Fuchs. T.: Implementing climate services to support adaptation action – national GFCS implementation in Germany


Auditorium 10

Adaptation in different sectors


11:00 – 11:20

11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20


12:20 – 12:40


12:40 – 13:00


4.5 Managing Flood risk in the EU

Chair: Jeroen Aerts


Aerts, J. C. J. H.: Towards Multi Sectoral Partnerships for managing flood risk in the EU

Van Rijswick, H.: Improving flood risk governance: opportunities and barriers stemming from a combined social science and legal analysis

Hunt, A.: The economics of adaptation to climate change

de Lannoy, T.: The EC and disaster risk reduction and flood risk management

Quarmby, P.: Adapting to changing circumstances: the Thames Estuary 2120 plan

Panel discussion

Auditorium 11





11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:40


11:40 – 12:00



12:00 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:40


12:40 – 13:00


5.1 Resilience of the transport sector as a condition for climate change adaptation

Chair: Christophe Heyndrickx


Sanderson, M.G.: Analogues for the Railway Network of Great Britain

Burbidge, R.: Adapting aviation to a changing climate

Jaroszweski, D.: Projecting the potential impact of climate change on transport: modelling and data requirements

Ciari, F.: Impact of extreme weather events on the transport system: a test case study for Zurich

Stamos, I.: Improvement of transport networks resilience against extreme weather events

Aparicio, A.: Emerging challenges for transport adaptation in Europe: a research agenda for a long term vision


Auditorium 12

Adaptation Policy and Governance


11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00



12:00 – 12:20




12:20 – 12:40



12:40 – 13:00


6.6 Supporting Adaptation by cross-sectoral climate risk and vulnerability assessments

Chair: Inke Schauser


Avelar, D.: Innovative approach to the development of a transdisciplinary adaptation strategy - an example from the Madeira islands

Schneiderbauer, S.: Vulnerability assessment in practice: impact chains and their analysis for cross-sectorial evaluation

Tapia, C.: Revisiting urban vulnerabilities and risks: an integrated climate change vulnerability and risk assessment for European cities

Jenkins, K.: A probabilistic risk based approach to addressing impacts of climate change on cities: The Urban Integrated Assessment Facility (UIAF)




Betschart, M.: Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment in Switzerland: Case Study Canton of Basel


Auditorium 15

Dealing with risks


11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:40



12:40 – 13:00


9.1 Beyond risk - engaging for action

Chair: Celeste Young


Jones, R.: Engaging in Systemic Risk – beyond risk or transcending it

Rémy, E.: Urban Climate Adaptation and Stormwater Planning: Flexibility is Key to Robustness

Schneider, T.: Business solutions for adaption to climate change

Street, R. : Effective knowledge exchange to motivate adaptation action – learning from the

built environment and infrastructure sectors

Guedes, G.: Protective Actions under Flood Hazards: theoretical modelling and empirical evidence for Brazil

Lynch, Y.: Accelerating adaptation in Melbourne: The role of transparency and citizen participation


Meeting room 5

Adaptation in cities



11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:40



12:40 – 13:00


3.7 The impact of climate change on the planning and architectural design

Chair: Vladan Djokić


Cisar, S.: Energy planning or how to plan a zero emission community

Dubois, C.: The climate change adaptation roadmap; a novel tool to support architects and urban designers

Chung, Y: How to deal with a rapid climate change in infrastructure and architecture?

Kallaos, J.: Embodying resilience in urban development processes: suggestions for the future

Visconti, C.: Innovative Water Concepts: Sustainable regeneration and climate change adaptation in East Napoli

Hill, A.: A compass for urban scale sustainability


Meeting room 18

Dealing with risks



11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:40



12:40 – 13:00


9.2 Quantifying impacts of 2° C global warming for Europe

Chair: Daniela Jacob


Sobolowski, S.: Europe at the 2C threshold: cause for concern

Donnelly, C.: How might European Water Resources Change as a Result of a Two Degree Global Warming?

Damm, A.: Assessing the impacts of 2 °C global warming on winter tourism demand in Europe

Tsanis, C.: Mapping the vulnerability of European summer tourism at a 2oC globally warmer climate

Williges, K.: Assessing the adaptive capacity and vulnerability of the European agricultural sector to droughts under 2° C of global warming

Brown, S.: Exploring the impacts and the benefits of climate mitigation and adaptation in  European coastal zones


Meeting room 19

Adaptation Policy and Governance



11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40




11:40 – 12:00



12:00 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:40



12:40 – 13:00


6.2 Drawing Lessons from National Experiences of Adaptation Planning and Strategy Making

Chair: Duncan Russel


Massey, E.: Handling adaptation policy choices in Sweden, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands

Jacob, J.: Mainstreaming adaptation to climate change (ACC) within government agencies: why are some civil servants more responsive and purposeful than others?

Jeuken, A.: Adaptivity in the Dutch Delta Program 

Lexer, W.: The national adaptation policy process in Austria: Activities, status, performance, and lessons learned

Porter, J.: Do we need more information? Exploring the Enablers and Barriers to Climate Adaptation in British Local Government 

Vinke-de Kruijf, J.: Drawing lessons about climate change adaptation: what European countries learn from each other and under what conditions are they likely to do so?


Meeting room 20

Adaptation in cities




11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:40


11:40 – 12:00



12:00 – 12:20


12:20 – 12:40



12:40 – 13:00


3.9 Blue Ap LIFE+ project: Urban Adaptation Plan in Bologna (Italy) - talking to other parts in Europe

Chair: Sergio Castellari


Gueze, R.: The BLUE AP project: An Adaptation Plan for the City of Bologna

Bono, L.: Has Blue Ap delivered a realistic Action Plan for Bologna?

Pelizzaro, P.: What experiences showcase real resilience?: The Blue Ap Bologna as resilient city project case study

Filpa, A.: How a National Strategy for Climate Adaptation can stimulate a local plan?

Howarth, C.: Adapting to weather and climate extremes in Europe: a toolkit for effective adaptation practices for heat waves and flooding

Panel discussion

Meeting room 16

Social Science and participation



11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00



12:00 – 12:20




12:20 – 12:40




12:40 – 13:00


7.1 Social Science Support to Adaptation Strategies

Chair: Karl-Heinz Simon



Babcicky, P.: The two faces of social capital in private flood mitigation: opposing effects on risk perception and response capacity

Chiang, Y. C.: Risk perception on cross-regional coastal pollution in the context of climate change. A case study of Hakka community of Taiwan

Hoffmann, E.: Learning from extreme weather events in German utilities: how sense making influences private adaptation

Tjørring, L.: We forgot half of the population! An anthropological investigation of the significance of gender in energy renovation projects

Washington-Ottombre, C.: Regime shifts and land-use adaptations to climate and variability in semi-arid lands around Mt Kenya: a spatial and temporal cross-scale synthesis

Blocher, J.: Charcoal production in Tanzania: exploring the role of migration in adaptation and maladaptation


Meeting room 17


5.1 Energy sector adaptation: Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) workshop on adaptation alternatives with energy sector stakeholders

Chair: Jyri Hanski


Moderator and facilitator: Rosqvist, T., Hanski, J.


Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Thursday pm


Midday Plenary

Jean Palutikof, Griffith University

Chaired by Richard Klein, Stockholm Environment Institute

Auditorium 10

Midday Plenary

Hans von Storch, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht

Chaired by Jürgen Kropp, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Auditorium 11

Midday Plenary

Panos Fetsis, EU LIFE Projects – Neemo EEIG

Chaired by Tony Rosqvist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Auditorium 12

Posters and Expo


Thursday am


Closing plenary

Claus Kondrup, DG Climate Action, Adaptation Unit
Amanda Cockroft, Climate-KIC Nordic

Behnam Shirazim, Guitarist

Open panel debate: Outcomes of ECCA2015 and road ahead to ECCA2017.

Moderated by Martin Watson

Adaptation Futures 2016; Jean Palutikof
ECCA 2017; Paula Harrison


Auditorium 15






Tuesday am


Opening plenary

Welcome – moderated by: Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Hans Sanderson, ECCA2015 chair

Brian Bech Nielsen, President of Aarhus University

Lykke Leonardsen, City of Copenhagen



Kurt Vandenberghe, Director, Climate Action and Resource Efficiency

Presentation of the three hosting European projects: BASE, RAMSES and ToPDad

Hans Bruyninckx, Director, European Environment Agency (EEA)

Kirsten Brosbøl, Minister of Environment, Denmark

Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Danish Meteorological Institute
Henk Ovink,
Special Envoy on International Water Affairs for the Kingdom of The Netherlands

Mohammad Reza Mortazavi, percussions

Panel discussion: Adaptation challenges and opportunities.

Moderated by Sandrine Dixson-Declève between the four strands of the conference:


Business: Bente Pretlove DNV GL; Christina Busk (DI); Rasmus Valanko (WBCSD)

Research: Frans Berkhout (Kings College) & Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen (DMI)

Practitioners: Lykke Leonhardsen (Copenhagen) & Henk Ovink (Netherlands)

Policy: Kurt Vandenberghe (DG CA&RE); Hans Bruyninckx (EEA); Kirsten Brosbøl (Danish Environment Minister)

 10, 11 & 12

Posters and Expo


Tuesday pm


Midday Plenary

Jiang Tong, China Meteorological Administration

Chaired by María Máñez Costa, Climate Service Center 2.0

Auditorium 10

Midday Plenary

Frans Berkhout, Kings College, London

Chaired by Michael Goodsite, Syddansk University

Auditorium 11

Midday Plenary

Claus Kondrup, DG Climate Action, Adaptation Unit

Sarah Hendel-Blackford, Ecofys UK

Linda Romanovska, Fresh Thoughts Consulting

Chaired by Tiago Capela Lourenço, University of Lisbon

Auditorium 12

Posters and Expo


Tuesday pm


European Commission - Plenary Session


14:00 – 14:30



0.1 - European Research and Innovation Roadmap for Climate Services

Chair: Marco Gemmer, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation

Panel: Jacob, D., Parry, M., Street, R.

Auditorium 10

14:35 – 16:00

0.2 - Adaptation Futures 2016 outreach to scientific community

Chair: Marco Gemmer, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation



Palutikof, J., Parry, M., Klein, R., Gemmer, M., Ovink, H.

Auditorium 10


Adaptation in different sectors



14:00 – 14:20



14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00




15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00

4.3 Adapting to Climate Change in Tourism: The role of Weather and Climate Services

Chair: Franz Prettenthaler


Köberl, J.: WEDDA® (Weather Driven Demand Analysis) – A toolbox for managing weather and climate risks in tourism and recreation

Cavan, G.: The importance of tourist type in understanding weather and climate driven demand sensitives

Dunn, M.: IMPRESSIONS: Using visualisations of future climate analogues and contingent ranking to explore potential impacts on the Scottish economy of changed tourist preferences due to climate change related landscape change

Preuschmann, S.: How Climate Services help to adapt to a changing climate

Prettenthaler, F.: WEDDA-4CPI: The use of climate demand models for planning climate proof investments

Podium discussion

Auditorium 11

Adaptation Policy and Governance


14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00

6.5 Multi-level government and climate change adaptation: reconciling bottom-up and top-down perspectives?

Chair: Duncan Russel


Oberlack, C.: Alleviating barriers to urban climate change adaptation through international cooperation

Den Uyl, R.: Understanding decision making capacity (or the lack of it) to address climate change in settings with unreconciled bottom-up and top-down perspectives

Hildén, M.: What happens locally and why - The relationship between central policy and local action in adaptation in Finland

Pütz, M.: Dealing with problems of fit by rescaling: Multilevel governance of climate change adaptation in Switzerland

Washington-Ottombre, C.: Polycentric Governance and Irrigation Reform in Kenya

Lawrence, J.: The relationship between institutional frameworks and adaptation practice: a country study from New Zealand

Auditorium 12

Adaptation Policy and Governance


14:00 – 14:20



14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00

15:20 – 15:20

15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


6.7 Tracking adaptation to climate change

Chair: Robbert Biesbroek, James Ford, Lea Berrang-Ford



Lesnikowski, A.: Applications in adaptation tracking: A longitudinal assessment of adaptation progress among high-income countries

Massey, E.: The emergence of climate change adaptation as a new field of public policy in Europe

Trabacchi, M. C.: The Landscape of Adaptation Finance

Araos, M.: Adaptation in large cities: a global assessment

Beckmann, K.: Tracking Adaptation in Scotland: ‘The How and the Why’

Zoller, M.: Evaluation of climate change adaptation in Switzerland

Auditorium 15

Adaptation in cities


3.1 Case Copenhagen - Part 1: The way we achieved everyday benefits from integrated blue-green climate adaptation Part 1: The efficient process

Chair: Lykke Leonardsen


Speakers: Leonardsen, L., Bernt Hasling, A., Clauson-Kaas, J., Rafn Thomsen, F.

Meeting room 5

Adaptation in different sectors



14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00



15:20 – 15:20



15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00

4.10 Safeguarding our Shores: Social and Cultural Dimensions of Coastal Climate Change Adaptation in Europe and the U.S

Chair: Grit Martinez


Martinez, G: Why do social-cultural aspects matter when it comes to safeguarding our shores?

Van Dongeren, A.: Coastal risk reduction. Converging approaches in the U.S. and the Netherlands?

Bergsma, E.: Adapting to increased flood losses in flood damage compensation: A comparative analysis of the U.S. and The Netherlands

Waldmann, C.: Bottom-up approaches in adapting to a changing climate: Perspectives from the West Coast of the U.S. and why they could matter for Europe

Davies, M.: Coastal Climate Change Adaptation for Scotland’s Historic Environment

Stelljes, N.: A comparison of local adaptation strategies - Results from a qualitative data analysis of nine coastal adaptation strategies

Meeting room 18

Regional challenges and opportunities


14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00



15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


10. 4 Adaptation policies and measures in the Mediterranean region

Chairs: Sergio Castellari, Dr. Silvano Pecora, Jaroslav Mysiak


Castellari, S.: Adaptation Strategic Planning toward a NAS in Italy

De Salvo, M.: Climate change impact on wheat in the Mediterranean Region

Pérez Blanco, C. D.: Costs and benefits of incremental water pricing in agriculture. Lessons from the Regione Emilia Romagna in Italy

Colaço, M.: How the multi-sector partnerships can contribute to enhance territory resilience to wildfires in Portugal

Pecora, S.: Climate variability and change in the Emilia Romagna Region – Regional Climate atlas

Sandor, S.: Adaptation in the water sector in Hungary


Meeting room 19

Social Science and participation


14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40




14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40



15:40 – 16:00


7.3 Unpacking the co-production of knowledge in adaptation to climate change

Chair: David Porter


Jones, R., Young  C: Integrating theory and practice in adaptation research and implementation

Bergsma, E.: The relationship between experts and democratic actors in the co-production of knowledge on flood damage compensation: The case of flood insurance reform after hurricane Katrina

Bremer, S.: The TRACKS approach to place-based climate knowledge co-production

Von Storch, H.: Developing the concept of regional climate service – 15 years of coastal applications

Lee, H-C: Community Influence in Adaptation to Climate Change: The Role of Local Knowledge and Co-Production of Knowledge in a Coastal City –Tainan, Taiwan

Van Nieuwaal, K.: Co-production of knowledge in adaptation to climate change: empirical results and lessons learnt from The Netherlands

Meeting room 20

Adaptation in different sectors







4.2: Visualising Sea-Level Rise: Bridging the Gap between Science and Adaptation

Chair: Diogo De Gusmão-Sørensen


Speakers and Moderators: Grinsted, A., Svenstrup Petersen O., de Gusmão-Sørensen, D., Rasmussen, J.


Meeting room 16

Adaptation in cities


3.1. Addressing urban climate challenges: Climate Services, Living Labs and Learning Alliances Chair: Rob Swart


Speakers: Robrecht, H., Coninx, I., Swart, R.


Meeting room 17

Social Science and participation


7.3 Youth workshop

Chair: Olav Hesseldahl


With Students from Copenhagen International School and Faxehus  Efterskole (Boarding School)

Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Tuesday pm


Adaptation Policy and Governance


16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30

6.4 Adaptation Frameworks – can one size fit all?

Chair: Sarah Boulter



Webb, B.: Designing adaptation support: addressing common and differentiated needs

Young, C.: The problem solution process framework for adaptation practitioners

Boulter, S.: The Natural Resource Management Checklist: A national framework for adaptation

Dias, L.: Practical application of the UKCIP Adaptation Wizard support framework to 29 Portuguese municipalities: transferability, contexts, barriers and levers

Beck, C.: Climate Change Adaptation and Transformation through an Ecoregion Placemaking Approach

Hamden, R.: Adaptation Planning in the Torres Strait and South Australia– A case study comparison of two different cultures and communities


Auditorium 10

Adaptation in different sectors



16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


4.1 Reducing Coastal Vulnerability in Europe: science, policy and application

Chair: Ap Van Dongeren


Martinez, G.: Social-cultural aspects in coastal vulnerability and risk reduction: perspectives for end-users and policymakers

Viavattene, C.: Socio-economic aspects for  regional scale vulnerability and risk assessment – vulnerability library

Vojinovic, Z.: Risk Assessment aspects: development of the Risk Assessment Framework and onTology (RAFT)

Manojlovic, N.: Hamburg: Holistic approach to flood risk management in the Elbe Estuary

Armaroli, C.: Emilia-Romagna Coast: Coastal threats and measures

Bramati, M. C.: Environmental conflicts in coastal areas: a quantitative approach


Auditorium 11

Regional challenges and opportunities


16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:30


10.3 Adaptation without Borders? How policy and practice can address the indirect impacts of climate change

Chairs: Magnus Benzie, Henrik Carlsen


Carlsen, H.: Introducing a pathway-based conceptual framework to identify the indirect impacts of climate change

Canevari, L.: Adaptation beyond the firm: the role of networks in business environments

Hedlund, J.:  A global index of exposure to the indirect impacts of climate change and examples from Sweden

Carter, T.: Addressing implications of the indirect impacts of climate change for Europe exemplified with the case of Finland

Panel with: Andersson, L., Carlsen, H., Canevari,L., Carstens, C., Hildén, M.


Auditorium 12

Adaptation Policy and Governance


16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10



17:10 – 17:30



17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


6.7 Tracking adaptation to climate change

Chair: Robbert Biesbroek, James Ford, Lea Berrang-Ford



Leiter, T.: Tracking adaptation to climate chance across scales: avenues and practical approaches

Capela Lourenço, T.: The dynamics of local climate change adaptation in Portugal: tracking down action in front-runner municipalities

Kingsborough, A.: Linking monitoring and evaluation with risk assessment and decision making for climate change adaptation: demonstration of an integrated approach

Driscoll, P.: Bridging the QUAN/QUAL divide in comparative climate change planning

Vinke-de Kruijf, J.: Evaluation and comparison of adaptation actions: a diagnostic and process-oriented approach

Panel chaired by Biesbroek, R.,  James, J., Berrang-Ford, L.


Auditorium 15

Adaptation in cities


3.2 Case Copenhagen - Part 2: The way we achieved everyday benefits from integrated blue-green climate adaptation - Part 2: The tools, documentation, financing and implementation

Chair: Lykke Leonardsen


Speakers: Leonardsen, L., Hasling, A. B., Clauson-Kaas, J., Thomsen, F. R., Weiss Garne, T., Bach, O.


Meeting room 5




16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30

5.2 The role of critical infrastructures in disaster risk mitigation

Chair: Elco Koks and Lorenzo Carrera


Pant, R.: Understanding national scale systemic risks due to critical infrastructure network failures

Nicolai, R.: Flood risk assessment for the port of Rotterdam infrastructure

Mysiak, J.: Disruption of a drainage infrastructure system: economic outcomes and risk mitigation policies

Kellermann, P.: Frequency analysis on critical meteorological conditions in a changing climate - Assessing future implications for railway transportation in Austria

Harjanne, A.: Potential of intramodal and cross-modal substitution in enhancing the resilience of air transport – Evidence from European airports

Master, E.: Ventura, A strategy for public infrastructure resilience: Case study of El Salvador in Central America

Meeting room 18

Adaptation Policy and Governance


6.1 Monitoring, reporting and evaluation of climate change adaptation at national level

Chair: Stéphane Isoard


Speakers: Nieto-Silleras, S., Isoard, S., Thompson, D., Schönthaler, K., McCallum, S., Mullan, M.

Meeting room 19

Regional challenges and opportunities


16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30



17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


10.1 Climate Change & Societies’ Adaptive Capacity in the Arctic - In a Multi-Level and Interdisciplinary Perspective

Chair: Michael Goodsite


Davidsdottir, B.: Potential Impact of Adapting Energy Supply System to Climate Change in Iceland     

Pacheco, V.: Impact Benefit Agreements as Mechanisms for Climate Change Adaptation

Muir, M.: Indigenous Participatory Engagement in Circum-Arctic Adaptation Through the Arctic Council and National Structures and Processes

Cassotta, S.: Climate Change and Human Security in a Multi-Level Dimension: The Case of the Arctic Ocean with the Role of China as an Unpredictable Variable for Arctic Security

Goodsite, M.: Adaptation to Climate Change for Military and Research Camps in the Arctic: New Bases – Old Challenges

Wrapping up the Session & Reflections on Future Directions


Meeting room 20

Climate services and communication


8.2 What’s needed to turn climate information into climate services for Europe?

Chairs: Bernd Hezel, Richard Klein, Christian Bjørnæs

Meeting room 16

Adaptation in cities


3.1 Addressing urban climate challenges: Climate Services, Living Labs and Learning Alliances

Chair: Jonas Bylund


Speakers: Robrecht, H., Swart, R., Coninx, I.

Meeting room 17



5.2 Sustainable Dredging Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation: Solutions from the European Dredging Community

Chair: Polite Laboyrie


Speakers: Kropp, J., De Boissezon, B., de Boer, P., Malfère, V., Malherbe, B., Sansoglou, P.

Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Wednesday am


Climate services and communication



08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50

09:50 – 10:10

10:10 – 10:30

8.3 Curating climate impact information and adaptation know-how for local adaptation planning — suitable instruments, formats and media

Chair: Bernd Hezel


Dittrich, R.: The role of flood action groups in the uptake of flood mitigation measures in Scotland

Groot, A.: Closing the gap: How boundary workers can bridge the gap between climate impact information provided and its application by users

Hackenbruch, J.: Identifying practical climate parameters for regional adaption planning

Van de Ven, F.: Adaptation Support Toolbox

Meinke, I.:  Providing information – enabling knowledge

Terenzi, A., Mendizabal, M.: Co-creating climate and adaptation knowledge: Experiences from the RAMSES project


Auditorium 10

Dealing with risks




08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

9.4 High-end climate change: Can we adapt to extreme futures?

Chairs: Paula Harrison, Richard Betts and Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla


Betts, R.: Scenarios of climate change impacts and adaptation above 2oC global warming

Alfieri, L.: Ensemble evaluation of the future flood risk in Europe under high-end climate scenarios

Rounsevell, M.: Evaluating the performance of models of impacts and adaptation under high-end climate change

Sanchez-Arcilla, A.: Adaptive coastal zones: A concept to improve natural resilience in the face of climate change

Frantzeskaki, N.: Linking transformative visions, pathways and solutions to high-end climate change: A systems approach

Science-policy panel with:  Gemmer, M., Manoli, E., Betts, R.,  Sanchez-Arcilla, A.  


Auditorium 11

Adaptation in different sectors


08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30



09:30 – 09:50



09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

4.8 Drivers for decision making amongst forest owners

Chair: Bill Slee


Yousefpour, R.: Forestry professional´s perceptions of climate change, impacts and adaptation strategies for forests in South-West Germany

Petr, M.: Understanding of quantified and perceived uncertainty affecting forest planners decision-making

André, K.: The role of social networks in communicating knowledge on climate change adaptation among forestry stakeholders in Sweden

Lawrence, A.: From nursery to saw mill: stakeholder perspectives driving conifer diversification in public and privately owned forests

Vulturius, G.: Assessing and explaining individual engagement with climate change adaptation and preferences for adaptation measures

Panel discussion with introduction from Eriksson, H. and presenters.


Auditorium 12





08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

2.3 Economics of Adaptation – European Case Studies on the Costs and Benefits of Climate Change and Adaptation

Chair: Sven Schulze


Jahn, M.: Regional costs and benefits of adaptation to extreme weather events: A SCGE framework

Koks, E.: The economic-wide consequences of large-scale floods. How resilient is the European economy?

Drosdowski, T.: Germany and extreme weather events: Do investments in adaptation measures pay off?

Bednar-Friedl, B.: Direct and indirect effects of climate change on public budgets: A CGE analysis for Austria

Perrels, A.: The economic impacts of climate change on critical infrastructure in Europe

Standardi, G.: Assessing the economic equilibrium effects of sea level rise in the Italian regions


Auditorium 15

Adaptation in cities




08:30 – 08:50



08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

3.2 Integrating adaptation and mitigation strategies in urban areas: The UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities

Chair: Stelios Grafakos


Pacteau, C.: Exploring the interrelationships between adaptation and mitigation strategies in urban areas: The UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities

Schwarze, R.: Economics, finance and the role the private sector in climate change action of cities - a survey and assessment

Jean-Baptiste, N.: Integrating adaptation and mitigation in the housing sector

Pelizzaro, P: SEAP and LAP (Local Adaptation Plan) development Participatory Process:  Critical points and Opportunities

D'Acci, L.: Integrating low carbon and climate adaptation benefits in an integrated Sustainability Benefits assessment methodology

Panel discussion: Lessons learned from selected cities integrating adaptation and mitigation strategies


Meeting room 5

Adaptation in different sectors


08:30 – 08:35

08:35 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:25


10:25 – 10:30

4.11 ToPDAd-tools for adaptation in energy, transport and tourism
Chair: Tony Rosqvist


Rosqvist, T.: ToPDAd’s objectives vs. ToPDAd output

Perrels, A.: Review of sector level effects in Europe: scenarios, adaptation options, costs

Aaheim, A.: The dependency on economic development for adaptation to climate change

Crawford-Brown, D.: Sectors’ vulnerability assessment – Case energy, transport, tourism

Lokers, R.: An integrated view on regional and sector assessments

Prettenthaler, F.: Toolbox for managing wheather related risk in the tourism sector

Rosqvist, T.: Closing remarks


Meeting room 18

Adaptation in cities



08:30 – 08:50

08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50



09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

3.3 Developing and implementing local adaptation strategies – approaches and support for local governments

Chair: Steffen Bender


Hutt, L.: Support for local government in England

Masselink, L.: Method for mainstreaming climate change into municipal spatial planning

Bosch, P.: Linking adaptation to asset management: a planning tool

Glavan, J.: Utilizing Blue Carbon bundeled with ecosystem services as part of National Climate Change Adaptation Strategies

Chiang, Y. C.: Community-based empowerment mechanism for climate adaptation – A case study of flood-prone urban area of Taiwan

Groth, M.: How to adapt to climate change – challenges for cities


Meeting room 19






08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10

09:10 – 09:30

09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

1.3 A systems perspective for smarter cities: Resilience requires integrated, co-designed, adaptation and mitigation strategies

Chair: Asuncion Lera St. Clair


Mangalagiu, D.: Systems thinking and complex systems approaches to better understand urban resilience

Christiansen, A.: A systems perspective for resilient cities

Baron, G.: The Transformation to Resilient Cities

Ramanarayanan, V.: Understanding and developing a tiered structure for defining Smart Sustainable Cities

Ikert, A.: Examples of Creative Solutions and Resilience from C40 megacities and innovator cities

Panel discussion, moderated by Asuncion Lera St. Clair


Meeting room 20

Climate services and communication

8.1 User’s feedback on climate change adaptation platforms

Chair: André Jol


Speakers: Jol, A., Street, R., Mattern, K., Grøndahl, L., Picatoste Ruggeroni, J. R.


Meeting room 16

Adaptation in different sectors

4.3 Governing climate adaptation: how to promote change towards more flood resilient cities in northern

Chair: Peter Driessen


Speakers: Raadgever, T., van Rijswick, M., van Veelen, P., Green, C. or Alexander, M., Nickson, A., Ek, K. / Pettersson, M., Moback, U., Liefferink, D.


Meeting room 17

Adaptation in different sectors

4.4 From Water to Growth in urban areas

Chair: Mikkel Thomassen


Speakers: Rungø, M., Bundsgaard, J., Gjeraa, A. M., Hedensted, D., Thomassen, M., Hinsby, P.


Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Wednesday am/pm


Climate services and communication



11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00



12:00 – 12:20


12:20 – 12:40




12:40 – 13:00


8.3 Curating climate impact information and adaptation know-how for local adaptation planning — suitable instruments, formats and media

Chair: Bernd Hezel


Grothmann, T.: Reducing the gap between climate services and their potential users: Psychological surveys as a means for developing effective communication instruments

Seebauer, S.: How to approach citizens about prevention? The potential of volunteer workers in disaster emergency and relief services as risk communicators

O’Dwyer, B.:  Ireland's Climate Information Platform - Enabling Local-level Adaptation Planning in


Hoogvliet, M.: The Dutch Web Portal for Spatial Adaptation


Avelar, D.: Using a game approach to support decision-makers’ appraisal of climate adaptation measures: an example from the water utility sector


Fish bowl panel, moderator: Bernd Hezel


Auditorium 10

Adaptation in cities



11:00 – 11:20

11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20


12:20 – 12:40


12:40 – 13:00


3.10 Urban green as part of an effective local adaptation strategy

Chair: Frans van de Ven


Splittgerber, V.: Green City Solutions - The CityTree

Martinussen, P.: Excess green areas in social housing neighborhoods present cities with a storm water solution. – And could it potentially be a win - win?

Rémy, E.: Creating Green, Water Sensitive Streets the Danish Way – Developing and Designing with and for the Citizens

Groot, H. : Building with Nature in urban areas: Climate adaptation in the Rotterdam harbour region, the Netherlands

Zardo, L.: Nature-based urban planning: enhancing green areas design for local climate regulation

Snep, R.: Implementing local adaptation strategies that incorporate urban green – lessons from green city practice


Auditorium 11

Adaptation in different sectors


11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00



12:00 – 12:20

12:20 – 12:40


12:40 – 13:00


4.8 Drivers for decision making amongst forest owners

Chair: Bill Slee


Vedel, S. E.: Forest owner´s social preferences for the provision of forest ecosystem services

Blennow, K.: Adapting to indirect effects of climate change – motivations and attitudes among European forest owners towards supplying biomass as feedstock for energy

Mäkinen, K.: Biodiversity conservation in a changing climate – limits and opportunities for adaptation in Finland´s privately owned forests

Dunningham, A.: Decision making in forestry enterprises

Jönsson, A. M.: Tool development for analyzing forest owners´ strategies to manage risks and adapt to climate change

Panel discussion with introduction from Normark, E. and presenters.


Auditorium 12





11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40


11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20



12:20 – 12:40


12:40 – 13:00


2.2 Comparing costs and benefits of adaptation implemented by different actors

Chair: Jana Koerth, Daniel Osberghaus


Harmáčková, Z.: Economic assessment of grey and green climate change adaptation options: contrasting urban and natural environment.

Kreibich, H.: Efficiency of private precautionary measures for fluvial flood risk reduction in a changing environment

Mees, H.: Flood risk management at property level: a matter of costs and benefits?

Da Silva, L.: Coastal management in a changing climate: A cost-benefit perspective for 5 coastal communities in Quebec, Canada

Alves, F.: Cost-benefit analysis in climate change: the use of participatory methodologies

Kutluay, M.: Valuing malaria morbidity: Results from a global meta-analysis


Auditorium 15

Adaptation in cities



11:00 – 11:20



11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20

12:20 – 12:40


12:40 – 13:00


3.1 Understanding and supporting adaptation decision-making in Nordic built environments: results from NORD-STAR

Chair: Richard Klein


Landauer, M.: The influence of socio-cognitive and cultural factors on adaptation and mitigation decision-making and planning in Copenhagen

Baron, N.: Understanding controversies in urban climate change adaptation: a case study of the role of homeowners in the process of climate change adaptation in Copenhagen

Fazeli, R.: Short-run and long-run climate change impacts on residential electricity consumption

Opach, T.: Participatory mapping of resilience indicators

Glaas, E.: VisAdaptTM: Interactive visualization of climate change risks and adaptation options for Nordic homeowners

Klein, J.: Steering with soft policy instruments: is adaptation a private good?


Meeting room 5

Social Science and participation


11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:40


11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20


12:20 – 12:40



12:40 – 13:00


7.2 Decision support in climate change adaptation – Supply and demand side perspectives

Chair: Sabine Weiland, Volker Meyer, Oliver Gebhardt


Mattern, K.: Decision support for adaptation at European level - The European Climate Adaptation Platform

Goossen, W. J.: Making decision support tools with stakeholders: practice from The Netherlands

Kind, C.: Evaluating a decision support tool with users from municipalities

Lawrence, J.: A decision tool in practice: experiencing deep uncertainty that changed the game

Capela Lourenço, T.: Understanding adaptation related decision-making under uncertainty: will ‘high-end’ scenarios require ‘high-end’ decision-making frameworks

Harley, M.: Supporting adaptation decision-making in the Netherlands: learning through effective monitoring


Meeting room 18

Adaptation in cities



11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:40

11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20


12:20 – 12:40


12:40 – 13:00


3.6 Reconciling adaptation and mitigation in cities: Part I - The science basis: Recent methodological advances

Chair: Efren Feliu


Ford, A.: Reconciling Adaptation and Mitigation in Cities: The RAMSES Integrated Assessment modelling approach

Viguie, V.: Urban containment and vulnerability to heat waves

Roose, A.: Imagining urban futures in climate change strategy-making – agility and novelty of small nation

Sjödin, A.: Integration of adaptation and mitigation in risk management – a local perspective

Caparros-Midwood, D.: Optimised spatial planning to reconcile adaptation and mitigation objectives

Grafakos, S.: Barriers and opportunities of integrated climate change and adaptation: Exploring interrelationships between adaptation and mitigation actions in urban areas


Meeting room 19

Adaptation in different sectors



11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:40



11:40 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:20


12:20 – 12:40


12:40 – 13:00


4.4 Governance of Drought Adaptation in Europe: Different Regions, same Challenges?

Chair: Rodrigo Vidaurre, María Mañez, Jenny Tröltzsch


Cremades, R.: Extreme events and the value of climate services for agricultural stakeholders in India

Giordano, R.: System Dynamic Modelling to assess the effectiveness of drought risk management policies at local level: some hints from the Apulia region (Southern Italy)

Lizjenga,  S.: The DROP-project, benefit of governance in drought adaptation

Iglesias, A.: Adaptation to less water in the future: Acceptance of solutions by local communities in the Tagus basin, Spain

Bressers, H.: Multilevel governance affecting regional drought adaptation measures

Pedersen, A. B.: Barriers and opportunities in European agricultural climate adaptation – four case studies on farmer climate adaptation to droughts and flooding


Meeting room 20



Meet the buyer – Event

Chair: Douglas Crawford-Brown


Meeting room 16

Adaptation in different sectors

4.3 Governing climate adaptation: how to promote change towards more flood resilient cities in northern Europe

Chair: Peter Driessen


Meeting room 17

Adaptation in cities

3.6 Cities and climate change impacts – Bridging the scales between case studies and large scale city analysis

Chair: Diego Rybski


Speakers and moderator: Hargreaves, A., Farmani, R., Butler, D., De Ridder, K., Lauwaet, D., Hooyberghs, H., Maiheu, B., Lefebvre, W., Alistair, F.


Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Wednesday pm


Midday Plenary

Connie Hedegaard (KR Foundation)

Chaired by André Jol, EEA

Auditorium 10

Midday Plenary

Rasmus Valanko (WBCSD)

Chaired by Paula Harrison, University of Oxford

Auditorium 11

Midday Plenary

Bente Pretlove (DNV GL)

Chaired by Rob Swart, Wageningen University

Auditorium 12

Posters and Expo


Wednesday pm


European Commission - Plenary Session



14:00 – 14:20



14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00


15:00 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


0.3 Nature-based solutions for Climate Change Adaptation: Research and Innovation Opportunities for Europe

Chair: Eleni Manoli, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation


de Boissezon, B.: A new EU Research and Innovation policy perspective on Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation

Berry, P.: Research & Innovation perspectives towards the development of Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation

Ruijs, A.: Experiences and lessons learnt from nature based solutions for safeguarding water safety

Perini, L.: Coastal threats in the Emilia-Romagna region and potential measures

Robrecht, H.: Resilient cities: Opportunities for nature-based solutions


Auditorium 10




14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


2.6 Economic Costs and Benefits of Climate Adaptation in Cities

Chair: Helia Costa, Graham Floater


Costa, H.: Climate change, heat stress and labour productivity: a framework for assessing adaptation costs in the city economy

Kropp, J.: Coastal floods threatening European cities – a large scale damage function assessment

Grafakos, S.: Estimating cost/effectiveness curves of urban adaptation measures in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Foudi, S.: Urban ecosystem services from green roofs: costs, benefits and uncertainties at the city scale

Rendon, O.: How best to adapt? CBA of three adaptation approaches to flood risk management for the city of Leeds, UK

Mendoza, D.: Multi-City Flood Footprint Assessment

Auditorium 11

Climate services and communication


14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40



14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20

15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


8.5 A framework for regional modeling- supporting adaptation to climate change

Chair: Daniela Jacob


Madsen, M. S.: On procedures for providing climate scenario data for impact and adaptation studies

Schanze, J.: From coupled impact modelling to indicator-based risk evaluation- An integrated regional climate change risk assessment approach

Van den Hurk, B.: Analysis of a compounding surge and precipitation event in the Netherlands

Kolstad, E.: Regional climate Service in western Norway

Brown, S.: From impacts to adaptation: Changing perspectives in managing sustainable coastline

Calmanti, S.: Modeling chains supporting adaptation studies in Africa


Auditorium 12





14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00

15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40




15:40 – 16:00


2.4 Adapting to a changing climate: the role for economic analysis in policy

Chair: Michael Mullan


Mullan, M.: Economics of adaptation: experiences within OECD countries

Watkiss, P.: Updated Review of the Cost and Benefits of Adaptation: Evidence, Lessons and Policy Insights

Fankhauser, S.: The Use of Economics in UK Adaptation Policy

Kind, J.: Cost-Benefit Analysis for Political Decisions on Flood Risk Management in The Netherlands

Atkinson, E.: Economic analysis and Canada’s “Adaptation Platform”: multi-sector and cross- jurisdictional collaboration to generate economic knowledge and tools to support adaptation decision-making

Panel discussion


Auditorium 15

Climate services and communication


14:00 – 14:20



14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00




15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


8.1 Ingredients for effective communication of climate change knowledge

Chair: Jean Palutikof


Giupponi, C.: Options for climate change adaptation measures in Europe: the Climate-ADAPT Platform for informing policy/decision makers

Charron, I.: A tool to communicate to the adaptation community: a guidebook on climate scenarios

Olofsson, J.: Educating the next generation decision makers - the multi-disciplinary classroom as a platform for developing communication skills needed for future progress of adaptation measures

Flood, S.: How to communicate climate change for decision-making? Learning-by-asking.

Voeller, S.: New Paths for Climate Change Communication to the Young

Nielsen, O. M.: Using social media in climate adaptation projects – the Laasby case


Meeting room 5

Adaptation in different sectors


14:00 – 14:20

14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20


15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


4.2 Adaptation to changing flood risk

Chair: Heidi Kreibich, Sergiy Vorogushyn


Coelli, F.: The impact of floods on firms' performance

Löwe, R.: Accounting for Urban Development and Flood Risk in an Integrated Modelling Framework

Thieken, A.: Assessing future flood risks and adaptation options in an Alpine watershed

Garrett, P.: Flood Risk and Vulnerability mapping in Climate Change scenarios – A tool for the insurance industry

Haasnoot, M.:  (Economic) tipping points for adapting flood risk management to climate change in the EU

Dittes, B.: Making adaptable decisions on flood protection infrastructure in the face of climate change uncertainty: A Bayesian framework


Meeting room 18

Dealing with risks



14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20

15:20 – 15:40



15:40 – 16:00


9.3 What do have climate change action and disaster risk management in common? Explore it!

Chair: Leitner Markus


Pulquerio, M.: Exploiting synergies: a vision for CCA and DRR cooperation by 2020

Pringle, P.: Linking CCA and DRR: Creating a space for dialogue and knowledge exchange

Sfetsos, A..: A pan-European framework for strengthening Critical Infrastructure resilience to climate change - EU-CIRCLE

Bosch, P.: Resilient Cities and Infrastructure - RESIN project

Hama, A. M.: Downscaling IPCC’s Global Reasons for Concern to Build Resilience at the Local Level via Climate Sensitive Risk Management – Insights from the ARISE Project

Jebens, M.: Coastal flooding in Denmark. How can DRM and CCA be improved and coordinated?


Meeting room 19





14:00 – 14:20


14:20 – 14:40


14:40 – 15:00


15:20 – 15:20



15:20 – 15:40


15:40 – 16:00


1.2 Climate change and power infrastructure: Adaptation needs of electric power systems

Chair: Elizabeth Durney


Quan Luna, B.: Risk based adaptation of electrical substations,  Integration of Bayesian Networks in a GIS environment

Staid, A.:  Sensitivity of the U.S. power system to climate-induced  changes in tropical cyclone impacts

Jones, F.: From reactive to proactive: getting adaptation on the agenda in a high renewables future

Groth, M.: Climate change adaptation strategies within the framework of the German Energiewende – Is there a need for government interventions and legal obligations?

Eisenack, K.: Adapting long-lived infrastructure to uncertain climate change

Bolle, A. C.: Multi-purpose hydropower projects. A sustainable approach to climate change adaptation


Meeting room 20

Adaptation in different sectors

4.1 Adapting to climate change in the coastal zone: How do we support decision makers to take up the challenge?

Chair: David Rissik


Moderators: Boulter, S.

Speakers: Rissik, D., Hamden, R.


Meeting room 16

Adaptation in cities

3.4 Reconciling adaptation and mitigation in cities: Part II - The application basis: Mainstreaming into the
planning process

Chair: Alberto Terenzi


Moderators: Peleikis, J., Terenzi, A., Dawson, R.


Meeting room 17





1.2 Entrepreneurs in adaptation – making it happen!

Chair: Susanne Pedersen


Speakers and moderators: Pedersen, S., Hezel, B., Steen, J., Swart, R., Singh, S., Pranov, H., Payen, S., Coninx, I.


Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Wednesday pm


Adaptation in cities


16:30 – 16:50

16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:10

18:10 – 18:30


3.8 Urban adaptation action – a multi-level governance issue

Chair: Julia Peleikis


Nieto Silleras, S. : EU and Urban Climate Adaptation

Bender, S.:  Adaptation strategies: Looking for best practices only can lead to deadlock

Vetter, A.: Challenges of adaptation to climate change in municipalities – experiences from a workshop series in Germany

Duarte Santos, F.: Large scale municipal adaptation to climate change: Portuguese case study - ClimAdaPT.Local project

Hudekova, Z.: Local climate adaptation in Bratislava

De Paula Domingos, N.: Gaps and opportunities in Rio de Janeiro’s adaptation strategy


Auditorium 10

Regional challenges and opportunities



16:30 – 16:50



16:50 – 17:10



17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


10.2 Adaptation to Climate Change in European Mountain Regions


Chair: Wolfgang Lexer


Leroy, E.: New tools to explore sustainable water management adaptation strategies in mountain areas and to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and its uptake by the public

Keuschnig, M.: High-Alpine infrastructures – towards a climate-sensitive risk management: an example from the Kitzsteinhorn, Hohe Tauern, Austria

Chomat, G.: The contribution of the Alpine Convention to climate change adaptation in the Alpine region

Lexer, W.: The Climate Adaptation Platform for the Alps: usable knowledge provision for decision makers in a transnational cooperation approach

Werners, S.: Carpathian integrated assessment of vulnerability to climate change and adaptation measures

Szalai, S.: Adaptation to climate change in the Carpathian Convention


Auditorium 11




16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10




17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30


2.1 Economic Instruments of Adaptation

Chair: Alessio Capriolo


Gebhardt, O.: Economic assessments for climate change adaptation in urban planning: The case of Jena, Germany

Schasfoort, F.: Efficient adaptation pathways for the Rotterdam area, Making decisions based on uncertain costs and benefits of adaptation strategies to cope with increasing flood risk

Lokers, R.: A tool to communicate economic assessments of regional adaptation strategies

Bachner, G.: Land Transport Systems under Climate Change: A Macroeconomic Assessment of Adaptation Measures for the Case of Austria

Erangu Purath Mohankumar, S.: An integrated decision support framework to evaluate farm-level adaptations to climate change

Parrado, R.: Climate change impacts and market driven adaptation: The costs of inaction including market rigidities


Auditorium 12





16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10

17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


2.5 An integrated perspective on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Insights from global economic models

Chair: Enrica De Cian


Held, H.: Climate Policy Under Uncertain and Heterogeneous Climate Damages

Emmerling, J.: Sharing of Climate Risks across World Regions

Bosello, F.: Catastrophic risk, precautionary abatement, and adaptation transfers

Ahlert, G: Integrated impact assessment of climate change and alternative adaptation measures

Hof, A.: Effort sharing taking into account adaptation costs and climate change damage

De Cian, E.: Building Uncertainty into the Adaptation Cost Estimation in IAMs


Auditorium 15

Adaptation Policy and Governance


16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10



17:10 – 17:30



17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30


6.3 Institutional Economics of Climate Change Adaptation

Chair: Christoph Oberlack, Klaus Eisenack, Matteo Roggero



Jones, R.: The institutional economics of rapid and unpredictable climate change

Bergsma, E.: Institutional economics of flood damage compensation: a comparative analysis between the Netherlands and the United States

Root, L.: Mainstreaming local climate adaptation investments using municipal income: Analyzing actors, adaptation, and context using simulation gaming

Bisaro, A.: Nature-related transactions analysis of finance for coastal adaptation

Villamayor-Tomàs, S.: Disturbance characteristics and transaction costs: an institutional economics approach to adaptation strategies in five Spanish irrigation systems

Oberlack, C.: Diagnosing Institutional Traps, Trade-offs and Opportunities for Climate Adaptation: A Meta-Analysis of Case-Study Evidence from Europe


Meeting room 5

Adaptation in different sectors


16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10



17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30


4.2 Adaptation to changing flood risk

Chair: Heidi Kreibich, Sergiy Vorogushyn


Srisawalak, O.: Thailand’s 2011 Flood: Household Damages, Compensation and Natural Catastrophe Insurance

Bubeck, P.:  Potential of flood-damage reducing measures implemented by households to address current and future flood risk

Yang, L.: Assessment of Flood Losses with Household Responses: Agent-based Simulation in an Urban Catchment Area

Matczak, P.: Comparing apples to oranges. Flood Risk Governance Arrangements in six European countries

Kaufmann, M.: The two tales of one concept - Comparing the implementation of a flood risk concept in the Netherlands and Flanders

Corbishley, C.: Adaptation pathways - an approach for managing flood risk


Meeting room 18

Climate services and communication


16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10

17:10 – 17:30



17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


8.4 Communicating for a resilient future

Chair: Christian Bjørnæs



Howarth, C.: Co-producing climate communication: incorporating practitioner knowledge in the IPCC Process

Young, C.: Building resilience through narratives

Jakobsen, A. S.: Information? Dialogue? Involvement? How strategic and planned stakeholder communication creates added value in climate  adaptation projects

Pedoth, L.: Co-creation and communication of knowledge as common requirement for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction: experiences

Vulturius, G.: Can Climate Change Communication effectively promote adaptation?

Kunttu, S.: Uncertainty communication between researchers and decision makers by visualizations


Meeting room 19






16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30


17:30 – 17:50


17:50 – 18:10



18:10 – 18:30


1.1 Adapting to Extreme Events: risk transfer and insurance provision in the EU and its member states

Chairs: Swenja Surminski, Franz Prettenthaler, C. Dionisio Pérez-Blanco


Mysiak, J.: Partnerships for affordable and equitable insurance provision

Hudson, P.: Implications of risk based insurance premiums for flood preparedness and affordability of coverage

Lorant, A.: The European Solidarity Fund, its past performance and recent reforms

Hanger, S.: Designing national flood insurance systems: the equity-efficiency trade-off

Köberl, J.: Financial risk transfer mechanisms – Comparison of alternative national systems for managing flood risks and quantifying capital requirements

Panel discussion


Meeting room 20





16:30 – 16:45

16.45 – 17:15


17.15 – 17:45


17.45 – 18:20

18.20 – 18:30

1.1 Collaborating to adapt – partnerships that deliver

Chair: Susanne Pedersen


Introduction from Chair

Presentation: Vejle project, Southern Jutland, Denmark by Stjernholm, H. and Frederiksen, L.)

Presentation: Frihamnen project, Gothenburg, Sweden by Moback, U. and Morrison, G.

Roundtable discussion, moderated by Templar, R.

Closing remarks


Meeting room 16

Social Science and participation

Workshop 7.2 The role and use of Participatory Methodologies in Climate Change Adaptation

Chair: Filipe Moreira Alves


Moderator and Facilitator: Alves, M., Hastrup, A., Holscher, K.


Meeting room 17

Adaptation in different sectors



16:30 – 16:50


16:50 – 17:10


17:10 – 17:30



17:30 – 17:50



17:50 – 18:10


18:10 – 18:30


4.6 Cross-scale linkages between Nordic and global mitigation and adaptation in the land use sector: results from NORD-STAR

Chair: Martin Persson


Wiréhn, L.: AgroExplore – Assessing Agricultural  Vulnerability in the Nordic Countries to Support Strategic Climate Adaptation

Woods, B.: Farmer Perceptions of Climate Change and Likely Responses in Danish Agriculture

Nainggolan, D.: Modelling Autonomous Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector and the Environmental-Economic Implications in the Nordic Region

Olsson, O.: Understanding the linkages between land-based adaptation and mitigation – a systematic literature review and a conceptual framework

Neset, T.: A typology of maladaptation: assessing risks for maladaptive action within Nordic agriculture

Godar, J.: Adaptation in a telecoupled world: linkages between mitigation and adaptation at Nordic and global scales in the land use sector


Meeting room 7

Posters and Expo


Thursday am


Adaptation in different sectors



08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

4.9 Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation and disaster risk reduction

Chair: David Vackar


Harmáčková, Z.: Ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation in vulnerable natural areas

Zölch, T.: Integrating the ecosystem-based approach in municipal adaptation strategies: the case of Germany

Zandersen, M.: Payment for ecosystem services – paying farmers for using farmland for flood control

Riise, J.: creating new values using intelligent stormwater management

Pártl, A.: Integrated assessment of the environmental risk for ecosystem services provision in the Czech Republic

Kloos, J.: The role of ecosystem-based Adaptation and Eco-DRR – Some insights from Dassari watershed in North-West Benin


Auditorium 10

Adaptation in different sectors


08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

4.7 Climate change adaptation and public health

Chair: Hans Sanderson  and Michael Goodsite


Allex, B.: Elderly and migrants under urban heat pressure - Results of two climate change adaptation studies.

Spadaro, J.: Health and Economic Impact of Threshold Temperature on the Effectiveness of a Heat Warning System: A Case Study for the City of Madrid, Spain

Aaheim, A.: Impacts of climate change on health and their economic consequences in Europe.

Chiabai, A.: Evaluating health watch warning systems in a changing climate: A cost-benefit analysis for the city of Madrid.

Higgins, S.: Mental health and climate change: Costing impacts and assessing adaptation options in England.

Eggen, B.: Adaptation for the UK's Health and Care System


Auditorium 11

Regional challenges and opportunities


08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30



09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

10.5 Adapting the Baltic Sea region to a changing climate

Chair: Maxi Nachtigall



Reckermann, M.: Hot-spot Baltic Sea – expected climate change and its impacts on Europe’s first macro-region

Nachtigall, M.: A climate adaptation strategy for the Baltic Sea region

Andersson, L.: A road-map for mainstreaming climate adaptation in Sweden – reflections from the work on a governmental missions

Uustal, T.: Developing Estonia’s National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change

Menshova, Y.: Local climate adaptation in the Baltic Sea region – the St Petersburg case

Gudzuks, G.: At the nexus between adaptation and mitigation – low carbon development policy implementation in the Baltic Sea region


Auditorium 12

Adaptation Policy and Governance


08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10



10:10 – 10:30

6.6 Supporting Adaptation by cross-sectoral climate risk and vulnerability assessments

Chair: Inke Schauser


Füssel, H. M.: The fourth generation of European-wide climate change impact assessments – lessons and outlook

Köchy, M.: Modelling European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security (FACCE MACSUR)

König, M.: Economic Evaluation of Climate Impacts - Blueprint and Application for Austria

Koellner, P.: Climate-related risk assessment in Switzerland: Experiences and lessons learned

Greiving, S.: Methodological approach for assessing climate impacts and identifying spatial patterns of climate change for the German Adaptation Strategy

Kahlenborn, W.: Sectoral and cross-sectoral vulnerabilities in Germany


Auditorium 15

Adaptation in cities



08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10

10:10 – 10:30

3.4 Operationalizing local adaptation: transition towards urban climate resilience

Chair: Maddalen Mendizabal, Efren Feliu


Lu, P.: The transitional pathway of urban resilience in coping with flood risk – case studies in Tainan and Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Madsen, H. M.: Change in the Urban Water Management Regime – Successful Technology and Institutional Pathways



Bosch, P.: Climate Proof Cities – How Dutch cities can prepare themselves for climate change impacts

Klostermann, J.: Monitoring of adaptation in municipalities

Structured discussion about the conceptual-methodological framework.


Meeting room 5





08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

5.3 Assessing the impact of adaptation strategies on reduced vulnerability of economies to energy-related climate impacts

Chair: Douglas Crawford-Brown


Azevedo, M.: Adapting power generation to climate change impacts

Crawford-Brown, D.: Climate change and robust decision-making in the wind energy sector

Eleftheriadou, A.: The application of high resolution seasonal models for the energy performance of buildings

Lu, P. J.: Electricity generation system in Taiwan: Risks under climate change

Votsis, A.: Synthesising climate change scenarios, impacts and adaptation information in an EU-wide GIS framework

Leonardsen, L., et al.: Closing summary: Implications of the findings for Copenhagen’s climate adaptation programme


Meeting room 18

Adaptation Policy and Governance


08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:30


09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

6.1 The innovation of adaptation policies across scales

Chairs: Eric Massey, Dave Huitema, Robbert Biesbroek



Huitema, D.: Innovations in Climate Governance - A conceptual framework and an introduction of COST Action INOGOV

Austin, S.: Public Health Adaptation to Climate Change in Canadian Jurisdictions

Juhola, S.: Institutionalisation of climate policy: The role of national boundary organisations

Joerin, J.: Are there adaptation barriers? Experiences from Switzerland

Lasage, R.: Assessment of European regional adaptation strategies

Jensen, A.: Climate Policy integration across Europe: Assessing adaptation policy through national adaptation strategies


Meeting room 19

Dealing with risks



08:30 – 08:50


08:50 – 09:10



09:10 – 09:30



09:30 – 09:50


09:50 – 10:10


10:10 – 10:30

9.5 Climate change adaptation in the context of extremes: Exploring drought and flooding governance

Chairs: Alison L Browne, Catherin